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Explore your resources.

Find the tools and resources you need to plan, register, adjust, and maintain a college experience that will keep you on track toward your goals.

COLA professor in a classroom teaching a lecture.
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Keeping track of your progress.


The myBLUEprint tool helps you and your advisor track your academic progress and goals. You can access myBLUEprint from goPFW.


Review myBLUEprint.

Before you meet with your advisor, after registration, after grades are posted, and anytime you make big changes (like class schedule adjustments or switching majors).


Worksheets and accuracy.

A worksheet is a review of past, current, and planned coursework that provides information about completed and necessary requirements to fulfill a program. If you believe your worksheet is incorrect, consult your advisor. Even though we have worked closely with all departments to build these worksheets, unique situations or academic paths may not reflect correctly.


Making plans.

The Plans tool helps you determine the order you should complete required classes. A schedule of classes is available online shortly before registration. When the schedule of classes is released you can determine if a planned course is offered that semester. If your plan must be adjusted, contact your advisor for assistance. (Advisors can see your plan and participate in the planning process) There is a notes section within the plan that allows advisors to communicate additional information.


What if?

The What If feature within myBLUEprint allows you to hypothetically change your major, minor, or concentration. It will show you courses required for the hypothetical change; courses already taken that satisfy requirements; and courses still needed to complete the program. The following data elements should be populated when requesting a What If worksheet to ensure that the most accurate data is retrieved: catalog term, program, major, concentration (if applicable), and minor (if desired).



Term calculator (shows a cumulative GPA after filling in hypothetical grade information; utilizes earned credits, current GPA, and projected grades for in-progress courses to estimate a new GPA)

Graduation calculator (shows what GPA you must average over the remaining semesters in order to obtain your desired GPA at graduation)

Advice (shows you how many credits must be earned at a certain GPA to achieve your desired GPA)


Two-degree programs.

The myBLUEprint tool shows information for only one degree at a time. If you are in a dual-degree program, use the drop-down arrow under your degree information to view the second degree. If a second degree does not appear in the drop-down menu and you believe it should, contact your academic advisor.


Note the @ symbol.

The @ symbol is a wildcard. If it appears with a course number after it (e.g., @ 30000:49999), you can take any course number in that range in any subject. If it appears after the subject (e.g., PSY @), you can take any course within that subject.


Withdrawal Process

Dropping a course from your schedule.

There may come a time during your enrollment when you have a need to withdraw from one or more courses or even from PFW altogether. First, if you’re considering withdrawing from a course, please get advice before deciding. Talk to the following people or offices to get information:

  • Your professor can help you understand your grade and see if it is feasible to pass the course or work with them on an incomplete for that class. An incomplete will allow you to extend the deadline for the class and complete the work after the semester has ended.
  • Your academic advisor can assist you in understanding how the withdrawal will impact your degree plan.  
  • The Office of Financial Aid can help you know how the withdrawal will impact your financial aid, including scholarships and other grants.  
  • The Office of the Bursar will assist you in knowing if you owe (or will owe) any money to the university.

Second, it is important to know the deadlines for course drop and withdrawal. All students are subjected to the deadlines specified in the PFW Master Detail Calendar and the published Fee Refund Schedule. Additionally, you should ensure that you do not have any holds on your account. 

As a student, it is your responsibility to fully understand the information presented in the current Purdue University Fort Wayne catalog and to know and observe all university policies and procedures. Regulations may not be waived, nor are exceptions granted because you pleads ignorance of policies or procedures. Students should be aware of all published university registration and withdrawal deadlines. While academic advisors and other staff will assist in every way possible, you are responsible for following all policies and meeting all requirements and deadlines.

There is a refund period at the beginning of every semester. If you drop one or more classes during this period, your fees will be recalculated based on your liable credit hours. If your recalculated total liable credit hours are in the banded rate, no refund is calculated.

Day one is the first day of term and is part of term. All calendar days are counted, including weekends. If you withdraw from a class, the following refund schedule will apply:

Number of Weeks







Days 1–7

Days 8–14

Days 15–21

Days 22–28



Days 1–7

Days 8–14

Days 15–21

Days 22–28



Days 1–7

Days 8–14

Days 15–21

Days 22–28



Days 1–3

Days 4–7

Days 8–10

Days 11–14



Days 1–3

Days 4–7

Days 8–10

Days 11–14



Days 1–3

Days 4–7

Days 8–10

Days 11–14



Days 1–3


Days 4–7




Days 1–3


Days 4–7




Days 1–3


Days 4–7




Days 1–2


Days 3–4




Day 1


Day 2



Less than 1

Day 1





16-Week Term (Full Term)

  • Drop with Full Refund: January 13 - January 19, 2025
  • Withdraw with Partial Refund: January 20 - February 9, 2025
  • Withdraw with No Refund: February 10 - March 21, 2025

8-Week Term (First Half of Term)

  • Drop with Full Refund: January 13 - January 15, 2025
  • Withdraw with Partial Refund: January 16 - January 26, 2025
  • Withdraw with No Refund: January 27 - February 14, 2025

8-Week Term (Second Half of Term)

  • Drop with Full Refund: January 13 - March 19, 2025
  • Withdraw with Partial Refund: March 20 - March 30, 2025
  • Withdraw with No Refund: March 31 - April 18, 2025

The drop deadline applies to all students, but we understand that there can be serious and compelling reasons for not being able to drop your course(s) by the deadline. If extenuating circumstances prevented you from dropping your course(s) on time, you may be eligible to submit a Late Drop Petition.

The Office of Student Conduct and Care (OSCC) will serve as the primary point of contact for Late Drop petition requests.

A Late Drop Review Committee will review each petition. The committee will include the Director of OSCC, the Director of Financial Aid, the Bursar, the Registrar, and the Senior Director of First-Year Advising.

To be eligible for a Late Drop petition, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • The completed form must be submitted within 30 days of the census deadline for that term.
  • Petitions will only be considered if there were university errors or extenuating circumstances that prevented you from dropping the course(s) on time.

You will be required to provide documentation addressing your inability to drop your course(s) by the established and published deadline.


For more information, please click here.

For Regular, 16-Week Courses

Week 1 of Classes
During this add/drop period, you may do the following to revise your schedule by adding a class or dropping a class:

  • Go to goPFW portal
  • Click on the Registration card
  • Choose "View Your Class Schedule"

Instructor and advisor approval are not required to add or drop a class during the 100 percent refund period. For information related to the 100 percent refund period, please refer to the course fee refund schedule. 

Weeks 2–9
If withdrawing from a course during weeks 2-9, the course will show as a “W” on your transcript and will not impact your GPA. Please refer to the Fee Refund Schedule for refund information. Follow these steps to withdraw from a course during weeks 2-9:

  • Go to goPFW portal  
  • Go to the "Registration" card
  • Fill out the withdraw form with all the correct information. If any information is incorrect or incomplete, your request will not be processed.
  • You will receive an email confirmation upon completion, if you check the box at the bottom of the form. 

Note: If you simply stop attending, you are not withdrawn. It is your responsibility to withdraw from any class you do not intend to take or complete within the published deadlines.

The withdrawal deadline applies to all students. But we recognize that some there can be serious and compelling reasons for not being able to submit a withdrawal request by the stated deadline. A Request for an Exception to the Withdrawal Deadline is only considered if your situation meets all the following criteria:  

  • Is a nonacademic, extenuating circumstance beyond your control
  • Prevents you from from withdrawing by the deadline
  • Is supported by appropriate documentation

Your petition should explain the nature of the request and what extenuating circumstances prevented you from submitting a withdrawal before the official withdrawal deadline for the course(s). If you are making a selective request, they must clearly explain how the circumstances affected one or some of the courses and not all.

Supporting documentation is required and must be included in all petitions. This must speak to the extenuating circumstances presented in the statement. For medical documentation, we require a letter from a medical professional on letterhead attesting to your inability to withdraw by the deadline.  

Please be aware that approval of this request for an exception does not waive the charges for the approved courses. If you have an unpaid balance or wish to verify your account standing, please contact the bursar at [email protected] or 260-481-6824. The Office of the Bursar will work with you to provide available options for resolving balances and financial holds. Courses must be in withdrawn status before beginning the petition to the refund policy through the bursar. 

Request for an Exception to the Withdrawal Deadline

Fort Wayne Higher Education Consortium

The courses you need, when you need them.

The Fort Wayne Higher Education Consortium allows you to enroll in one course per semester (fall and spring only) at another institution if a course is full at the end of registration or if it is not offered during the current semester at Purdue Fort Wayne. You must have your academic advisor approve this course, and the credits will count on your PFW transcript. You can take advantage of this opportunity at one of the following institutions: Huntington University, Indiana Tech, Ivy Tech Community College, Manchester University, Trine University, or University of Saint Francis.

Student studying
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The consortium details.

For this opportunity, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Currently enrolled as an undergraduate degree-seeking student
  • Choose only one course through the consortium program during the fall and spring semesters (not available during summer sessions)
  • Enroll in at least one other course at Purdue Fort Wayne, and remain enrolled in that course during the entire semester

Note: If you drop all Purdue Fort Wayne courses, you will also withdraw from the consortium course.

To register for the consortium course you will need to take the following steps:

  • Register and pay for the Purdue Fort Wayne course; you will pay the regular per-credit-hour fee rate.
  • Print, complete, and sign the FWHEC Enrollment Request Form (or pick up a copy of the form from the Office of the Registrar).
  • Have your academic advisor sign the form.
  • Return the completed form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Student Residency

Residency details, guidelines, and classification form.

The university’s admissions teams determine your residence classification as part of the admissions process. This classification is determined by rules established for all Purdue Fort Wayne students by the trustees of Purdue University. If you think you have been classified incorrectly, you may apply for resident-student status. Review the following information to make sure that you are eligible before completing and submitting the Residence Classification Form and supporting documents to the Purdue Fort Wayne Office of the Registrar.

Have questions or need help with the residence reclassification process? We're happy to help! Schedule an appointment with us directly about any questions or concerns you may have.


Email us at [email protected] to schedule your appointment. 

  • Start by reading the Purdue residence classification policies and guidelines and the associated FAQ page, which will help you understand what qualifies as in-state status for Purdue tuition and fee purposes and what documents you will need to provide.
  • Complete and sign the Residence Classification Form and make copies of the supporting documents.
  • Submit the signed application and the required documentation through one of the following three options:
    • Mail.
      Purdue Fort Wayne Office of the Registrar 
      2101 East Coliseum Boulevard
      Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805
    • Deliver in person to the enrollment service center in Kettler Hall.
    • Contact our office at [email protected] or 260-481-6815 for a secure link to upload your documentation.
  • You must submit your form and supporting documents to the Office of the Registrar no later than 15 business days after the first day of classes of the academic semester or session for which reclassification is sought.
  • An email containing a decision or request for more information will be sent to the your PFW email address within 30 business days from time of application.

Note: Unsigned forms and documents are considered incomplete and will not be reviewed until they are signed. 

Our university definition of the term resident is different from the definitions developed by other nonuniversity agencies. Purdue University does not recognize declarations of resident status made by other agencies. Thus, a person who is an Indiana resident for tax or voting purposes, for example, may not qualify as a resident for Purdue University tuition and fee purposes.

For the purposes of this policy, a resident is a student who meets one the following criteria:

  • A student who is dependent upon his or her parent(s) or legal guardian and whose parent’s or legal guardian’s domicile is in Indiana
    • for a predominant purpose and
    • prior to the first day of classes of the academic semester or session for which residence classification is sought.
  • An independent student whose domicile is in Indiana for
    • a predominant purpose and
    • at least 12 continuous months directly preceding the first day of classes of the academic semester or session for which residence classification is sought.

A status whereby a student is responsible for their own financial needs, has not been dependent upon their parent or legal guardian for financial support for at least 12 months and cannot be claimed as a dependent on anyone else’s personal income taxes.

A person’s permanent home. A person has only one domicile at a given time, although that person may maintain more than one residence at a time. Establishment of a new domicile requires demonstration that the former domicile has been abandoned, with no intent to return. Regardless of age, a student’s domicile is assumed to be that of their parent(s) or legal guardian until such time as the student becomes independent.

Predominant Purpose
Residence in the state of Indiana for a primary purpose other than attending an institution of higher education.

Note: Per the Office of Legal Counsel, university regulations state that “half-time academic status” or more shows that the primary purpose of domicile in Indiana is education. Therefore, an independent student coming to Indiana for the purpose of attending school is not considered to have a primary purpose of becoming an Indiana resident, but rather is domiciled in Indiana to get an education. An independent student living in Indiana while attending school in half-time academic status or more would not be considered for in-state residency. The academic load amount of half-time or more is defined by the Department of Education and would be determined by a student’s classification as an undergraduate, graduate, or professional student. 

Additional policy information and definitions about residence classification of students can be found here.

If you are an international student and your citizenship status has changed and needs updated on your student record, please contact the Office of International Education for assistance.

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Students sitting outdoors

Credit Hours

Know our academic status.

Full-time | 12+ Credit Hours
Three-quarter-time | 9–11 Credit Hours
Half-time | 6–8 Credit Hours

Graduate and Professional
Full-time | 8+ Credit Hours
Three-quarter-time | 6–7 Credit Hours
Half-time | 4–5 Credit Hours

Bridge at sunset

Reverse Transfer

Apply your credits to an associate degree.

If you have previously completed at least 15 credit hours at Ivy Tech Community College or Vincennes University, you can transfer new credits earned at Purdue Fort Wayne back to your two-year institution to earn an associate degree.