If this is your first time logging in to the site, you’ll need to be granted permissions. After logging in, send a message to [email protected] saying that you need to be granted permissions in Drupal, and we will respond promptly.
You should see the Drupal admin toolbar at the top of the page above the university logo and header. If you don’t, click the gear icon at the bottom left, and it will expand. Seeing the top toolbar and bottom gear are how you know that you’re logged in.
Finding a Page
There are two ways that you can navigate to any particular page.
Find it through the site itself, just like a regular user would. (For example, open the hamburger menu, click Colleges and Schools, then find the College of Visual and Performing Arts card, then find the School of Music card, then click About Us in the School of Music navigation bar.)
Then, in the black bar at the bottom left of your page, click Edit.
Or find it through the Content view by following these steps:
Click the gear on the bottom left to make the admin toolbar appear.
Click Content in the admin toolbar. This will show a list of all pages and other pieces of content on the site.
Search for your page by the page title or unit name. For example, searching music brings up the page titled “School of Music - About Us.”
System Title and Title are different. A page’s Title (e.g., “About Us”) is what the user sees. But many pages on the site are named “About Us.” So the System Title has a more descriptive and unique name, including the unit that the page part of.
If you get too many results, try narrowing down your search to pages only by using the Content Type drop-down menu to select Page.
Click Edit on the right of that page’s table entry. If the Edit button does not appear, that means you have not been given permissions to access the content of that unit. You may be trying to edit the wrong page. If you’re sure that it’s the correct page, send a message to [email protected], and we’ll give you the needed permissions.
Once you’re editing the page you want, see this guide for more information.