Faculty senate
Senate Documents
- SD 24-1: Report to Fort Wayne Senate Regarding Summer Changes to the Organization
Amended and approved October 28, 2024 - SD 24-2: Reinstatement of the French Program
Amended and approved October 28, 2024 - SD 24-3: Elimination of Language Programs
Approved October 14, 2024 - SD 24-4: Filling Educational Policy Committee Vacancies to Enable the Committee to Convene and Conduct Business
Approved September 16, 2024 - SD 24-5: Approval of Replacement Members of the Grade Appeals Board, Programs Subcommittee, Academic Personnel Grievance Board, and Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 14, 2024 - SD 24-6: SEA 202 Intellectual Diversity Complaint Advisory Review Board
Amended and approved October 28. 2024 - SD 24-7: Filling Nominations and Elections Vacancy
Approved October 28, 2024 - SD 24-8: Approval of Replacement Members of the Educational Policy Committee, Nominations and Elections Committee, and Honors Program Subcommittee
Approved November 11, 2024 - SD 24-9: Approval of Doermer School of Business P&T Document
Approved December 9, 2024 - SD 24-10: Charge of the MAAS Committee
Approved December 9, 2024 - SD 24-11: Revision to the Senate Bylaws to Include Faculty Membership on the Campus Conduct Review Board
Approved December 9, 2024 - SD 24-12: Academic Regulations to Extend the Course Withdrawal Deadline
Approved January 13, 2025
- SD 22-1: Endorsement of Revision to Rachel Barney’s Anti-Authoritarian Code of Conduct
Approved September 12, 2022 - SD 22-2: Approval of Replacement Members of the Civics Literacy Proficiency Subcommittee, Professional Development Subcommittee, Campus Appeals Board, and Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 10, 2022 - SD 22-3: Amending the Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirements to Clarify “Passing”
Approved October 10, 2022 - SD 22-4: Access to Reproductive Health Care for All Benefited Purdue Employees
Approved October 10, 2022 - SD 22-5: Review of Sabbatical Application Rubric Developed by PDS for 2022–23
Amended and approved October 10, 2022 - SD 22-6: Review of the Created Equal Event on Campus on Tuesday, September 20
Amended and approved October 24, 2022 - SD 22-7: Approval of Revised Sabbatical Policy
Approved November 21, 2022
Supersedes SD 06-14 - SD 22-8: Support for WL Senate Document SD 22-08 Addressing the Negative Impact of Indiana Senate Bill I
Approved November 21, 2022 - SD 22-9: Filling Vacancies (Subcommittee Task Force)
Approved November 21, 2022 - SD 22-10: Public Sharing Information about Deaths of Students at PFW
Approved December 12, 2022 - SD 22-11: Update of Academic Regulation on Foreign Language Placement Processes
Amended and approved December 12, 2022 - SD 22-12: Approval of Replacement Member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved January 9, 2023 - SD 22-13: Guiding Principles of Promotion to Include Professors of Practice
Amended and approved January 9, 2023 - SD 22-14: Procedures of Promotion to Include Professors of Practice
Approved January 9, 2023
Rescinded April 10, 2023 - SD 22-15: Military Experience Policy
Approved January 9, 2023 - SD 22-16: Shared Governance and Consideration of Greek Life
Amended and approved January 9, 2023 - SD 22-17: Approval of School of Education Procedures for the Promotion of Clinical Faculty
Approved March 13, 2023
Amended April 24, 2023 - SD 22-18: Approval of Replacement Member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved February 13, 2023 - SD 22-19: Approval of Filling Vacancy on the International Education Advisory Subcommittee
Approved February 13, 2023 - SD 22-20: Approval of Senate to Clarify SD 18-15
Approved March 13, 2023 - SD 22-21: Academic Calendar for 2025–26
Approved March 13, 2023 - SD 22-22: Extension of Work Period for Senate Academic Regulations Task Force
Approved March 13, 2023 - SD 22-23: Support for WL University Senate Document SD 22-20 PNW Concerning Chancellor Thomas Keon’s Racist Comments
Approved March 13, 2023 - SD 22-24: Approval to Rescind SD 22-14 and Amend SD 14-36 to include Procedures of Promotion for Professors of Practice
Approved April 10, 2023 - SD 22-25: Commencement Ceremony Schedule
Amended and approved April 10, 2023 - SD 22-26: Request for Extension of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Community Engagement
Approved April 10, 2023 - SD 22-27: Purdue University Fort Wayne Absence Policies for Students
Amended and Approved April 17, 2023
Supersedes SD 11-7 - SD 22-28: Amendment to the Bylaws - Resolution to Update the Charge of the International Education Advisory Subcommittee
Approved April 17, 2023 - SD 22-29: Approval of Revision and Addition to the COS Promotion and Tenure Document
Approved April 17, 2023 - SD 22-30: Reminder to Our Administrative Leadership
Approved April 17, 2023 - SD 22-31: Recommendations for Policies for the Use of Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS) Data
Approved April 17, 2023
- SD 20-1: Resolution on Publicizing COVID-19 Statistics for Purdue University Fort Wayne
Amended and approved September 14, 2020 - SD 20-2: Endorsement of Rachel Barney’s Anti-Authoritarian Code of Conduct
Approved September 21, 2020 - SD 20-3: Withdrawal Policy for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 Semesters
Amended and approved September 21, 2020 - SD 20-4: Approval of Replacement Members of the Executive Committee
Approved September 21, 2020 - SD 20-5: Temporary Exemption from Procedures of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved October 12, 2020 - SD 20-6: Alignment of By-Laws with New Lecturer Promotion Procedures
Approved October 12, 2020 - SD 20-7: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Senate Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 12, 2020 - SD 20-8: Approval to Fill a Vacancy on the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved October 12, 2020 - SD 20-9: Holds for Academic Dishonesty
Amended and approved October 26, 2020 - SD 20-10: Guidelines for Keeping Campus Open During the Pandemic
Approved October 26, 2020 - SD 20-11: Academic Calendar for 2023–24
Approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-12: Requirements for Certificates
Amended and approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-13: Bylaw Change - Composition of Graduate Subcommittee
Approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-14: Instating Honors Pin Policy
ApprovedNovember 16, 2020 - SD 20-15: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Senate Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-16: Change to Pass/Not Pass Status for Fall 2020 Semester
Amended and approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-17: Advanced Credit Policy
Approved January 11, 2021 - SD 20-18: Revision of General Education Program
Failed March 22, 2021 - SD 20-19: Resolution to Discuss AAUP Financial Analysis of Purdue University Fort Wayne
Approved February 8, 2021 - SD 20-19a: Correct Numbers for FY2016
Added, February 15, 2021 - SD 20-20: Resolution of Appreciation for International Students at Purdue University Fort Wayne
Approved December 14, 2020 - SD 20-21: Resolution to Discuss Impact of Pandemic on Faculty
Approved January 11, 2021 - SD 20-22: Automatic Two-year Extension of Probationary Period - COVID Pandemic
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-23: COLA Senate Apportionment
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-24: College of Science Senate Apportionment
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-25: Approval to Fill a Vacancy on the Senate Library Subcommittee
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-26: COLA Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-27: College of Science Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved April 12, 2021
Amended, April 17, 2021–SD 22-29 - SD 20-28: COAS Governance Document Revisions Concerning P&T
Failed in Committee - SD 20-29: Academic Regulation Change for Incompletes, Unremoved Incompletes and Miscellaneous Grading Regulations
Approved February 8, 2021 - SD 20-30: Resolution to Discuss the 1968 AAUP Statement on the Role of the Faculty in the Accrediting of Colleges of Universities
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-31: Approval of Replacement Members of the Executive Committee
Approved February 8, 2021 - SD 20-32: Approval to Fill a Vacancy on the Academic Computing and Information Technology Advisory Subcommittee
Approved February 8, 2021 - SD 20-33: Resolution to Map Out the Levels of Shared Governance
Expired April 26, 2021 - SD 20-34: Senate Oversight in Abuse Allegations Against Coach Nelson
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-34a: Proposed Alignment of Purdue Fort Wayne Pass/Not Pass Regulations with Purdue Systemwide Pass/Not Pass Regulations and Proposed Amendments to the PFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-35: SOE Senate Apportionment and Election of Senators/Committee Vacancies
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-36: Resolution for Increased Aid for Public Higher Education
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-37: Endorsement and Revision of Student Code of Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct
Amended and approved April 26, 2021
Amended February 12, 2024–SD 23-10 - SD 20-38: Amendment of the By-laws as Caused by the Split of COAS
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-39: Amendment of the By-laws as Caused by the Changed Number of Major Units
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-40: Policy for Meeting Requirements of Major, Minors, Concentrations, and Certificates to Apply for Graduation
Amended and approved April 19, 2021 - SD 20-41: Tenure-track Faculty with COVID Extension May Use P&T Criteria Under Which They Were Hired
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-42: Representation on PUWL Bodies (Change to the Bylaws)
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-43: Representation on the PFW Space Committee (Change to the Bylaws)
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-44: New Business (Change to the Bylaws)
Approved April 26, 2021 - SD 20-45: Request to Re-authorize the Ad-hoc Committee Established by SD20-34 for the Next AY
Approved April 26, 2021 - SD 20-46: Proposed Elimination of Standardized Test Scores as Requirement for Admission to PFW
Amended and approved April 19, 2021 - SD 20-47: College of Engineering, Technology and Computer Science, Promotion and Tenure Documents (Amends SD 89-2)
Approved May 3, 2021
- SD 18-1: Approval of replacement members of the Executive Committee
Approved September 10, 2018 - SD 18-2: Approval of replacement members of the Honors Program Council and Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 8, 2018 - SD 18-3: Resolution on Opposing Purdue Global Practices
Approved October 22, 2018 - SD 18-4: Campus Promotion and Tenure Subcommittee Membership
Failed October 22, 2018 - SD 18-5: Academic Calendar for 2021–22
Approved December 10, 2018 - SD 18-6: Purdue Fort Wayne Representative to the Purdue West Lafayette Faculty Senate
Approved December 10, 2018 - SD 18-7: Purdue Fort Wayne Representative to the IU Fort Wayne Faculty Council
Approved December 10, 2018 - SD 18-8: Resolution on Campus Climate
Approved December 10, 2018 - SD 18-9: Faculty Senate Subcommittee Review of Learning Management Systems
Approved February 11, 2019 - SD 18-10: Resolution on Robert's Rules Interpretation
Approved February 11, 2019 - SD 18-11: Resolution to Re-establish PFW Senate Right of Advisement in the Development of the University Strategic Plan
Approved March 11, 2019 - SD 18-12: Disclosure of Pay Scales for Staff
Approved March 11, 2019 - SD 18-13: Purdue Online
Approved April 8, 2019 - SD 18-14: Orderly Process for Course Cancellations Based on Enrollment Minimums
Approved April 8, 2019 - SD 18-15: Guiding Principles of Promotion for Clinical Faculty at PFW
Approved April 8, 2019
(Supersedes SD 17-11)
(Amended January 9, 2023–SD 22-13) - SD 18-16: Amendment to SD 06-14, Sabbatical Leaves
Approved April 8, 2019
Superseded by SD 22-7 - SD 18-17: Senate Deliberations
Approved April 8, 2019
- SD 16-1: Approval of replacement member of the Executive Committee
Approved September 12, 2016 - SD 16-2: ICHE Application to HLC for Extension Regarding Dual Credit Faculty Qualifications
Approved September 12, 2016 - SD 16-3: Approval of replacement members of the Educational Policy Committee, Executive Committee, and University Resources Policy Committee
Amended and approved October 17, 2016 - SD 16-4: Amendment to the Bylaws: Committee/Subcommittee power to remove members
- SD 16-5: Amendment to the Bylaws: University Resources Policy Committee oversight of Athletics budget
- SD 16-6: Independently verified and audited financial statements
Approved October 17, 2016 - SD 16-7: Approval of replacement members of the Professional Development Subcommittee and Revenue Subcommittee
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-8: Changes to policy to reflect student's ability to ask for review not appeal
Recommitted to EPC November 14, 2016 - SD 16-9: Academic Program Closures
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-10: Reinstatement of Academic Degree Programs
Amended and approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-11: Review of Action Plan 41
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-12: FAC Report on "Action Plan 41"
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-13: URPC Report on Action Plan 41
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-14: Subcommittee Reports on Action Plan 41
Approved November 21, 2018 - SD 16-15: Revert to September 19 Recommendations for Academic Programs
Approved November 21, 2018 - SD 16-16: Statement of No Confidence
Approved November 21, 2018 - SD 16-17: Athletics Working Group
Approved December 12, 2016 - SD 16-18: Revision of COAS P&T Document
Approved December 12, 2016 - SD 16-19: Faculty Athletics Representative Document
Approved December 12, 2016 - SD 16-20: Appreciation of Efforts to Support the Rights of IPFW Faculty
Approved December 12, 2016 - SD 16-21: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Resolution
Approved February 13, 2017 - SD 16-22: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: University Resources Policy Committee
Approved February 13, 2017 - SD 16-23: Revision of VPA P&T Document
Approved February 13, 2017
Supersedes SD 10-18 - SD 16-24: Academic Reorganization Process
Approved February 13, 2017 - SD 16-25: College of Education and Public Policy Procedures for Electing Senators
Approved February 13, 2017
Supersedes SD 88-16 and SD 88-32 - SD 16-26: Statement on Shared Governance
Amended and approved February 13, 2017 - SD 16-27: DSB P&T Document
Approved March 13, 2017
Supersedes SD 95-4 - SD 16-28: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Committee Name
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-29: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Committee Structure
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-30: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-31: FAC Report on the Suspension of Voluntary Early Partial Retirement (VERP) Program
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-32: Calendar Formula
Recommitted back to EPC April 10, 2017 - SD 16-33: Changed 2018-19 Academic Calendar
Recommitted back to EPC April 10, 2017 - SD 16-34: Amendment to the Academic Regulations
Recommitted back to EPC April 10, 2017 - SD 16-35: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Approved of Faculty-Initiated Withdrawal Policy
Referred to Executive Committee April 10, 2017 - SD 16-36: Proposal to Establish a more Comprehensive Analysis of Academic Program's Contribution to Degree Programs in Consideration of Program Resource Allocation, Suspension, and Closure
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-37: Executive Committee Annual Report on Administration Compliance with Senate Resolutions
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-38: Approval of replacement members of the Indiana University Board of Review
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-39: Academic Reorganization Report and Proposal
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-40: Amendment to Sabbatical Leaves Document
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-41: Revision of Helmke Library P&T Documents
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-42: Change to the Academic Calendar Formula as defined in SD 11-18 and Change to the 2018-2019 academic calendar to reflect the change in the academic calendar formula of adopted
Approved May 1, 2017
(Amended January 8, 2018 - SD 17-13) - SD 16-43: Change to the 2018-2019 Academic Calendar Formula to Reflect the Calendar Formula Revision If Approved by the Senate (previous document)
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-44: Change to the 2019-2020 Academic Calendar Formula to Reflect the Calendar Revision If Approved by the Senate (previous document)
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-45: Amendment of the Academic Regulations (SD 85-18)
Amended and approved May 1, 2017
(Amended January 8, 2018 - SD 17-13)
(Amended February 8, 2021 - SD 20-29)
(Amended December 12, 2022 - SD 22-11)
(Amended February 12, 2024 - SD 23-10)
(Amended April 15, 2024 - SD 23-21)
(Amended April 15, 2024 - SD 23-23)
(Amended April 22, 2024 - SD 23-25)
(Amended April 22, 2024 - SD 23-26) - SD 16-46: Proposed changes to Academic Regulations regarding International Students
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-47: Purdue Senate Document 16-19 on the Purdue Purchase of Kaplan University
Approved by online vote May 9, 2017
- SD 14-1: Continuation of Senate ad hoc committee (Promotion and Tenure Task Force)
Approved September 8, 2014 - SD 14-2: Approval of replacement member of the Promotion and Tenure Task Force
Approved September 8, 2014 - SD 14-3: Creation of an ad hoc Committee regarding enrollment
Approved September 8, 2014 - SD 14-4: Approval of replacement member of the Honors Program Council
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-5: Approval of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-6: Approval of replacement members of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-7: Approval of replacement members of the Library Subcommittee
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-8: Elimination of Developmental Studies Subcommittee
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-9: Proposed Changes in Senate Bylaws for International Education Advisory Subcommittee [IEAS]
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-10: Approval of replacement member of University Resources Policy Committee
Approved November 10, 2014 - SD 14-11: Academic Calendar for 2017-2018
Approved November 10, 2014 - SD 14-12: Resolution on USAP Unit Report Deadlines
Failed November 10, 2014 - SD 14-13: Amendment of the Bylaws of the Senate
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-14: Approval of replacement member of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-15: Approval of replacement member of the General Education Subcommittee
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-16: Change in Regulation, Effective Fall 2015, Academic Probation, Dismissal and Readmission Approved December 8, 2014
- SD 14-17: Proposal to Change Academic Regulation 1.3- Undergraduate Student Classification
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-18: Proposal to changes in Minors Designation at IPFW
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-19: Erosion of Benefits for IPFW employees
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-20: Resolution on Funding for International Scholars Housing
Approved January 12, 2015 - SD 14-21: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: University Advancement Advisory Subcommittee
Approved January 12, 2015 - SD 14-22: Approval of replacement member of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved January 9, 2015 - SD 14-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Nominations and Elections
Approved January 9, 2015 - SD 14-24: EPC Findings and Recommendatioins on includEDDigital Textbook/Course Material Project at IPFW
Approved January 9, 2015 - SD 14-25: Resolution on the IPFW budgeting process
Approved March 16, 2015 - SD 14-26: CEPP Policy Handbook revision
(Supersedes SD 02-17)
Approved March 16, 2015 - SD 14-27: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: University Advancement Advisory Subcommittee
Approved April 13, 2015 - SD 14-28: Open Access Policy Resolution
Approved April 13, 2015 - SD 14-29: Resolution on Reduction of CL FTE at IPFW
Tabled April 20, 2015 - SD 14-30: Dual Credit Task Force Report
Approved April 20, 2015 - SD 14-31: Faculty evaluation of administrators
Amended and approved April 20, 2015 - SD 14-32: Universal class scheduling possibility M/W mirroring T/R afternoons
Approved April 20, 2015 - SD 14-33: Amendment to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Senate: Continuing Lecturers
Approved by Senate April 20, 2015
Ratified by the Faculty April 29, 2015 - SD 14-34: Creation of an ad hoc committee to review and recommend changes to Senate committee and subcommittee structures and functions
Approved April 20, 2015 - SD 14-35: Guiding principles of promotion and tenure at IPFW
Amended and approved April 27, 2015
Supersedes SD 88-25 & SD 94-3 - SD 14-36: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure and Third Year Review
Amended and approved April 27, 2015
Supersedes SD 88-13
(Amended April 14 2016 -SD 15-23)
(Amended March 23, 2020 -SD 19-22)
(Amended April 12, 2021 -SD 20-41)
(Amended April 10, 2023 -SD 22-24)
(Amended April 15, 2024 -SD 23-28)
- SD 12-1: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved September 10, 2012 - SD 12-2: Request to amend the College of Education and Public Policy’s Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved September 10, 2012 - SD 12-3: Faculty Workload Document
Failed in Committee - SD 12-4: Academic Calendar Formula
Approved October 15, 2012 - SD 12-5: Academic Calendar for 2015-2016
Approved October 15, 2012 - SD 12-6: Approval of replacement member of the Honors Program Council
Approved October 15, 2012 - SD 12-7: Proposal to "end" current Chancellor Emeritus Office
- SD 12-8: Faculty Administrator Compensation
- SD 12-9: Sabbaticals for Administrators Holding Faculty Rank
Approved December 10, 2012
Superseded by SD 22-7 - SD 12-10: Change to the Audit Deadline
- SD 12-11: Library Promotions and Tenure Procedures (SD 89-4)
Approved February 11, 2013 - SD 12-12: Investigation of Dual Credit Programs
Amended and approved February 11, 2013 - SD 12-13: Admissions Criteria
Amended and approved February 11, 2013 - SD 12-14: Change in General Education Program
Amended and approved, April 1, 2013
Supersedes SD 99-25 - SD 12-15: Recommendation for Organizational Structure of General Studies
Amended and approved April 8, 2013 - SD 12-16: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate:Section, International Services Advisory Subcommittee
Approved April 8, 2013 - SD 12-17: Promotion and Tenure Criteria Document
Post-pone till September 2013
Tabled September 9, 2013 until April 2014
No action taken April 2015 - SD 12-18: Change in Summer Compensation Guidelines
Approved April 15, 2013 - SD 12-19: Proposal to Reduce the Damage from Un-strategic Cuts in Spring 2013
Approved, 3/27/2013 - SD 12-20: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: FAC charge
Approved, 4/15/2013 - SD 12-21: SD 91-20 Extension of Probationary Period for Justifiable Cause
Approved, 4/15/2013 - SD 12-22: SD 88-13 Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Post-pone till September 2013
Tabled 9/9/2013 until April 2014
No action taken April 2015 - SD 12-23: Proposed Amendment to Senate Document SD 03-15
Approved, 4/22/2013 - SD 12-24: Motion to amend Senate Document SD 88-13
Approved, 4/22/2013 - SD 12-25: Continue Participation in Summit League
Approved, 4/22/2013
- SD 10-1: Amendments to Senate Document SD 08-6 (Academic Calendar 2011-2012)
Approved, 9/13/2010 - SD 10-2: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty: Inclusion of the Senate Parliamentarian as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of the IPFW Senate
Approved, 9/13/2010; Ratified by the Faculty, 10/4/2010 - SD 10-3: Approval of replacement members of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 9/13/2010 - SD 10-4: Approval of replacement member of the Developmental Studies Subcommittee
Approved, 10/18/2010 - SD 10-5: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee resolution on the decision-making process regarding salary and benefits at IPFW
Approved, 11/8/2010 - SD 10-6: Fair and equitable application of Senate documents across schools, departments, and programs
Approved, 11/8/2010 - SD 10-7: Academic Calendar for 2013-2014
Approved, 12/13/2010
Amended and Approved, 2/13/2012 - SD 10-8: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Voting status change for the Chief Academic Officer (or designee) of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved, 12/13/2010 - SD 10-9: Update to the Ethical Guidelines for Computer Users at IPFW (Amends SD 91-5)
Approved, 12/13/2010 - SD 10-10: Proposed URPC resolution about the fulfillment of the IPFW Strategic Plan regarding faculty salaries
Approved, 12/13/2010 - SD 10-11: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty: Inclusion of the Senate Parliamentarian as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of the Fort Wayne Senate
Approved, 1/10/2011; Ratified by the Faculty, 1/31/2011 - SD 10-12: Amendment to the Grievance Procedures for Purdue Academic Personnel at IPFW
(Amends SD 98-14) Amended and Approved, 2/14/2011 - SD 10-13: Approval of replacement members of the Faculty Affairs Committee and the General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 2/14/2011 - SD 10-14: Amends SD 97-8: Faculty Workloads and Evaluation (Supersedes SD 87-32 [Faculty Workload, Evaluation and Reward] and SD 93-9 [Faculty Roles, Workloads, and Rewards])
Approved, 3/14/2011
(Click here to see details of the amendment.) - SD 10-15: Recommended change to the Helmke Library P&T Procedure Document SD 89-4)
Approved, 4/11/2011 - SD 10-16: Proposed Amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to Change Academic Regulation 3.8.4 - Change of auditing option
Approved, 4/11/2011 - SD 10-17: Proposed Change in Procedure Requiring Instructors to Enter a Last Date of Attendance upon Assigning an F as a Final Course Grade
Approved, 4/11/2011 - SD 10-18: Proposed revision to the College of Visual and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Supersedes SD 92-25
Approved, 4/11/2011
Superseded by SD 16-23 - SD 10-19: Establishment of Faculty Misconduct Policy
Approved, 4/11/2011
- SD 08-1: Approval of replacement members of the Calendar, Library, and Professional Development Subcommittees, Honors Program Council, and Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/20/2008 - SD 08-2: Proposal for Defending Departmental Faculty Rights of Discussion and Recommendation for Departmental Curriculum
Referred to Faculty Affairs Committee, 10/20/2008
Failed, 3/16/2009 - SD 08-3: Library Collection Development Policy
Approved, 11/10/2008 - SD 08-4: Approval of replacement member of the Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 11/10/2008 - SD 08-5: Approval of replacement member of the Executive Committee
Withdrawn, 12/8/2008) - SD 08-6: Academic Calendar, 2011-2012
Approved, 2/9/2009
Amended and Approved, 9/13/2010 (SD 10-1)
Amended and Approved, 9/12/2011 (SD 11-2) - SD 08-7: Approval of replacement member of the General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 2/9/2009 - SD 08-8: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 2/9/2009
- SD 06-1: Approval of replacement members of the Subcommittee on Athletics and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 9/11/2006 - SD 06-2: Mid-Continent Conference Affiliation
Approved, 9/11/2006 - SD 06-3: Proposed Amendments to SD 89-28 (IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct)
Approved, 10/16/2006 - SD 06-4: Approval of replacement member on the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 11/13/2006 - SD 06-5: Nature of distribution of increment funds
Amended and recommitted to Executive Committee, 11/13/2006 - SD 06-6: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate – Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 12/11/2006 - SD 06-7: Approval of replacement member on the General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 12/11/2006 - SD 06-8: Proposed Amendments to SD 03-19 (Metrics for Intercollegiate Athletics Program)
Amended and Approved, 1/8/2007 - SD 06-9: Salary Increment Policies
Approved, 1/8/2007 - SD 06-10: Revision to SD 99-25 (General Education at IPFW)
Amended and Approved, 2/12/2007 - SD 06-11: Disabilities Statement
Approved, 3/12/2007 - SD 06-12: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate (Secret Ballot Voting)
Failed, 3/12/2007 - SD 06-13: Academic Calendar, 2009-2010
Approved, 3/12/2007 - SD 06-14: Replacement for SD 88-27(Document on Sabbatical Leaves)
Amended and Approved, 4/9/2007
Amended, 5/1/17 (SD 16-40)
Amended, 4/8/19 (SD 18-16)
Superseded by SD 22-7 - SD 06-15: Recommended Guidelines for Assigned Course Time for Faculty Co-op Coordinators
Approved, 4/9/2007 - SD 06-16: Changes to Class Scheduling Patterns
Withdrawn, 4/9/2007 - SD 06-17: Academic Regulations During a Campus Emergency
Approved, 4/16/2007 - SD 06-18: Amendment to SD 99-25 (General Education at IPFW)
Approved, 4/16/2007 - SD 06-19: Sabbatical Leaves
Amended and Approved, 4/16/2007
Superseded by SD 22-7
- SD 04-1: Approval of replacement members of the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs and Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 9/13/2004 - SD 04-2: Revised Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the School of Business and Management Sciences (Amends SD 95-4)
Referred back to SBMS, 9/13/2004
Approved, 10/18/2004 - SD 04-3: Revised Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the School of Education (Amends SD 02-17)
Approved, 9/13/2004 - SD 04-4: The Honors Program (Supersedes SD 00-5)
Approved, 10/18/2004
Amended, 11/16/2020 - SD 04-5: Approval of replacement members of the Developmental Studies Subcommittee, General Education Subcommittee, and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 10/18/2004 - SD 04-6: Academic Calendar, 2007-2008
Approved, 12/13/2004
Amended and Approved, 3/14/2005 (SD 04-12) - SD 04-7: Priority Registration for Rostered Athletes
Approved, 12/13/2004 - SD 04-8: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Honors Program Council
Approved, 12/13/2004 - SD 04-9: Revision of SD 94-17: Recognizing Teaching Excellence by Associate Faculty
Approved, 12/13/2004 - SD 04-10: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 2/14/2005 - SD 04-11 Amendment to SD 85-18 (Academic Regulations and Procedures)
Referred back to EPC,3/14/2005 - SD 04-11: Amendment to SD 85-18: Academic Regulations and Procedures – revised
Approved, 4/11/2005) - SD 04-12: Proposed amendments to the Academic Calendars for 2005-2006 (SD 02-10), 2006-2007 (SD 03-16), and 2007-2008 (SD 04-6)
Approved, 3/14/2005 - SD 04-13: IPFW Statement on Integrity
Approved, 4/11/2005 - SD 04-14: Senior Scholars Program
Approved, 4/11/2005
- SD 02-1: Approval of replacement members of the Calendar Subcommittee, the Nominations and Elections Committee, the Faculty Affairs Subcommittee, the Library Subcommittee, the Educational Policy Committee and the Developmental Studies Subcommittee
Approved, 10/21/2002 - SD 02-2: Proposed amendment to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 10/21/2002 - SD 02-3: Amendments to SD 98-22: The Plan for the Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved, 10/28/2002 - SD 02-4: Closing the temporary parking and restore it as green area
Substitute motion -- failed, 11/4/2002 - SD 02-5: Amendment to the Constitution: Definition of Voting Faculty
Ratified by the faculty, 12/9/2002 - SD 02-6: Proposed Amendments to SD 89-28: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Approved, 11/18/2002 - SD 02-7: Approval of replacement members of the Grade Appeals Subcommittee and the Honors Program Council
Approved, 12/9/2002 - SD 02-8: Revision to Senate Bylaws: Academic Advising Subcommittee Membership
Tabled, 12/9/2002 - SD 02-9: Amendments to Senate Documents SD 00-11: Academic Calendar for 2003-2004 and SD 01-10: Academic Calendar for 2004-2005
Approved, 1/13/2003 - SD 02-10: Academic Calendar for 2005-2006
Amended and Approved, 1/13/2003
Amended and Approved, 3/15/2004
Amended and Approved, 3/14/2005 [SD 04-12] - SD 02-11: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of Senate Committees and Subcommittees (Amended and Approved, 2/10/2003)
Amended and Approved, 2/10/2003 - SD 02-12: Proposed amendments to SD 90-3: Criteria for Librarian Promotion and Tenure (Amends SD 90-3)
Approved, 2/10/2003 - SD 02-13: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Nonvoting status of Compliance Coordinator (Ref: SD 01-15)
Approved, 2/10/2003 - SD 02-14: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 3/17/2003 - SD 02-15: Proposed editorial changes to SD 89-28 (Amended, 11/18/02)
Approved, 3/17/2003 - SD 02-16: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of Calendar Subcommittee
Approved, 4/14/2003 - SD 02-17: School of Education Promotion and Tenure Policies(Supersedes SD 88-35)
Amended and Approved, 4/14/2003
Amended, 9/13/2004 (SD 04-3)
Amended, 9/10/2012 (SD 12-2)
Superseded by SD 14-26 - SD 02-18: Proposed amendment to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 4/21/2003
- SD 00-1: Approval of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee and the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 9/11/2000 - SD 00-2: Approval of replacement members of the Developmental Studies Subcommittee, the General Education Subcommittee, and the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 10/16/2000 - SD 00-3: Proposed amendment to SD 98-22, The Plan for the Assessment of Student Academic Achievement (Approved, 4/12/99)"
Approved, 10/16/2000 - SD 00-4: Procedures regarding the rewarding of Honorary Degrees
Approved, 10/16/2000 - SD 00-5: "The Honors Program Council (Supersedes SD 81-A)"
Approved, 3/12/2001
Superseded by SD 04-4, 10/18/2004 - SD 00-6: “Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: Honors Program Council Membership”
Approved, 3/12/2001 - SD 00-7: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: General Provisions and Ad Hoc Committees
Approved, 3/12/2001 - SD 00-8: Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty (with Amendments to the Bylaws): Merger of Agenda and Rules Committees
Approved, 3/12/2001 - SD 00-10: Minority Report Regarding the University Resources Policy Committee’s Recommendation on the Move to Division I Athletics
Approved, 3/19/2001 - SD 00-11: Academic Calendar, 2003-2004
Approved, 3/26/2001
Amended and Approved, 1/13/2003 - SD 00-12: Amendments to the Academic Calendar, 2002-2003 (Amends SD 99-24)
Approved, 3/26/2001
- SD 98-1: Election of the Presiding Officer
Approved, 9/14/1998 - SD 98-2: Implementation of Revised Purdue University Executive Memorandum C-19
Amended & Approved, 9/14/1998 - SD 98-3: VCAA Chair Emolument Plan
Approved, 9/14/1998 - SD 98-4: BAS 1997-98 End-of-Year Recommendations to Chancellor Wartell
Approved, 9/14/1998 - SD 98-5: Approval of replacement members of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 10/12/1998 - SD 98-6: Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty and to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Grievance Policies for Purdue University Academic Personnel
Approved, 11/9/1998 - SD 98-7: Approval of replacement members of the Purdue Grievance Committee
Approved, 11/9/1998 - SD 98-8: Amendment of the Bylaws--Name and membership of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Amended and Approved, 1/11/1999 - SD 98-9: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee: Pursuit of Full Funding for IPFW
Approved, 1/11/1999 - SD 98-10: Academic Calendar for 2001-2002
Approved, 2/8/1999 - SD 98-11: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Plus-Minus Grading
Approved, 2/8/1999 - SD 98-12: Campus-wide Acceptance of CLEP Credit
Recommitted to committee, 2/8/1999
Approved, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-13: Approval of replacement members of the Educational Policy Committee, the Agenda Committee, and the Rules Committee
Amended and Approved, 2/8/1999 - SD 98-14: Grievance Procedures for Purdue Academic Personnel at IPFW
Approved, 2/8/1999
Supersedes FWSD 76-10
Amended and Approved, 2/14/2011 (SD 10-12) - SD 98-15: Amendment to the Calendar for 1998-99 (Amends SD 95-10)
Approved, 3/15/1999 - SD 98-16: School of Arts and Sciences procedures for Apportionment, Election, and Replacement of Senators (Supersedes SD 88-31)
Approved, 3/15/1999 - SD 98-17: Change in Purdue University Academic Regulations
Approved, 3/15/1999 - SD 98-18: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Midterm Grades
Tabled, 3/15/1999 - SD 98-19: Amendments of SD 88-13 - Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-20: Amendment of the Academic Regulations (SD 85-18): Transfer Credit
Approved, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-21: School, Department, and Program Statements of Mission, Goals, and Objectives
SR No. 98-21a Approved, 4/12/1999
Amended, 11/12/01
Now a Reference rather than a document - SD 98-22: The Plan for the Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved, 4/12/1999
Amended, 11/12/2001
Amended, 10/28/2002
Amended, 9/8/2003
Superseded by SD 15-6 - SD 98-23: Change in the IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct (Amends SD 89-28)
Approved, 4/12/1999
Pending approval by the Trustees - denied - SD 98-24: Amendment of the 'Ethical Guidelines for Computer Users at IPFW (Amends SD 91-5)
Approved, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-25: Definition of Voting Faculty (Amends Constitution of the Faculty (FWSD 80-2/3)
Approved, 4/12/1999
- SD 96-1: Approval of replacement members of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 10/14/1996 - SD 96-2: Changes to the Purdue University at Fort Wayne Faculty Grievance Procedures (Amends FWSD 76-10) - Approved and forwarded to chancellor for approval by the President of Purdue University (Note: Changes not approved by Purdue University and Not Incorporated into FWSD 76-10)
Approved, 10/14/1996 - SD 96-3: School of Education Mission Statement (Supersedes relevant portion of SD 93-10)
Approved, 11/11/1996
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999 - SD 96-4: IPFW Policy Statement and Report on Teaching Duties of Upper-Level Academic Administrators
Approved, 11/11/1996 - SD 96-5: Update on Roller Blading
Approved, 11/11/1996 - SD 96-6: Amendment to the academic regulations SD 85-18: Incompletes
Approved, 12/9/1996 - SD 96-7: Funding for the 1997-1999 biennium (SD 96-7, as amended) [replaces SR No. 96-14]
Approved, 2/7/1997 - SD 96-8: Change in membership of Assessment Council
Approved, 2/10/1997 - SD 96-9: Mission statement of the School of Business and Management Sciences (Amends SD 93-27 and 94-13)
Approved, 2/10/1997
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999 - SD 96-10: 1999-2000 Academic Calendar
Approved, 2/10/1997 - SD 96-11: Amendment to the academic regulations (SD 85-18) - Redefinition of W grade
Approved, 2/10/1997 - SD 96-12: Amendment to the academic regulations (SD 85-18) - Bulletin for certification of minors
Approved, 2/10/1997 - SD 96-13: Approval of Revision to IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, Part III, sec. 4 (Amends SD 89-28)
Approved, 3/17/1997 - SD 96-14: Guidelines for Weekend College
Approved, 4/14/1997 - SD 96-15: Recommendations on academic advising
Approved, 4/14/1997 - SD 96-16: Amendment of SD 93-9
Tabled, 4/14/1997 - SD 96-17: Report on Review of SD 93-9: Faculty Roles, Workloads, and Rewards
Amended and Approved, 4/21/1997
- SD 94-1: Revisions to SD 92-25: The School of Fine and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Approved, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-2: Replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-3: Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
Approved, 9/12/1994
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-8)
Superseded by SD 14-35 - SD 94-4: Criteria for approval of general-education-core course proposals
Approved, 9/19/1994
Amended, 4/10/1995 (SD 94-22)
Amended, 4/8/1996) (SD 95-12)
Amended, 9/8/1997 (SD 97-3)
Superseded by SD 99-25 - SD 94-5: Revisions to SD 88-24: The School of Fine and Performing Arts Election of Senators
Approved, 9/19/1994 - SD 94-6: Approval of changes in membership of the School of Arts and Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee (Amends FWSD 89-13)
Approved, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-7: Approval of replacement members of the University Resources Policy Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, the Professional Development Subcommittee, and the Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/10/1994 - SD 94-8: Recission of Senate Document SD 82-15: Policy on Handicapped Students Policy on Handicapped Students
Approved, 10/10/1994 - SD 94-9: School of Engineering and Technology Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures Document (Amended 22 November 1993 and 28 March 1994)
Amends SD 89-2
Approved, 10/10/1994 - SD 94-10: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure: Composition of the Campus Committee (Amends SD 88-13)
Approved, 11/14/1994 - SD 94-11: Amendment of the Academic Regulations--Class Attendance
Approved, 11/14/1994 - SD 94-12: Approval of replacement members of the Rules Committee
Approved, 11/14/1994 - SD 94-13: [Student] Assessment Plan
Approved, 12/12/1994
Amended, 2/10/1997 (SD 96-8)
Superseded by SD 98-22 - SD 94-14: School and Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives Statements (Amends SD 93-10)
Approved, 12/12/1994
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999 - SD 94-15: Approval of replacement members of the Subcommittee on Athletics and the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 1/9/1995 - SD 94-16: Policy on the Appointment, Reappointment, Evaluation, and Professional Development of Part-time Instructional Personnel
Approved, 1/9/1995 - SD 94-17: Teaching Award for Associate Faculty
Approved, 1/9/1995
Amended and Approved, 12/13/2004 (SD 04-9) - SD 94-18: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Transfer Credit
Approved, 2/13/1995 - SD 94-19: Student Code Revisions SD 89-28
Approved, 2/13/1995 - SD 94-20: IVTC Transfer Credit Policy
Approved, 3/13/1995 - SD 94-21: 1997-1998 Academic Calendar
Approved, 3/13/1995
Amended, 12/8/1997 - SD 94-22: Advanced Study Criteria
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-23: Changing the Advanced Study Criteria in SD 93-14
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-24: Amendment to SD 88-25: Campus-Wide Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
Recommitted, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-25: Amendment to Tenure Stop-Out Policy (SD 91-20, Amended and Approved, 4/13/1992)
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-26: Revision of Senate Bylaws, Section (Promotion and Tenure Subcommittee Membership)
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-27: Amendment to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure, as amended through 11/14/1994
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-28: Amendment to the Bylaws--Establishment of the Library Subcommittee
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-29: Amendment to the Bylaws--Change in membership of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-30: Amendment to the Bylaws--Change in membership of the Calendar Subcommittee
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-31: Ad Hoc Committee on Writing - Dissolution of Committee
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-32: Charge to EPC to study relationship with the Indiana Partnership for Statewide Education (IPSE)
Approved, 4/10/1995
- SD 92-1: Correction to Academic Calendar, Summer I, 1992-93
Approved, 9/14/1992 - SD 92-2: Amendment to Academic Calendars, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994, Observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Approved, 9/14/1992 - SD 92-3: Amendments to the Management Agreement
Approved, 10/12/1992 - SD 92-4: Approval of replacement member of the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 10/12/1992 - SD 92-5: Fiscal Agency
Approved, 10/12/1992 - SD 92-6: Approval of replacement members of the Continuing Education Advisory Subcommittee, the Graduate Subcommittee, and the Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 11/9/1992 - SD 92-7: North Central Accreditation Assessment Plan
Approved, 11/9/1992
Superseded by SD 98-22 - SD 92-8: Changes to the Indiana University Academic Handbook's Criteria for Promotion
Defeated, 12/14/1992 [balanced case] - SD 92-9: Proposed amendments to the IPFW academic regulations and procedures SD 85-18: Changes in Procedures for Reporting Academic Dishonesty
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-10: Proposed amendment to the IPFW grade-appeals policy SD 82-2: Changes in Procedures for Reporting Academic Dishonesty
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-11: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate-Academic Calendar
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-12: Class-scheduling times, MW afternoons
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-13: IPFW Policy Statement on Evaluation of Academic Administrators
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-14: Changes to SD 76-10: Purdue University at Fort Wayne Grievance Policy
Approved, 1/11/1993 - SD 92-15: Academic Calendars for 1994-95 and 1995-96
Approved, 2/8/1993 - SD 92-16: Proposed amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures SD 85-18 - change in rules relating to the reentry of students after prolonged absence
Approved, 3/15/1993 - SD 92-17: Position description for NCAA Compliance Coordinator
Amended and Approved, 3/15/1993
Superseded by SD 01-15 - SD 92-18: Resolution concerning the relationship between this campus and West Lafayette
Approved, 3/15/1993 - SD 92-19: University affiliation of IPFW Faculty
Approved, 3/15/1993 - SD 92-20: Ad Hoc Committee on Writing
Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-21: Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty: Dates of certification of the Faculty, apportionment, and announcement of election results
Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-22: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: IPFW representation on the University Faculty Council of Indiana University
Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-23: Amendment to Fort Wayne SD 76-10: Purdue University at Fort Wayne Faculty Grievance Policy
Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-24: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Membership on the Professional Development Subcommittee
Amended and Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-25: Amendment to The School of Fine and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures SD 89-7
Approved, 4/12/1993
Supersedes SD 89-7
Amended, 9/12/1994 (SD 94-1)
Amended, 4/13/1998 (SD 97-21)
Superseded by SD 10-18, 4/11/2011
- SD 90-1: Amendment to the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Clarification of procedures for dismissal and readmission
Approved, 9/10/1990 - SD 90-2: Amendment to SD 88-24: School of Fine and Performing Arts: Election of Senators
Approved, 9/10/1990 - SD 90-3: Replacement of SD 88-40: Criteria for Librarian Promotion and Tenure for Librarians
Supersedes SD 88-40
Approved, 10/8/1990
Amended and Approved, 2/10/2003
Superseded by SD 05-12 - SD 90-4: Amendment to SD 89-4
Approved, 10/8/1990 - SD 90-5: Amendment of the 1990-1991 Calendar
Approved, 10/8/1990 - SD 90-6: Approval of replacement members of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee, the Honors Program Council, the Professional Development Subcommittee, the Student Affairs Committee, the Academic Appeals Subcommittee, and the Transitional Studies Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 10/8/1990 - SD 90-7: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate - Revision of Curriculum Review Subcommittee Duties
Approved, 11/12/1990 - SD 90-8: Amendment to SD 83-9: Policies Regarding Continuing Education
Approved, 11/12/1990 - SD 90-9: A Policy and Plan for Academic Program Review [defeated]
Failed, 11/12/1990 - SD 90-10: Endorsement of Smoking Policy
Approved, 11/12/1990 - SD 90-11: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 12/10/1990 - SD 90-12: University Housing
Approved, 12/10/1990 - SD 90-13: Smoking Lounges
Approved, 12/10/1990 - SD 90-14: Amendment to Bylaws of the Senate: Proposed Change in Charge to the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 1/28/1991 - SD 90-15: Fort Wayne Faculty [Non]Representation on the Purdue University at West Lafayette University Senate
Approved, 1/28/1991
Rescinded, 3/15/2004 - SD 90-16: Resolution of appreciation: John R. Carnaghi
Approved, 1/28/1991 - SD 90-17: Amendment to Academic Regulations SD 85-18 and Academic Appeals Policy SD 82-2
Approved, 2/11/1991 - SD 90-18: Amendment to Bylaws of the Senate: Proposed Change in Name, Membership and Charge of the Transitional Studies Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 2/11/1991 - SD 90-19: Amendments to Academic Regulations SD 85-18 concerning English and Mathematics Placement tests
Approved, 3/18/1991 - SD 90-20: Basic Skills Expectations
Approved, 3/18/1991 - SD 90-21: Academic Calendar for 1992-1993
Approved, 3/18/1991
Amended, 9/14/1992 (SD 92-1 and SD 92-2) - SD 90-22: Amendments to SD 89-28: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Amended and Approved, 3/25/1991 - SD 90-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Establishment of Lecture Series Subcommittee
Approved, 3/25/1991 - SD 90-24: Amendment to Academic Regulations SD 85-18
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-25: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Amending the responsibility for determining sabbatical leaves
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-26: Amendment to SD 88-27: Sabbatical Leaves
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-27: Associate Faculty
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-28: Computer Usage with Regard to Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment Criteria
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-29: Guidelines for Graduate Courses
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-30: Procedures for the Election of IPFW Representative(s) to the Indiana University Graduate Council
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-31: Amendment to Academic Regulations SD 85-18
Approved, 4/8/1991
- SD 88-1: Election of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-2: Election of replacement members of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-3: Election of replacement member of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-4: Policy on the Evaluation and Reward of Faculty Service
Amended and Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-5: Medical Insurance Program: Recommendation for 1989
Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-6: Election of replacement member of the International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee and of the Honors Program Council
Approved, 10/10/1988 - SD 88-7: Election of replacement member of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-8: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate-- Student Membership on the Student Affairs Committee
Corrected and Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-9: Amendments to the Constitution
Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-10: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Addition of Curriculum Review Subcommittee; Supersedes SD 85-17
Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-11: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Addition of Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-12: Election of replacement members of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs and of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 12/12/1988 - SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Amended, 12/12/1988
Amended and Approved, 1/16-1/23/1989
Amended, 11/14/1994 (SD 94-10)
Amended, 4/10/1995 (SD 94-27)
Amended, 4/13/1998) (SD 97-22)
Amended, 4/12/1999 (SD 98-19)
Amended, 10/21/2002 (SD 02-2)
Amended, 4/21/2003 (SD 02-18)
Amended, 9/8/2003 (SD 03-1)
Amended, 1/12/2004 (SD 03-10
Amended, 11/12/2007 (SD 07-2)
Amended, 4/14/2008 (SD 07-14)
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-8)
Amended, 4/22/2013 (SD 12-24)
Superseded by SD 14-36 - SD 88-14: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Terms of Members of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee and of the Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 1/23/1989 - SD 88-15: Nomination and Election of Senators, 1989
Approved, 2/13/1989 - SD 88-16: School of Education: Nomination, Election and Replacement of Faculty Representatives
Amended and Approved, 2/13/1989
Superseded by SD 16-25 - SD 88-17: Division of Health Sciences: Methods of Nomination, Election, and Replacement of Faculty Senators
Approved, 2/13/1989
Amended, 4/10/2000 - SD 88-18: Library: Procedures for Nominating and Electing Senators
Approved, 2/13/1989 - SD 88-19: School of Engineering and Technology: Apportionment and Election of Senators
Amended and Approved, 2/13/1989
Amended, 3/13/2000 (SD 99-20) - SD 88-20: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and Approved, 2/13/1989 - SD 88-21: Academic Calendar for 1990-1991
Amended and Approved, 3/27/1989
Amended, 2/19/1990
Superseded by SD 89-15 - SD 88-22: Election of replacement members of the Transitional Studies Advisory Subcom, the Accelerated H S Studies Advisory Subcom, Rules Committee, and University Resources Policy Committee
Amended and Approved, 2/20/1989 - SD 88-23: Richard T. Doermer School of Business: Apportionment and Election of Senators
Approved, 2/13/1989 - SD 88-24: College of Visual and Performing Arts: Election of Senators
Approved, 3/13/1989
Amended, 9/10/1990 (SD 90-2)
Amended, 9/19/1994 (SD 94-5) - SD 88-25: Document on Campus-Wide Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
Amended and Approved, 3/27/1989
Amended, 11/13/1995 (SD 95-6; 95-7)
Amended, 1/12/2004 (SD 03-11)
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-8)
Superseded by SD 14-35 - SD 88-26: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and Approved, 4/10/1989 - SD 88-27: Document on Sabbatical Leaves
Amended and Recommitted to Faculty Affairs Committee, 4/10/1989
Amended and Approved, 4/24/1989
Amended, 4/8/1991 (SD 90-26)
Superseded by SD 06-14, 4/9/2007 - SD 88-28: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Titles of certain IPFW officers
Approved, 4/10/1989 - SD 88-29: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Purdue University Intercampus Faculty Council
Approved, 4/10/1989 - SD 88-30: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/10/1989 - SD 88-31: Request for approval of the School of Arts and Sciences procedures for the apportionment, election, and replacement of Senators
Approved, 4/10/1989
Superseded by SD 98-16 - SD 88-32: Division of Public and Environmental Affairs: Election of Senators
Amended and Approved, 4/24/1989
Superseded by SD 16-25 - SD 88-33: Goals and Objectives for the IPFW Baccalaureate Degree
Approved, 4/10/1989
Superseded by SD 05-8 - SD 88-34: Business and Management Sciences: Promotion and Tenure Document: Procedures
Approved, 4/24/1989
Superseded by SD 95-4, 10/9/1995 - SD 88-35: School of Education: Promotion and Tenure Document: Procedures
Recommitted to the School of Education, 4/24/1989
Amended, 9/18/1989, SD 89-8
Superseded by SD 02-17 - SD 88-36: School of Fine and Performing Arts: Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Recommitted to the School, 4/17/1989
Superseded by SD 89-7 - SD 88-37: School of Engineering and Technology: Promotion and Tenure Committee Policies
Approved, 4/17/1989
Superseded by SD 89-2 - SD 88-38: Petition to the Purdue University Board of Trustees-- Academic Calendar
Committed to the Ad Hoc Committee To Review IPFW's Relationships to Indiana University and Purdue University, 4/17/1989 - SD 88-39: Petition to the Purdue University Board of Trustees-- Faculty Constitution
Failed, 4/17/1989 - SD 88-40: Criteria Document for Librarians' Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 4/24/1989
Superseded by SD 90-3 - SD 88-41: Division of Health Sciences: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Recommitted to the Division of Health Sciences, 4/17/1989
Approved, 4/24/1989
Superseded by SD 89-5 - SD 88-42: Implementation of Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved, 4/24/1989 (See SD 89-18)
- SD 86-1: Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Structure
Approved, 9/15/1986 - SD 86-2: Adjustment in Class Meeting Times
Failed, 10/27/1986 - SD 86-3: Faculty Responsibilities Related to Reorganization and Program Reduction
Approved, 10/27/1986
Superseded by SD 86-22 - SD 86-4: Election of replacement member of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 10/27/1986 - SD 86-5: Election of replacement member of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 11/10/1986 - SD 86-6: Amendments to SD 82-9: University Credit Courses in Area High Schools
Approved, 12/8/1986 - SD 86-7: Recommended IPFW Reorganization
Amended and Approved, 12/15/1986 - SD 86-8: Recommendations and Rationale Regarding SD 86-7
Approved, 12/15/1986 - SD 86-9: Election of replacement member of the Purdue University Faculty Grievance Board
Approved, 1/19/1987 - SD 86-10: Election of replacement member of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 1/19/1987 - SD 86-11: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Administrative/ Professional Staff Membership on the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 2/9/1987 - SD 86-12: Assessment of Special Fees
Approved, 2/9/1987 - SD 86-13: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Administrative Staff Membership on the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 3/16/1987 - SD 86-14: Academic Calendar for 1988-89
Approved, 3/16/1987 - SD 86-15: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Approved, 3/16/1987 - SD 86-16: Change in Composition of the Intercampus Faculty Council
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-17: Tobacco Smoke
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-18: Amendment to the Bylaws: Addition of Honors Program Council to Subcommittees of Educational Policy Committee (supersedes conflicting parts of SD 81-3A
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-19: Amendment to Bylaws: Membership of Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-20: Amendments to Constitution, Sections VI.A, VI.A.4.
Recommitted, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-21: Amendment to Bylaws: Addition of International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee of Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-22: Contingency Planning Policy and Procedures [financial exigency]
Supersedes SD 86-3
Approved, 4/13/1987
Amended, 1/18/1988 (SD 87-23)
Superseded by SD 15-26 - SD 86-23: Chancellor's Memoranda: Academic Reorganization [3/16/1987] and The Reorganization Plan [3/23/1987]
Amended and Approved, 4/20/1987 - SD 86-24: Continued Progress on Academic Reorganization
Approved, 4/20/1987 - SD 86-25: Review of IPFW's Relationships to Indiana University and Purdue University
Approved, 4/20/1987
- SD 84-1: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: Intercollegiate Athletic Activities
Approved, 9/17/1984 - SD 84-2: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: Subcommittee on Athletics Membership
Amended and Approved, 9/17/184 - SD 84-3: IPFW Faculty Representative: to the NCAA
Amended and Approved, 9/24/1984 - SD 84-4: Proposed Changes in Section C of the Purdue University Code
Withdrawn - SD 84-5: Resolution of appreciation: Joseph P. Giusti
Approved, 9/24/1984 - SD 84-6: An Inquiry Into "Giusti: The First Five Years"
Amended and Approved, 10/8/1984 - SD 84-7: Recent Publication [Giusti: The First Five years]
Approved, 11/12/1984 - SD 84-8: Rescission of Senate Document SD 83-18
Approved, 12/10/1984 - SD 84-9: Election of Replacement Member of Rules Committee
Approved, 1/21/1985 - SD 84-10: Approval of Women's Softball as a Varsity Sport
Approved, 1/21/1985 - SD 84-11: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Establishment of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 3/11/1985 - SD 84-12: 1986-1987 Academic Calendar
Amended and Approved, 4/8/1985
Amended and Approved, 3/17/1986 - SD 84-13: Amendment to SD 82-14: Amends FWSD 76-20, Promotion and Tenure Policies, Criteria, and Procedures
Approved, 4/15/1985 - SD 84-14: Recommendation on SD 83-13:Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 4/15/1985 - SD 84-15: Amendment to SD 83-12: 1985-1986 Academic Calendar
Approved, 4/15/1985 - SD 84-16: Recognition of Kirk Kavanaugh
Approved, 4/15/1985 - SD 84-17: Reaffirmation of Election of Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 4/15/1985
- SD 82-1: Athletic Conference Membership
Amended and Approved, 9/20/1982 - SD 82-2: Academic Appeals Policy, including amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and Approved, 11/8/1982
Approved by S. Beering, 8/22/1983
Approved by J. Ryan, 8/5/1983
Amended, 9/9/1985 (SD 85-2)
Amended, 2/11/1991 (SD 90-17)
Amended, 12/14/1992 (SD 92-10)
Amended, 2/14/2000 (SD 99-11)
Amended, 4/8/2002 (SD 01-16)
Amended, 3/17/14 (SD 13-27) - SD 82-3: Proposed Academic Calendar, 1984-85
Defeated, 2/14/1983 - SD 82-4: Proposed Academic Calendar, 1984-85: minority report
Approved, 2/14/1983
Amended, 4/9/1984 (SD 83-14) - SD 82-5: Great Lakes Valley Conference Membership
Amended and Approved, 3/21/1983 - SD 82-6: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: University Resources Policy Committee--CSSAC Membership
Approved, 3/21/1983 - SD 82-7: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Rules Committee
Approved, 3/21/1983 - SD 82-8: Faculty Absences
Approved, 3/21/1983
Superseded by SD 89-26 - SD 82-9: University Credit Courses in Area High Schools
Amended and Approved, 3/21/1983
Amended, 2/13/1984 (SD 83-11)
Amended, 12/8/1986 (SD 86-6) - SD 82-10: Purdue University Contributions to TIAA-CREF
Approved, 4/11/1983 - SD 82-11: Tuition Fee Courtesy
Approved, 4/11/1983 - SD 82-12: Free Parking for IPFW Employees
Referred back to committee [Faculty Affairs], 4/11/1983 - SD 82-13: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Accelerated High School Studies Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/11/1983 - SD 82-14: Amendment to FWSD-76-20: Promotion and Tenure Policies, Criteria and Procedures
Amended and Approved, 4/18/1983
Approved by S. Beering, 2/27/1985
Amended, 4/15/1985 (SD 84-13) - SD 82-15: Policy on Handicapped Students
Approved, 4/11/1983
Rescinded, 10/10/1994
- SD 23-1: Approval of Replacement Members of the Grade Appeals Subcommittee, Advising Subcommittee, and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved October 9, 2023 - SD 23-2: Persona Non Grata Determination Process
Approved November 13, 2023 - SD 23-3: Approval of Filling Vacancy on Mastodon Athletics Advisory Subcommittee
Approved November 13, 2023 - SD 23-4: Academic Calendar for 2026–27
Approved November 132023 - SD 23-5: Revision of General Education Program
Amended and approved January 8, 2024
(Amended March 11, 2024—SD 23-18) - SD 23-6: Approval of Rubric for Sabbatical Applications
Approved January 8. 2023 - SD 23-7: Amendments to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and approved November 13, 2023
(Amended February 12, 2024—SD 23-17) - SD 23-8: Updates to Countries Exempt from English Proficiency for Undergraduate Applications
Approved January 8, 2024 - SD 23-9: Responding to Concerns from Campus Climate Survey: Deadnaming
Amended and approved February 19, 2024 - SD 23-10: Updating Academic Regulations in Regards to Artificial Intelligence
Approved February 12, 2024 - SD 23-11: Proposal for Revision Senate Bylaws - MAAS
Amended and approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-12: Approval of Filling Vacancy on Mastodon Athletics Advisory Subcommittee
Approved February 19, 2024 - SD 23-13: Updating Educational Policy Committee (EPC) ByLaws to Expand Membership
Approved February 19, 2024 - SD 23-14: Change to Academic Regulations 9.4: Notice of Academic Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission
Approved February 19, 2024
Amended April 15, 2024—SD 23-21 - SD 23-15: Expanding Class Scheduling Options
Approved February 19, 2024 - SD 23-16: Indiana Senate Bill 202 to Amend the Indiana Code Concerning Higher Education
Approved February 12, 2024 - SD 23-17: Amendment to SD 23-7
Approved February 12, 2024 - SD 23-18: Change to Minimum Grade Requirement in Revised General Education Program
Approved March 11, 2024 - SD 23-19: Commencement Ceremony Schedule
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-20: Recommendation on Assigned Academic Work During Scheduled Breaks
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-21: Updating Academic Regulations 9.4: Notice of Academic Notice, Separation and Readmission
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-22: English Language Pathway to PFW
Approved April 22, 2024 - SD 23-23: Clarifying Academic Regulations 5.1 and 5.2 Apply to 16-Week Courses
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-24: Academic Calendar for 2027–28
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-25: Change to Academic Regulations 10.4: Graduation with Distinction
Approved April 22, 2024 - SD 23-26: Updating Resident Credit
Approved April 22, 2024 - SD 23-27: PFW Faculty Senate Position on Conflict in the Middle East
Amended and approved April 22, 2024 - SD 23-28: Two Updates to SD 14-36 for Campus P&T Committee
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-29: Update to SD 19-13 for Campus P&T Committee
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-30: Amendments to the Bylaws: Restructuring of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
Approved April 15, 2024
- SD 21-1: Amendment to the Bylaws - Formation of Advising Subcommittee
Amended and approved September 13, 2021
Amended November 8, 2021—SD 21-8 - SD 21-2: Amendment to the Bylaws - Renumbering
Approved September 13, 2021 - SD 21-3: Approval of Replacement Members of the Grade Appeals Subcommittee, University Advancement Advisory Subcommittee, and Senate Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Procedural Handling of Allegations of Misconduct in the PFW Women’s Basketball Program
Approved September 13, 2021 - SD 21-4: Resolution to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines for Students and Employees
Amended and approved September 20, 2021 - SD 21-5: Approval of Replacement Members of the Student Affairs Committee, University Resources Policy Committee, and Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved October 11, 2021 - SD 21-6: Civics Literacy Requirement Resolution
Approved October 11, 2021 - SD 21-7: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Senate Faculty Affairs Committee
Amended and approved November 8, 2021 - SD 21-8: Filling Membership of Advising Subcommittee
Amended and approved November 8, 2021 - SD 21-9: Proposed Elimination of June Degree Conferrals by Purdue University Fort Wayne following the conclusion of Summer Session One and Retention of Grade Submission following the conclusion of Summer Session One
Approved November 8, 2021 - SD 21-10: Senate Document Renumbering for SD 20-34
Approved December 13, 2021 - SD 21-11: School of Education Governance Document
Withdrawn December 13, 2021 - SD 21-12: Graduation Requirement Resolution
Approved December 13, 2021 - SD 21-13: Amendment to the Bylaws-Lecturers and Related Matters
Approved January 10, 2022 - SD 21-14: Amendment to the Constitution-Definitional Changes (e.g., Lecturers and Secondary Effects)
Approved January 10, 2022 - SD 21-15: Review of Sabbatical Application Process
Approved January 10, 2022 - SD 21-16: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved February 14, 2022 - SD 21-17: Academic Calendar for 2024–25
Approved February 14, 2022 - SD 21-18: Expanding Class Scheduling Options
Expired February 14, 2022 - SD 21-19: Senate Ad-hoc Committee on Community Engagement
Approved February 14, 2022 - SD 21-20: Amendment to the Bylaws-Subcommittee Task Force Amendment
Approved February 14, 2022 - SD 21-21: Resolution: Defending Academic Freedom to Teach About Race and Gender Justice and Critical Race Theory
Amended and approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-22: Approval of Filling Vacancy on General Education Subcommittee
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-23: Academic Units’ Cooperation on University Website
Amended and approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-24: Library Collection Development Policy
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-25: School of Education Governance Document
Approved March 14, 2022
Supersedes SD 14-26
Amended April 24, 2023–SD 22-17 - SD 21-26: Amendment to the Bylaws-Merger of the Revenue Subcommittee with the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-27: Approval of Replacement Member of the Executive Committee
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-28: PFW Proposal for Purdue System Mandated Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement
March 14, 2022
Amended October 10, 2022–SD 22-3 - SD 21-29: Amendment to the Bylaws-PFW Recommendation for how to Administer the Purdue System Mandated Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-30: Report on Dissolution of Printing Services
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-31: Maintaining Faculty Role in Advising
Approved April 18, 2022 - SD 21-32: Consideration and Implementation of the Recommendations by the Ad Hoc Committee to Examine the Procedural Handling of Allegations of Misconduct in the PFW Women’s Basketball Program
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-33: Timely Information Sharing with Faculty About Financial Student Retention Policies
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-34: Revising the Questions from the Annual Athletics Report
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-35: Public Sharing Information about Deaths of Faculty and Staff at PFW
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-36: Internship Credit Policy
Expired April 18, 2022 - SD 21-37: Change to PFW Academic Regulations Reconciliation Process
Approved April 18, 2022 - SD 21-38: Change to Transfer Credit Regulations
Approved April 18, 2022 - SD 21-39: Approval of Changes/Updates to SD 06-14: Sabbatical Leaves
Approved April 11, 2022
Superseded by SD 22-7
- SD 19-1: Changes to Academic Programs and Structures
Approved October 14, 2019 - SD 19-2: Approval of Replacement Members of the Professional Development Subcommittee, Campus Appeals Board, Faculty Affairs Committee, Educational Policy Committee, University Resources Policy Committee, and Executive Committee
Approved October 14, 2019 - SD 19-3: Senate Ad Hoc Committee to Restore College TV
Amended and approved October 29, 2019 - SD 19-4: Academic Calendar for 2022–23
Approved October 14, 2019 - SD 19-5: Diversity at PFW
Failed November 11, 2019 - SD 19-6: Purdue Fort Wayne Representative to the Purdue West Lafayette Faculty Senate
Approved October 14, 2019 - SD 19-7: Elimination of USAP Recommendations 2.1 and 2.2
Failed in Committee - SD 19-8: University Strategic Plan
Amended and approved November 11, 2019 - SD 19-9: Guiding Principles for Promotion of Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved January 13, 2020 - SD 19-10: Special Abbreviated Procedure For First Year Of Senior Lecturer Promotion Process
Amended and approved December 19, 2019 - SD 19-11: Signing the U.S. Academic Joint Statement on the Escalation of Tensions in Hong Kong and at the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Amended and approved December 9, 2019 - SD 19-12: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Expanding Membership of the Revenue Subcommittee
Approved December 9, 2019 - SD 19-13: Procedures of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved February 10, 2020
(Amended April 15, 2024–SD 23-29) - SD 19-14: Recommendation for Creation of a Chief Diversity Officer and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Failed January 27, 2020 - SD 19-15: Approval to fill a vacancy on the General Education Subcommittee
Approved January 13, 2020 - SD 19-16: Approval to adding member to the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved February 10, 2020 - SD 19-17: Amendment to the Bylaws on Lecturer Voting Privileges
Approved February 10, 2020 - SD 19-18: Approval of Adding Member to the Executive Committee
Approved February 10, 2020 - SD 19-19: Constitutional Amendment - Apportionment
Approved March 23, 2020 - SD 19-20: Approval to Fill a Vacancy on the Curriculum Subcommittee
Approved March 23, 2020 - SD 19-21: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Senate Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved March 23, 2020 - SD 19-22: Procedures of Promotion to Include Clinical Faculty
Approved, March 23, 2020 - SD 19-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Curriculum Review Subcommittee and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved March 23, 2020 - SD 19-24: Senate Document SD 19-24 and Procedures for Senate Curriculum Review Subcommittee and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved April 27, 2020 - SD 19-25: Splitting the College of Arts and Sciences
Approved April 13, 2020 - SD 19-26: Resolution to Secure Shared Governance over Summer 2020
Approved April 13, 2020 - SD 19-27: Criteria of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW for 20–21
Approved April 20, 2020 - SD 19-28: PFW CARE Funds
Approved April 20, 2020 - SD 19-29: Purdue Fort Wayne Online Orientation Experience
Approved April 20, 2020
- SD 17-1: Realignment and the Senate
Approved September 11, 2017 - SD 17-2: Athletics Working Group Final Report
Approved September 11, 2017 - SD 17-3: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Academic Organization Subcommittee
Approved September 11, 2017 - SD 17-4: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: APSAC and CSSAC Representatives as Senate Affiliates
Approved September 11, 2017 - SD 17-5: Approval of replacement members of the Library Subcommittee, the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee, the Grade Appeals Subcommittee, the University Resources Policy Subcommittee, the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs, the Indiana University Board of Revenue, the University Faculty Council for Indiana University, and the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved October 16, 2017 - SD 17-6: Approval of replacement members of Purdue Academic Personnel Grievance Committee
Approved October 16, 2017 - SD 17-7: Realignment and the Senate: Amendments to Constitution and Bylaws
Approved October 16, 2017 - SD 17-8: Resolution in Support of Purdue SD 17-03
Approved November 13, 2017 - SD 17-9: Historical Senate Documents and References
Approved November 13, 2017 - SD 17-10: Schools within Colleges
Approved November 13, 2017 - SD 17-11: Guiding principles for clinical faculty at PFW
Approved November 13, 2017
Superseded by SD 18-15 - SD 17-12: Approval of replacement members of the Educational Policy Committee and the General Education Subcommittee
Approved November 13, 2017 - SD 17-13: Change to the Academic Calendar Formula as defined in SD 11-18, SD 16-42 and SD 16-45 and Change to the 2018-2019 academic calendar to reflect the change in the academic calendar formula if adopted
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-14: Change to the 2018-2019 Academic Calendar as defined in SD 16-43 to reflect the calendar formula revision if approved by the Senate (previous document)
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-15: Amendment of the Academic Regulations (SD 16-45)
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-16: Academic Calendar for 2020-2021
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-17: Continuing Lecturers Policy
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-18: Clarifying the End of the Terms of the Current Speakers of the Faculty
Approved February 12, 2018 - SD 17-19: Support for Purdue University Senate Document 17-09
Approved February 12, 2018 - SD 17-20: Athletics Goals and Measures
Approved March 12, 2018 - SD 17-21: IPFW Representatives in the Purdue University Senate
Approved March 12, 2018 - SD 17-22: Administration and Senate Membership
Approved March 12, 2018 - SD 17-23: Chancellor Elsenbaumer's Salary
Approved March 12, 2018 - SD 17-24: Revision of CPS P&T Document
Approved April 9, 2018 - SD 17-25: Military Students Transfer Credit
Withdrawn April 9, 2018 - SD 17-26: College of Professional Studies Procedures for Electing Senators
Approved April 9, 2018
- SD 15-1: Approval of replacement member of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved September 14, 2015 - SD 15-2: Change in IPFW designation
Approved September 14, 2015 - SD 15-3: Approval of replacement member of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved October 19, 2015 - SD 15-4: Approval of replacement members of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved October 19, 2015 - SD 15-5: Approval of replacement member of the Senate Library Subcommittee
Approved October 19, 2015 - SD 15-6: Restatement of 98-22 Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved October 19, 2015
Supersedes SD 98-22 - SD 15-7: Proposed change to Academic Regulations regarding GPA terms
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-8: Process to approve new courses and programs at IPFW
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-9: Proposed change to Academic Regulations for GPA calculations for Graduation with Distinction and with Highest Distinction
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-10: Approval of replacement member of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-11: Approval of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-12: Amendment of the Bylaws of the Senate
Amended and approved January 11, 2016 - SD 15-13: Proposed change to Academic Regulations for Student conduct to correspond with the bulletin
Amended and approved January 11, 2016 - SD 15-14: Proposal to Reject Working Group Proposal
Amended and approved January 19, 2016
Senate Response to LSA Report - SD 15-15: Process for Determining Tested Experience in Hiring Faculty
Approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-16: Collaborative decision-making while the University Senate and regional campus Faculty Senate are in session
Approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-17: IPFW Recommendations regarding IU and Purdue Systems Functioning
Approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-18: Proposal for Management Agreement Supporting a Multisystem Metropolitan University
Amended and approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-19: A Momentous Occasion
Approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-20: Academic Calendar for 2018-2019
Approved March 14, 2016 - SD 15-21: Amendments to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Senate
Approved March 14, 2016
Ratified by the faculty April 20, 2016 - SD 15-22: Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Approved March 14, 2016 - SD 15-23: Amendment to Procedures for Promotion and Tenure and Third Year Review at IPFW
Approved March 14, 2016 - SD 15-24: Elimination of the Continuing Education Advisory Subcommittee
Approved April 11, 2016 - SD 15-25: Proposed change to Academic Regulations for Student conduct to correspond with the bulletin
Approved April 11, 2016 - SD 15-26: New Procedures to Replace Senate Document SD 86-22
Approved April 11, 2016
Supersedes SD 86-22 - SD 15-27: Endorsement of the revised IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (the Code)
Approved April 18, 2016 - SD 15-28: Revision of CEPP P&T document
Approved April 18, 2016 - SD 15-29: Revision of ETCS P&T document
Approved April 18, 2016 - SD 15-30: Revision of CHHS P&T document
Approved April 18, 2016
- SD 13-1: Examine Current Promotion and Tenure Documents
Amended and approved, September 9, 2013 - SD 13-2: Approval of replacement member of the Executive Committee
Approved September 9, 2013 - SD 13-3: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved September 9, 2013 - SD 13-4: Approval of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 21, 2013 - SD 13-5: Library Tenure and Promotion Criteria
Approved October 21, 2013
Supersedes SD 05-12 - SD 13-6: Approval of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved November 11, 2013 - SD 13-7: Indiana Commission for Higher Education Statement on Research at Regional Campuses
Amended and approved November 11, 2013 - SD 13-8: Code for grade not submitted
Approved December 9, 2013 - SD 13-9: Approval of replacement member of the University Resource Policy Committee
Approved December 9, 2013 - SD 13-10: Approval of replacement member of the Executive Committee
Approved December 9, 2013 - SD 13-11: House Joint Resolution 6
Approved December 9, 2013 - SD 13-12: Proposed Amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Approved January 13, 2014 - SD 13-13: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Section, Academic Computing and Information Technology Advisory Subcommittee
Approved January 13, 2014 - SD13-14: Approval of replacement members of the General Education Subcommittee
Approved January 13, 2014 - SD 13-15: No Direct Funds from Lilly Grant
Failed January 13, 2014 - SD 13-16: Senate Document Sd 91-20
(Amended and approved April 13, 1992)
(Amended April 10, 1995)
(Amended and approved April 15, 2013)
Amended and approved February 10, 2014 - SD 13-17: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Honors Program Council
Approved February 10 2014 - SD 13-18: Approval of replacement member of the Honors Program Council
Approved February 10, 2014 - SD 13-19: Academic Calendar for 2016-2017
Approved Febrary 10, 2014 - SD 13-20: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Continuing Lecturers as Senate Affiliates
Recommitted to the Executive Committee - SD 13-21: Resolution to Establish IPFW Senate Right of Advisement in the development of the University Strategic Plan
Amended and approved February 17, 2014 - SD 13-22: Approval of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-23: Upward Feedback of Campus-Wide Program Directors
Recommitted back to FAC March 17, 2014 - SD 13-24: Approval of replacement members of the General Education Subcommittee
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-25: Guiding Principles for IPFW budgets
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-26: EPC Findings in Response to the Task Assigned to EPC by SD 12-13
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-27: Proposed Change to Grade Appeals Policy SD 82-2
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-28: Proposed Change to Academic Regulations 4.0 Academic Honesty
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-29: Proposed Change to Academic Regulations 10.0 Degrees.
Approved April 14, 2014 - SD 13-30: Resolution to reaffirm the Charge of the Educational Policy Committee to Review and Recommend Admission Standards to IPFW
Approved March 24, 2014 - SD 13-31: Proposed Change to Processing of Academic Standing for Collegiate Connection Students
Approved April 14, 2014 - SD 13-32: Amendment to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Senate: Continuing Lecturers
Approved by Senate April 14, 2014
Failed on vote of Faculty April 30, 2014
- SD 11-1: Approval of replacement members of the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs and Honors Program Council
Amended and Approved, 9/12/2011 - SD 11-2: Amendment to Senate Document SD 08-6 (Academic Calendar 2011-2012)
Approved, 9/12/2011 - SD 11-3: Requested extension of mandatory retirement age for Chancellor Wartell
Approved, 9/26/2011 - SD 11-4: Change to the Spring 2012 Advising and Registration Period
Approved, 10/17/2011 - SD 11-5: Grief Absence Policy for Students (GAPS)
Amended and Approved, 10/17/2011 - SD 11-6: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Change in the Membership of the Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 11/14/2011 - SD 11-7: Grief Absence Policy for Students
Approved, 11/14/2011
Superseded by SD 22-27 - SD 11-8: Policy to Ban Scheduling of Sporting Events during Finals
Approved, 11/14/2011 - SD 11-9: Revision to IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (SD 89-28)
Approved, 11/14/2011 - SD 11-10: Changes to College of Arts and Sciences Promotion & Tenure document
Approved, 12/12/2011 - SD 11-11: Approval of replacement member of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 12/12/2011 - SD 11-12: Support for IU South Bend - IU Medical Plans Benefits Resolution (11/18/2011)
Approved, 12/12/2011 - SD 11-13: Academic Calendar 2014-2015
Referred back to Calendar Subcommittee, 2/13/2012 - SD 11-14: Academic Calendar 2013-2014
(Amends SD 10-7)
Approved, 2/13/2012 - SD 11-15: Support of Intercampus Faculty Council motion: "Enhancing Purdue System Effectiveness and Efficiency with a Focus on the Regional Campuses"
Approved, 2/13/2012 - SD 11-16: Proposed Amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to Change Academic Regulation 3.8.4 - Change of auditing option
Approved, 3/12/2012 - SD 11-17: Support of PUWL University Senate about "Request to the Trustees to Advocate for a Faculty Member on the Board of Trustees" (attachments included)
Approved, 3/14/2012 - SD 11-18: Academic Calendar Formula (formerly a reference document [SR No. 00-11])
Amended and Approved, 4/9/2012 (only the heading was amended)
Amended and Approved, 10/15/2012 (SD 12-4)
Amended and Approved, 5/1/17 (SD 16-42)
Amended and Approved, 1/8/18 (SD 17-13) - SD 11-19: Academic Calendar for 2014-2015
Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-20: Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Charge to the Developmental Studies Subcommittee
Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-21: IPFW Credit Hour Policy
Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-22: Creation of an Ad Hoc General Studies Program Council
Amended and Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-23: Student Evaluation Task Force Report
Amended and Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-24: Analysis of Staffing and Budget Data
Amended and Approved, 4/16/2012
- SD 09-1: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Approval of Faculty-Initiated Withdrawal Policy (Voting postponed until October meeting)
Failed, 10/19/2009 - SD 09-2: Approval of replacement member of the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 9/14/2009 - SD 09-3: Proposal for Regional Proportional Faculty Representation on Purdue University Senate
Approved, 4/12/2010 - SD 09-4: Academic Calendar for 2012-2013
Approved, 2/8/2010 - SD 09-5: Rescission of Ombudscommittee
Approved, 2/8/2010 - SD 09-6: Endorsement of the revised IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (the Student Code [SD 89-28])
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-7: Upward Feedback: Review of Administrators
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-8: Proposed revision of Senate Documents SD 88-13, SD 88-25, and SD 94-3
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-9: Liles memo of March 3, 2010
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-10: IPFW Regional Faculty Representation Resolution
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-11: Amendment to the Bylaws: Dissolution of Distance Education Subcommittee
Approved, 4/12/2010 - SD 09-12: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to change Academic Regulation 6.4 – Incompletes
Amended and Approved, 4/12/2010 - SD 09-13: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to change Academic Regulation 3.8.4 – Change of auditing option
Approved, 4/12/2010 - SD 09-14: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to change Academic Regulation 3.8.2 – Course drops
Amended and Approved, 4/12/ - SD 09-15: Pre-Disciplinary Letter Policy
Approved, 4/19/2010
- SD 07-1: Approval of replacement members of the Subcommittee on Athletics and Distance Education Subcommittee
Approved, 10/15/2007 - SD 07-2: Proposed revision of Senate Document SD 88-13
Approved, 11/12/2007 - SD 07-3: Proposal for a minor in Military Science (document proposing to commit to EPC)
Committed to Educational Policy Committee, 11/12/2007 - SD 07-4: Approval of replacement members of the Grade Appeals Subcommittee
Approved, 12/10/2007 - SD 07-5: IPFW Statement on Civility
Approved, 2/11/2008 - SD 07-6: Academic Calendar, 2010-2011
Approved, 2/11/2008 - SD 07-7: Proposed revision of SD 85-18 (Academic Regulations)
Amended and Approved, 2/11/2008 - SD 07-8: Replacement of SD 99-5 (Promotion and Tenure Procedures for the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs)
Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-9: Pre-Disciplinary Letter Policy
Withdrawn, 3/17/2008
Approved, 4/14/2008
Amended, 4/19/2010 - SD 07-10: Senate Salary Increment Recommendations
Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-11: Proposed Revisions to SD 85-18 (Academic Regulations - Placement Process)
Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-12: Report on Minor in Military Science (ref. SD 07-3)
Amended and Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-13: Establishing an IPFW Graduate Faculty
Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-14: Proposed revisions of Procedures for Promotion and Tenure (SD 88-13)
Approved, 4/14/2008 - SD 07-15: Proposed revisions of Procedures for Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (SD 94-3)
Recommitted to Faculty Affairs Committee, 4/14/2008
- SD 05-1: Amendment to the Constitution: Expanding Opportunities to Serve the Campus Community
Failed, 9/12/2005 - SD 05-2: Approval of replacement members of the Graduate Subcommittee, the Honors Program Council, and the Library Subcommittee
Approved, 10/17/2005 - SD 05-3: Conference Affiliations for Soccer Teams
Amended and Approved, 10/17/2005 - SD 05-4: Academic Calendar, 2008-2009
Approved, 2/13/2006 - SD 05-5: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Resolution Pertaining to IPFW’s Division I Athletic Program
Amended and Approved, 3/13/2006 - SD 05-6: Proposed Amendments to SD 89-28 (IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct)
Recommitted to Student Affairs Committee, 3/13/2006 - SD 05-7: Senate Resolution Pertaining to the Assessment of IPFW’s move to Division I
Failed, 3/13/2006 - SD 05-8: Pedagogical Framework for the IPFW Baccalaureate Degree
Supersedes SD 88-33
Amended and Approved, 4/10/2006 - SD 05-9: School of Engineering, Technology and Computer Science Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures Document (Amends SD 89-2)
Approved, 4/10/2006 - SD 05-10: Establishment of Ombudscommittee
Approved, 4/10/2006
Rescinded, 2/8/2010 - SD 05-11: Resolution of Appreciation: George Bullion, Amitava Chatterjea, Jeanette Clausen, Larry Griffin, Stephen Harroff, William Ludwin, and Carol Roberts
Approved, 4/10/2006 - SD 05-12: Replacement of SD 90-3: Criteria for Promotion and Tenure for Librarians
Approved, 4/10/2006
Superseded by SD 13-5 - SD 05-13: Division I Athletics
Approved, 4/17/2006
- SD 03-1: Proposed amendment to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 9/8/2003 - SD 03-2: Revision to Senate Document 98-22: The Plan for the Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved, 9/8/2003 - SD 03-3: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/20/2003 - SD 03-4: Amendment to the Bylaws: Dissolution of Academic Advising as Senate Subcommittee
Approved, 10/20/2003 - SD 03-5: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 11/10/2003 - SD 03-6: Approval of replacement member of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 11/10/2003 - SD 03-7: Amendment to Academic Regulations, Section 10.2, Requirements for Degrees
Approved, 12/8/2003 - SD 03-8: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-9: Approval of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-10: Proposed amendment to SD 88-13:Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-11: Proposed amendment to SD 88-25: Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
Approved, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-12: Resolution of Appreciation: Patricia Hudson
Approved, 2/9/2004 - SD 03-13: Amendment to the Bylaws: Promotion and Tenure Subcommittee Faculty Membership
Approved, 2/9/2004 - SD 03-14: Approval of replacement members of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 2/9/2004 - SD 03-15: Fort Wayne Faculty Representation on the Purdue University West Lafayette University Senate (Rescission of SD 90-15)
Approved, 3/15/2004
Amended & Approved, 4/22/2013 - SD 03-16: Academic Calendar, 2006-2007
Approved, 3/15/2004
Amended and Approved, 3/14/2005 (SD 04-12) - SD 03-17: Amendments to the Academic Calendars, 2004-2005 (SD 01-10) and 2005-2006 (SD 02-10)
Approved, 3/15/2004 - SD 03-18: Composition of the Promotion and Tenure Committee of the Library
Approved, 3/15/2004 - SD 03-19: Metrics for Intercollegiate Athletics
Approved, 4/12/2004
Amended, 1/8/2007 - SD 03-20: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the College of Health and Human Services
Approved, 4/12/2004
Supersedes SD 89-5 - SD 03-21: Establishment of a Diversity Component in Baccalaureate Degree Programs
Postponed for consideration until 10/18/2004 - SD 03-22: Revisions to Senate Document 85-18: Academic Regulations
Withdrawn, 4/19/2004 - SD 03-23: Revisions to Senate Document 88-33: Goals and Objectives from the IPFW Baccalaureate Degree
Withdrawn, 4/19/2004 - SD 03-24: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the School of Arts and Sciences
Approved, 4/19/2004
- SD 01-1: Promotion and Tenure Procedures document for the Division of Organizational Leadership and Supervision
Approved, 9/10/2001 - SD 01-2: Acceptance of new and revised mission/goals statements (Amends SD 98-21)
Approved, 10/8/2001 - SD 01-3: Approval of replacement members of the Subcommittee on Athletics, the University Resources Policy Committee, the Student Affairs Committee, and the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 10/8/2001 - SD 01-4: Acceptance of the proposal to amend SD 98-21: School, Department, and Program Statements of Mission, Goals, and Objectives and SD 98-22: The Plan for Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved, 11/12/2001 - SD 01-5: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 11/12/2001 - SD 01-6: Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics
Approved, 11/12/2001 - SD 01-7: Amendment of the "Ethical Guidelines for Computer Users at IPFW" (Amends SD 91-5, last revised April April 12, 1999)
Approved, 12/10/2001 - SD 01-8: Governance at IPFW: Amendments to the Bylaws
Failed - SD 01-9: Proposed Amendment to SD 85-18: Military Service Withdrawals and Related Clarifications
Approved, 3/18/2001 - SD 01-10: Academic Calendar, 2004-2005
Approved, 3/18/2002
Amended and Approved, 1/13/2003 - SD 01-11: Amendments to the Bylaws SD 81-10: Clarification of Voting Faculty membership on subcommittees; name change for Transitional Studies; ex officio, nonvoting status on committees
Approved, 3/18/2002 - SD 01-12: Proposed amendments to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Amended and Approved, 3/18/2002 - SD 01-13: Proposed amendments to SD 88-25: Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-14: Resolution regarding ReservesEXpress and FAIR USE
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-15: Duties and Responsibilities of the Compliance Coordinator (Supersedes SD 92-17)
Duties and Responsibilities of the Faculty Athletic Representative (Supersedes SD 84-3)
Compliance Coordinator reporting relationship
Approved, 4/8/2002
Amended & Approved, 12/12/2016 - SD 01-16: Amendment to the Academic Appeals Policy SD 82-2: Hereafter to be known as the "Grade Appeals Policy"
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-17: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: changes to the Academic (Grade) Appeals Subcommittee
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-18: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-19: Resolution of Appreciation: Linda Balthaser, Evangelos Coufoudakis, Arthur Finco, David McCants
Approved, 4/8/2002
- SD 99-1: Change in membership of SCOA
Approved, 9/13/1999 - SD 99-2: Approval of replacement members of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee, the International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee, and the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/11/1999 - SD 99-3: Approval of replacement member of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 11/8/1999 - SD 99-4: Resolution from the Educational Policy Committee Regarding the Report from the General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 11/8/1999 - SD 99-5: Replacement of SD 89-12 (Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs [DPEA])
Approved, 12/13/1999
Superseded by SD 07-8 - SD 99-6: Amendment of SD 97-8 (Faculty Workloads and Evaluation)
Approved, 12/13/1999 - SD 99-7: Women's and Men's Indoor/Outdoor Track Teams
Approved, 12/13/1999 - SD 99-8: Priorities for Assignment of Faculty Office and Laboratory Space (Supersedes SD 81-9)
Approved, 1/10/2000 - SD 99-9: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Membership of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Recommitted to committee, 1/10/2000 - SD 99-10: Approval of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 2/14/2000 - SD 99-11: Proposed amendment to SD 82-2: Academic Appeals Policy
Approved, 2/14/2000 - SD 99-12: Approval of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-13: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty: Definition of Voting Faculty
Approved, 3/13/2000, Ratified, 4/3/2000 - SD 99-14: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Representation on Committees
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-15: Statement of Support for Student Housing
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-16: Allocation of Space for Non-University Organizations
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-17: Distance Education Coordinating Committee (DECCO) Operating Principles
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-18: Proposed Amendment to the Academic Regulations SD 85-18 - Grade Reports
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-19: Statement of Purpose: An Elaboration of the University Mission Statement
Supersedes SD 91-6
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-20: Amendment to SD 88-19 ETCS Apportionment and Election of Senators
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-21: Proposed changes to Bylaws under Academic Computing and Information Technology Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/10/2000 - SD 99-22: NCAA Division I Athletics
Amended and Approved, 4/10/2000 - SD 99-23: Amendments to SD 88-17 Division of Health Sciences: Methods of Nomination, Election, and Replacement of Faculty Senators
Approved, 4/10/2000 - SD 99-24: Academic Calendar, 2002-2003
Approved, 4/10/2000 - SD 99-25: General Education at IPFW: General Education Program Definition and Course Criteria
Supersedes SD 93-14 and SD 94-4
Amended and Approved, 4/24/2000
Amended and Approved, 2/12/2007
Amended and Approved, 4/16/2007
Supersedes SD 12-14, 4/1/2013 - SD 99-26: Priorities for use of non-recurring funds
Approved, 4/24/2000 - SD 99-27: Resolution to replace SD 99-25 General Education at IPFW
Failed, 4/17/2000
- SD 97-1: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Order of business
Approved, 9/8/1997 - SD 97-2: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Roll-call votes
Approved, 9/8/1997 - SD 97-3: Amendment of General Education Area III definition and criteria (Amends SD 93-14 and SD 94-4)
Approved, 9/8/1997 - SD 97-4: Recommendations on Management and Academic Mission Agreement
Amended and Approved, 9/8/1997 - SD 97-5: Approval of replacement members of the Professional Development Subcommittee, the Rules Committee, and the Library Subcomittee
Approved, 10/13/1997 - SD 97-6: IPFW Helmke Library Collection Development Policy
Approved, 11/10/1997
Superseded by SD 08-3 - SD 97-7: Response to Revision of Purdue University Executive Memorandum C-19 regarding Grievance procedures
Amended and Approved, 12/8/1997 - SD 97-8: Faculty Workloads and Evaluation (Supersedes SD 87-32 and SD 93-9)
Approved, 12/8/1997
Amended, 12/13/1999
Amended 3/14/2011 (SD 10-14) - SD 97-9: Amendment of the 1997-98 academic calendar (Amends SD 94-21)
Approved, 12/8/1997 - SD 97-10: Projected Move of OLS
Approved, 1/12/1998 - SD 97-11: Academic Calendar for 2000-2001
Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-12: Amendments to Arts and Sciences Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Amends SD 89-13
Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-13: Implementation of Senate Document SD 92-13, "IPFW Policy Statement on Evaluation of Administrators"
Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-14: Amendment of the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Establishment of the Academic Advising Subcommittee (Amends SD 81-10)
Approved, 3/16/1998
Dissolved, 10/20/2003 (SD 03-4) - SD 97-15: Amendment of the IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, Part III.B.4.d.12 (Amends SD 89-28)
Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-16: Amendment of the Academic Regulations--English-as-a-Second-Language provisions (Supersedes FWSD SD 93-16)
Amended and Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-17: Faculty Grievance Process
Amended and Approved, 3/23/1998 - SD 97-18: Resolution on underfunding of IPFW
Approved, 3/23/1998 - SD 97-19: Resolution on number of teaching faculty at IPFW
Approved, 3/23/1998 - SD 97-20: Resolution concerning service fee issue
Approved, 3/23/1998 - SD 97-21: Revisions to the School of Fine and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Document (Amends SD 92-25)
Approved, 4/13/1998 - SD 97-22: Amendments to SD 88-13, Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Amended and Approved, 4/13/1998 - SD 97-23: Upward Feedback: Review of Administrators
Approved, 4/13/1998
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-7) - SD 97-25: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18 (Late Withdrawals)
Amended & Approved, 4/20/1998 - SD 97-26: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18 (Change of deadline for auditors)
Approved, 4/20/1998 - SD 97-27: Resolution on Indiana University Faculty Boards of Review
Approved, 3/30/1998 - SD 97-28: Establishment and Appointment of Ombudscommittee
Amended and Approved, 4/20/1998 - SD 97-29: Procedure for Resolution of Existing Purdue University Grievances
Approved, 4/20/1998
- SD 95-1: Approval of replacement members of the University Resources Policy Committee, the Calendar Subcommittee, the Professional Development Subcommittee, and the General Education Subcommittee
Amended and Approved, 10/9/1995 - SD 95-2: Amendment to the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: International Baccalaureate Program
Approved, 10/9/1995 - SD 95-3: Dual-credit policy
Approved, 10/9/1995 - SD 95-4: School of Business and Management Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures
Supersedes SD 88-34
Amended and Approved, 10/9/1995
Amended, 4/8/1995 (SD 95-15)
Amended, 10/18/2004 (SD 04-2)
Superseded by SD 16-27 - SD 95-5: Amendment to the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Minors
Approved, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-6: Amendment to SD 88-25: Campus-Wide Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-7: Amendment to SD 88-25: Campus-Wide Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-8: Women's Soccer
Approved and forwarded to the chancellor for action
Approved, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-9: Amendment to the Bylaws--Abolition of the Lecture Series Subcommittee
Approved, 12/11/1995 - SD 95-10: Academic Calendar, 1998-99
Approved, 3/11/1996 - SD 95-11: Amendment to the Bylaws--Disestablishment of the Accelerated High School Studies Subcommittee and establishment of the Distance Education Subcommittee
Approved, 3/11/1996 - SD 95-12: Amendments of the general-education program
Approved, 4/8/1996 - SD 95-13: Amendment of the Academic Regulations--Determination of student classification
Approved, 4/8/1996 - SD 95-14: Rescheduling of the Free Period
Approved, 4/8/1996 - SD 95-15: Revision of School of Business and Management Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures Document and SBMS Constitution and Bylaws (Part 6, Promotion and Tenure Committee membership) (Amends SD 95-4)
Approved, 4/8/1996
- SD 93-1: Approval of replacement members of the Agenda Committee and of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 9/13/1993 - SD 93-2: Amendment to the IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Approved, 9/13/1993 (not implemented) - SD 93-3: Chancellor Search and Screen Committee
Approved, 9/13/1993 - SD 93-4: Approval of replacement members of the Honors Program Council and the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 10/11/1993 - SD 93-5: Amendment to SR 85-2: Guidelines for the Operation of the Office of Continuing Education (OCE)
Approved, 11/8/1993 - SD 93-6: Free Period Change - consideration postponed (11/8/1993)
Superseded by SD 95-14, Approved, 4/8/1996 - SD 93-7: Approval of replacement members of the Academic Appeals Subcommittee
Approved, 12/13/1993 - SD 93-8: 1996-97 Academic Calendar
Approved, 12/13/1993 - SD 93-9: Faculty Roles, Workloads, and Rewards
Approved, 12/13/1993
Amended, 4/21/1997 (SD 96-17)
Superseded by SD 97-8 - Approved, 12/8/1997 - SD 93-10: School and Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives Statements
Supplemented by SD 93-27
Supplemented by SD 94-14
Amended by SD 96-3 - Change in School of Education mission statement
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999 - SD 93-11: Changes to Purdue University at Fort Wayne Faculty Grievance Policy (FWSD 76-10)
Approved, 12/13/1993 - SD 93-12: IPFW Representation on the University Faculty Senate" - deleted as an item on the agenda
- SD 93-13: ICHE proposal for improving high-school preparation for postsecondary education
Approved and forwarded to the chancellor for forwarding to the ICHE
Approved, 1/10/1994 - SD 93-14: Baccalaureate-level general education at IPFW
Approved, 1/10/1994
Amended, 4/10/1995 (SD 94-23)
Amended, 4/8/2996 (SD 95-12)
Superseded by SD 99-25
Amended, 9/8/1997 (SD 97-3) - SD 93-15: Revision of the IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct to accommodate the Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures" - deleted as an item on the Agenda
Approved, 3/14/1994 - SD 93-16: Resolution on the English-as-a-Second-Language program, including amendments of the Academic Regulations
Approved, 3/14/1994
Superseded by SD 97-16 - SD 93-17: Amendment of the Academic Regulations--Grade-point averages
Approved, 3/14/1994 - SD 93-18: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Membership of Senate committees and subcommittees
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-19: Amendment to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Faculty--Membership of Senate committees" - sent out for Faculty vote
Approved, 5/2/1994 - SD 93-20: Amendment to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Faculty--Definition of university affiliation" - sent out for Faculty vote
Approved, 5/2/1994 - SD 93-21: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10:General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-22: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Membership of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Election of the Intercampus Faculty Council representative
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-24: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Promotion and Tenure Subcommittee
Approved, 4/11/1994
Amended by SD 94-26 and SD 94-27 - SD 93-25: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Resolution (S&E budget study)
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-26: Review of academic units
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-27: School and Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives Statements
Approved, 4/11/1994
Amended by SD 96-9 - Change in School of Business and Management Sciences mission statement (2/10/1997)
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999
- SD 91-1: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct - withdrawal of endorsement of Code" - Approved and sent to the Purdue University Board of Trustees
Approved, 9/16/1991) (rescinded) - SD 91-2: Approval of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 10/14/1991 - SD 91-3: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate SD 81-10: Membership on the Academic Appeals Subcommittee
Approved, 11/11/1991 - SD 91-4: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate SD 81-10: Membership on the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 11/11/1991 - SD 91-5: Ethical Guidelines for Student Computer Users at IPFW
(Amended & Approved, 12/9/1991)
(Amended, 4/12/1999)
(Amended, 12/10/2001)
(Amended, 12/13/2010) - SD 91-6: IPFW Mission Statement
Amended, 12/9/1991
Recommitted to EPC, 12/9/1991
Amended and Approved, 12/16/1991
Amended, 2/10/1992
Superseded by SD 99-19 - SD 91-7: Purdue University TIAA-CREF Retirement Plan Task Force Recommendations
Approved, 12/16/1991 - SD 91-8: Amendment to the Academic Regulations--Degree Requirements
Approved, 1/13/1992 - SD 91-9: Accepting Credit Procedures
Approved, 1/13/1992 - SD 91-10: Formation of a committee to make recommendations concerning Management Agreement
Approved, 1/13/1992 - SD 91-11: Research Misconduct Procedures - consideration postponed until 4/13/1992
Not approved - see substitute resolution SD 91-15 - SD 91-12: Change in Title of SD 91-6: Mission Statement
Approved, 2/10/1992 - SD 91-13: Academic Calendar, 1993-1994
Approved, 3/16/1992
Amended, 9/14/1992 (SD 92-2) - SD 91-14: Tenure Stop-Out Policy
Recommitted to Faculty Affairs Committee, 3/16/1992
Replaced by SD 91-20 - SD 91-15: Research Misconduct Procedures
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-16: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Change in membership of the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-17:Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Clarification of membership of the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-18: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Addition of student government affiliate member
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-19: Salary Policy
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-20: Extension of the Probationary Period for Justifiable Cause [Tenure Stop-Out]
Amended and Approved, 4/13/1992
Amended, 4/10/1995 (SD 94-25)
Amended & Approved, 4/15/2013 (SD 12-21)
Amended & Approved, 2/10/2014 (SD 13-16)
- SD 89-1: Approval of replacement members of the Rules Committee, the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs, the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee, the Professional Development Subcommittee, the Academic Appeals Subcommittee, and the Educational Policy Committee
Amended and Approved, 9/18/1989 - SD 89-2: School of Engineering and Technology: Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures
Supersedes SD 88-37
Amended and Approved, 9/18/1989
Amended, 10/10/1994 (SD 94-9)
Amended, 4/10/2006 (SD 05-9) - SD 89-3: Division of Labor Studies: Statement on Promotion and Tenure
(Consideration Postponed, 9/18/1989)
Referred back to Labor Studies, 10/16/1989 - SD 89-4: Procedures for Librarians' Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 9/18/1989
Amended and Approved, 10/8/1990 (SD 90-4)
Amended and Approved, 3/15/2004 (SD 03-18)
Amended, 4/11/2011
Amended, 2/11/2013 (SD 12-11) - SD 89-5: Division of Health Sciences: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Supersedes SD 88-41
Approved, 9/18/1989
Superseded by SD 03-20 - SD 89-6: Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
(Consideration Postponed, 9/18/1989)
Referred back to Public and Environmental Affairs, 10/16/1989 - SD 89-7: School of Fine and Performing Arts: Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Supersedes SD 88-36
Approved, 9/18/1989
Superseded by SD 92-25 - SD 89-8: Amendments to SD 88-35: Education Promotion and Tenure Document
Approved, 9/18/1989 - SD 89-9: Endorsement of committee report (Ad Hoc Committee To Review the Relationships between IPFW and Indiana University and Purdue University)
Amended and Approved, 9/18/1989 - SD 89-10: Election of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 10/16/1989 - SD 89-11: Election of replacement member of the Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 11/13/1989 - SD 89-12: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
Approved, 11/13/1989
Superseded by SD 99-5 - SD 89-13: Request for approval of A&S Faculty Document 89-1, Amendment to the Governance Document--Addition of policy on procedures for promotion and tenure
Approved, 1/15/1990
Amended, 9/12/1994 (SD 94-6)
Amended, 3/16/1998 (SD 97-12)
Amended, 4/19/2004 (SD 03-24)
Amended, 12/12/2011 (SD 11-10) - SD 89-14: Approval of replacement members of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee and the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 2/12/1990 - SD 89-15: Amendment of the 1990-1991 Calendar SD 88-21
Amended and Approved, 2/19/1990
Amended and Approved, 10/8/1990 - SD 89-16: Proposed Amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures SD 85-18
Approved, 2/12/1990 - SD 89-17: 1991-1992 Calendar
(Consideration Postponed until March, 2/12/1990)
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-18: Motion to rescind SD 88-42
Amended and Approved, 2/12/1990 - SD 89-19: Sale of Examination or Professional Review Copies
Referred to the Faculty Affairs Committee, 2/19/1990
See SD 89-27 - SD 89-20: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty of Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne-Restructuring of Senate meeting times
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-21: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate-Restructuring of Senate meeting times
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-22: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty of Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne-Membership for the Presiding Officer
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate-- Revision of provisions for promotion, tenure, and sabbatical leaves
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-24: Sustaining access to high-quality education
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-25: Approval of replacement member of the Rules Committee
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-26: Replacement of Senate Document SD 82-8: Concerning Faculty Absences
Approved, 4/16/1990 - SD 89-27: Sale of Complimentary Textbooks
Amended and Approved, 4/16/1990 - SD 89-28: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Amended and Approved, 4/16/1990
Amended, 3/25/1991 (SD 90-22)
Endorsement withdrawn, 9/16/1991
Amended, 2/13/1995 (SD 94-19)
Amended, 3/17/1997 (SD 96-13)
Amended, 4/12/1999 (SD 98-23)
Amended, 11/18/2002 (SD 02-6)
Amended, 3/17/2003 (SD 02-15)
Amended, 10/16/2006 (SD 06-3)
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-6)
Amended, 4/18/2016 (SD 15-27) - SD 89-29: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Change in the composition and reporting of the Campus Appeals Board
Amended and Approved, 4/16/1990 - SD 89-30: General Policy Statements Regarding Associate Faculty Stipends, formerly SR No. 89-19
Amended and Approved, 4/23/1990
- SD 87-1: Election of replacement member of the Nominations & Elections Committee
Approved, 9/14/1987 - SD 87-2: Proposed Medical Security Program
Approved, 9/14/1987 - SD 87-3: Chancellor's Smoking Policy
Approved, 9/14/1987 - SD 87-4: Tobacco Smoke Policy
Postponed to a definite time, 9/21/1987
Amended and Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-5: Election of replacement member of the Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 9/21/1987 - SD 87-6: Election of replacement members of the Faculty Grievance Board
Approved, 9/21/1987 - SD 87-7: Resolution of appreciation: Edward A. Nicholson
Approved, 9/21/1987 - SD 87-8: Election of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 9/21/1987 - SD 87-9: Election of replacement member of the Accelerated High School Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-10: Letter of appreciation to Foellinger Foundation, Inc., for $3 million gift to IPFW
Amended and Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-11: AIDS Awareness Week
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-12: Election of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-13: Election of replacement members of the Faculty Grievance Board
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-14: Election of replacement member of the Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-15: Election of replacement member of the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-16: Representation to the Purdue University Board of Trustees
Approved, 11/9/1987 - SD 87-17: Resolution of Appreciation: Jack Ulmer
Approved, 11/9/1987 - SD 87-18: Election of replacement member of the Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 11/9/1987 - SD 87-19: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Approved, 12/14/1987 - SD 87-20: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate-- Membership of the International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 12/14/1987 - SD 87-21: Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty of Indiana University- Purdue University at Fort Wayne
Approved for Faculty Vote, 12/14/1987
Approved (by Faculty, 1/19/1988)
Sent to IU and Purdue for approval by President Ehrlich and Purdue University Board of Trustees
Amended, 11/14/1988 (SD 88-9) - SD 87-22: Adoption of Official School Colors
Tabled, 12/14/1987
Amended and Approved, 1/18/1988 - SD 87-23: Contingency Planning Policy and Procedures (Amends SD 86-22)
Approved, 1/18/1988 - SD 87-24: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of IPFW
Approved, 1/18/1988 - SD 87-25: Membership Eligibility Resolution
Amended and Approved, 1/18/1988 - SD 87-26: Calendar for 1989-1990 for Action and Calendar for 1990-1991 for Information Only
Approved, 2/8/1988 - SD 87-27: Budget Emphasis Areas
Committed to the University Resources Policy Committee, 2/8/1988 - SD 87-28: Instruction at IPFW: A Response to Concerns about Part- Time Faculty
Recommitted to Educational Policy Committee and Committed to Faculty Affairs Committee, 2/8/1988 - SD 87-29: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Amended and Approved, 3/14/1988 - SD 87-30: Student Data Records
Approved, 4/11/1988 - SD 87-31: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Approved, 4/11/1988 - SD 87-32: Policy on Faculty Workload, Evaluation, and Reward
Approved, 4/11/1988
Superseded by SD 97-8, Approved 12/8/1997 - SD 87-33: Change in academic organization within the School of Business and Management Sciences
Approved, 4/11/1988
- SD 85-1: Amendment to the Bylaws: Calendar Subcommittee Composition
Approved, 9/9/1985 - SD 85-2: Amendment to SD 82-2: Academic Appeals (SD 85-2)
Approved, 9/9/1985 - SD 85-3: Election of replacement member of the Subcommittee on Athletics (SCOA)
Approved, 9/9/1985 - SD 85-4: Election of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 9/9/1985 - SD 85-5: Funding for a Fine Arts Building
Amended, 9/9/1985
Amended, 9/23/1985
Referred back to committee, 9/23/1985 - SD 85-5: Funding for a Fine Arts Building
(revised) (Approved, 11/11/1985) - SD 85-6: Search and Screen Committee for Chancellor of IPFW
Postponed indefinitely, 9/23/1985 - SD 85-7: Facility for the Fine Arts
Amended and Approved, 10/14/1985 - SD 85-8: The 1985-86 Search for Chancellor of IPFW
Approved, 10/14/1985 - SD 85-9: Contempt citation: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Postponed until 1/20/1986
Postponed indefinitely, 1/20/1985 - SD 85-10: Conflicts of financial interest in instructional situations
Amended and Approved, 1/27/1986 [policy not implemented] - SD 85-11: Amendment to the Bylaws: Revision of charge and membership: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Amended and Approved, 1/20/1986 - SD 85-12: Academic calendars for 1987-88 ("for action") and 1988-89 ("for information only")
Approved, 2/10/1986 - SD 85-14(A): Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty: Clarification of Professional Studies
Amended and Approved, 3/17/1986
Approved by the Faculty, 4/2/1986 - SD 85-14(B): Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: Clarification of Professional Studies
Amended and Approved, 3/17/1986
Contingent upon approval of SD 85-14(A) - SD 85-15: Establishment, certification, and recognition of minors
Approved, 3/17/1986 - SD 85-16: Revised deadline for changes in audit/credit status
Approved, 3/17/1986 - SD 85-17: Informing the Faculty about new academic programs proposed for IPFW
Approved, 3/17/1986
Superseded by SD 88-10 - SD 85-18: Academic Regulations
Amended and Approved, 4/21/1986
Amended, 3/18/2002 (SD 01-9 - second reading)
Amended, 12/8/2003 (SD 03-7)
Amended, 4/11/2005 (SD 04-11 [revised])
Amended, 2/11/2008 (SD 07-7)
Amended, 4/12/2010 (SD 09-12, 13, 14)
Amended, 4/11/2011 (SD 10-16)
Amended, 3/12/2012 (SD 11-16)
Amended, 1/13/2014 (SD 13-12)
Amended, 3/17/2014 (SD 13-28)
Amended, 4/14/2014 (SD 13-29)
Amended, 12/8/2014 (SD 14-16) (SD 14-17) (SD 14-18)
Amended, 12/14/2015 (SD 15-7) (SD 15-9)
Amended, 1/11/2016 (SD 15-13)
Amended, 4/11/2016 (SD 15-25)
Amended, 5/1/17 (SD 16-45) (SD 16-46) - SD 85-19: Recommendations to the administration regarding the next biennial budget
Amended and Approved, 4/14/1986 - SD 85-20: Reporting Line of the Affirmative Action Officers
Approved, 4/21/1986
- SD 83-1: Amendment to the Senate Bylaws: Calendar Subcommittee Composition
Amended and Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-2: Student Representation on the Honors Program Council: Amends SD 81-3[A]
Amended and Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-3: Constitution of the Faculty of IPFW: Removal of Articles X, XI, and XII
Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-4: National Faculty Exchange
Amended and Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-5: Vacancy on the Calendar Subcommittee
Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-6: Implementation of Senate Document SD 82-2: Academic Appeals Policy
Approved, 11/14/1983 - SD 83-7: EDUC X150 Requirement
Approved, 12/12/1983 - SD 83-8: Scholastic Honor Societies
Approved, 12/12/1983 - SD 83-9: Policies Regarding Continuing Education (CE), including Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate
Amended and Approved, 4/9/1984
Amended, 11/12/1990 (SD 90-8) - SD 83-10: Early Salary Payment
Approved, 1/16/1984 - SD 83-11: Amendment to SD 82-9, Accelerated High School Studies Program
Approved, 2/13/1984 - SD 83-12: Academic Calendar, 1985-86
Amended & Approved, 2/13/1984
Amended, 4/15/1985 (SD 84-15) - SD 83-13: Promotion and Tenure Document
Recommitted to Faculty Affairs Committee, 3/12/1984
Consideration Postponed Indefinitely, 4/15/1985 (SD 84-14) - SD 83-14: Amendments to Senate Document SD 82-4, 1984-1985 Academic Calendar
Approved, 4/9/1984 - SD 83-15: National Faculty Exchange Policies
Approved, 4/9/1984 - SD 83-16: Proposed Amendment to the Constitution: Senator Selection Deadline
Approved, 4/9/1984
Approved by the Faculty, 4/25/1984
Approved by Purdue University Board of Trustees, 9/14/1984
Approved by President John Ryan, 8/28/1984 - SD 83-17: Amendments to SD 81-3[A]: IPFW Honors Program
Approved, 4/9/1984 - SD 83-18: Academic Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities
Approved, 4/9/1984
Rescinded, 12/10/1984 (SD 84-8) - SD 83-19: Amendment to the Bylaws: Establishment of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/9/1984
- SD 81-1: FWFS 81-1: Proposed Calendar 1982-83 (Formula)
Approved, 5/4/1981 - SD 81-2: FWFS 81-2: Computer Science and Technology Task Force
Received, 5/4/1981 - SD 81-3(A): A Recommendation for an IPFW Honors Program
(Indiana FWSD 80-5)
(Purdue FWSD 80-8)
Amended and Approved, 10/12/1981
Amended, 10/10/1983 (SD 83-2)
Amended, 4/9/1984 (SD 83-17)
Superseded by SD 00-05, 3/12/01 - SD 81-3(B): A Proposed IPFW Honors Program
Amended and Approved, 10/12/1981 - SD 81-4: Honors Students
(Purdue FWSD 80-9 [Amends Purdue FWSD 75-11])
Approved, 9/21/1981
Superseded by SD 85-19 - SD 81-5: Mission Statement Task Force
Approved, 9/1981) - SD 81-6: Task Force on Faculty Assessment, Part I: Teaching
(Indiana FWSD 80-4)
(Purdue FWSD 80-7)
Amended, 2/19/1981
Tabled, 9/21/1981 - SD 81-7: Grade Appeals
Recommitted to committee, 10/19/1981 (See SD 82-2) - SD 81-8: Academic Regulations (establishment of committee)
Approved, 9/21/1981
Amended and Approved, 10/19/1981 - SD 81-9: Assignment of Office and Laboratory Space
Received, 9/14/1981
Superseded by SD 99-8 - SD 81-10: Bylaws of the Senate
Amended and Approved, 12/14/1981
Last Amended,(SD 12-16) (SD 12-20) (SD 13-13) (SD 13-17) (SD 14-9) (SD14-13)
(SD 14-21) (SD 14-23) (SD 14-27) (SD 15-12)
Superseded by SD 15-22 - SD 81-11: Privileges Accorded Emeritus Professors
Approved, 2/8/1982 - SD 81-12: IPFW Handbook on the Use of Human Subjects in Research
Committed to new Faculty Affairs Committee, 1/18/1982 - SD 81-13: Apportionment and Election of Senators within the School of Engineering, Technology, and Nursing
Approved, 2/22/1982
Superseded by reorganization documents - SD 81-14: Apportionment and Election of Senators within the School of Science and Humanities
Approved, 2/22/1982
Superseded by reorganization documents - SD 81-15: Calendar Adjustment
Defeated, 2/22/1982 - SD 81-16: Methods of Nominating and Electing Senators
Approved, 2/22/1982 - SD 81-17: Apportionment and Election of Senators within the Faculty of Professional Studies
Approved, 2/22/1982
Superseded by reorganization documents - SD 81-18: Faculty Certification and Apportionment
(Revised) Approved, 4/12/1982 - SD 81-19: Methods of Nominating and Electing Senators: Arts and Letters Procedure for Filling Faculty Senate Vacancies
Approved, 4/12/1982
Superseded by reorganization documents - SD 81-20: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate (SD 81-10): The Subcommittee on Promotions, Tenure, and Sabbatical Leaves
Approved, 5/10/1982 - SD 81-21: Proposed Academic Calendar, 1983-1984
Amended, 4/19/1982
Amended and Approved, 5/10/1982 - SD 81-22: AROTC Agreement with Ball State
Approved, 5/3/1982 - SD 81-23: Amendments to sections C.1.b.(2), (3c), and (4) of the Bylaws of the Senate: SD 81-10
Approved, 5/10/1982
- SD 24-1: Report to Fort Wayne Senate Regarding Summer Changes to the Organization
Amended and approved October 28, 2024 - SD 24-2: Reinstatement of the French Program
Amended and approved October 28, 2024 - SD 24-3: Elimination of Language Programs
Approved October 14, 2024 - SD 24-4: Filling Educational Policy Committee Vacancies to Enable the Committee to Convene and Conduct Business
Approved September 16, 2024 - SD 24-5: Approval of Replacement Members of the Grade Appeals Board, Programs Subcommittee, Academic Personnel Grievance Board, and Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 14, 2024 - SD 24-6: SEA 202 Intellectual Diversity Complaint Advisory Review Board
Amended and approved October 28. 2024 - SD 24-7: Filling Nominations and Elections Vacancy
Approved October 28, 2024 - SD 24-8: Approval of Replacement Members of the Educational Policy Committee, Nominations and Elections Committee, and Honors Program Subcommittee
Approved November 11, 2024 - SD 24-9: Approval of Doermer School of Business P&T Document
Approved December 9, 2024 - SD 24-10: Charge of the MAAS Committee
Approved December 9, 2024 - SD 24-11: Revision to the Senate Bylaws to Include Faculty Membership on the Campus Conduct Review Board
Approved December 9, 2024 - SD 24-12: Academic Regulations to Extend the Course Withdrawal Deadline
Approved January 13, 2025
- SD 23-1: Approval of Replacement Members of the Grade Appeals Subcommittee, Advising Subcommittee, and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved October 9, 2023 - SD 23-2: Persona Non Grata Determination Process
Approved November 13, 2023 - SD 23-3: Approval of Filling Vacancy on Mastodon Athletics Advisory Subcommittee
Approved November 13, 2023 - SD 23-4: Academic Calendar for 2026–27
Approved November 132023 - SD 23-5: Revision of General Education Program
Amended and approved January 8, 2024
(Amended March 11, 2024—SD 23-18) - SD 23-6: Approval of Rubric for Sabbatical Applications
Approved January 8. 2023 - SD 23-7: Amendments to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and approved November 13, 2023
(Amended February 12, 2024—SD 23-17) - SD 23-8: Updates to Countries Exempt from English Proficiency for Undergraduate Applications
Approved January 8, 2024 - SD 23-9: Responding to Concerns from Campus Climate Survey: Deadnaming
Amended and approved February 19, 2024 - SD 23-10: Updating Academic Regulations in Regards to Artificial Intelligence
Approved February 12, 2024 - SD 23-11: Proposal for Revision Senate Bylaws - MAAS
Amended and approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-12: Approval of Filling Vacancy on Mastodon Athletics Advisory Subcommittee
Approved February 19, 2024 - SD 23-13: Updating Educational Policy Committee (EPC) ByLaws to Expand Membership
Approved February 19, 2024 - SD 23-14: Change to Academic Regulations 9.4: Notice of Academic Probation, Dismissal, and Readmission
Approved February 19, 2024
Amended April 15, 2024—SD 23-21 - SD 23-15: Expanding Class Scheduling Options
Approved February 19, 2024 - SD 23-16: Indiana Senate Bill 202 to Amend the Indiana Code Concerning Higher Education
Approved February 12, 2024 - SD 23-17: Amendment to SD 23-7
Approved February 12, 2024 - SD 23-18: Change to Minimum Grade Requirement in Revised General Education Program
Approved March 11, 2024 - SD 23-19: Commencement Ceremony Schedule
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-20: Recommendation on Assigned Academic Work During Scheduled Breaks
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-21: Updating Academic Regulations 9.4: Notice of Academic Notice, Separation and Readmission
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-22: English Language Pathway to PFW
Approved April 22, 2024 - SD 23-23: Clarifying Academic Regulations 5.1 and 5.2 Apply to 16-Week Courses
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-24: Academic Calendar for 2027–28
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-25: Change to Academic Regulations 10.4: Graduation with Distinction
Approved April 22, 2024 - SD 23-26: Updating Resident Credit
Approved April 22, 2024 - SD 23-27: PFW Faculty Senate Position on Conflict in the Middle East
Amended and approved April 22, 2024 - SD 23-28: Two Updates to SD 14-36 for Campus P&T Committee
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-29: Update to SD 19-13 for Campus P&T Committee
Approved April 15, 2024 - SD 23-30: Amendments to the Bylaws: Restructuring of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
Approved April 15, 2024
- SD 22-1: Endorsement of Revision to Rachel Barney’s Anti-Authoritarian Code of Conduct
Approved September 12, 2022 - SD 22-2: Approval of Replacement Members of the Civics Literacy Proficiency Subcommittee, Professional Development Subcommittee, Campus Appeals Board, and Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 10, 2022 - SD 22-3: Amending the Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirements to Clarify “Passing”
Approved October 10, 2022 - SD 22-4: Access to Reproductive Health Care for All Benefited Purdue Employees
Approved October 10, 2022 - SD 22-5: Review of Sabbatical Application Rubric Developed by PDS for 2022–23
Amended and approved October 10, 2022 - SD 22-6: Review of the Created Equal Event on Campus on Tuesday, September 20
Amended and approved October 24, 2022 - SD 22-7: Approval of Revised Sabbatical Policy
Approved November 21, 2022
Supersedes SD 06-14 - SD 22-8: Support for WL Senate Document SD 22-08 Addressing the Negative Impact of Indiana Senate Bill I
Approved November 21, 2022 - SD 22-9: Filling Vacancies (Subcommittee Task Force)
Approved November 21, 2022 - SD 22-10: Public Sharing Information about Deaths of Students at PFW
Approved December 12, 2022 - SD 22-11: Update of Academic Regulation on Foreign Language Placement Processes
Amended and approved December 12, 2022 - SD 22-12: Approval of Replacement Member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved January 9, 2023 - SD 22-13: Guiding Principles of Promotion to Include Professors of Practice
Amended and approved January 9, 2023 - SD 22-14: Procedures of Promotion to Include Professors of Practice
Approved January 9, 2023
Rescinded April 10, 2023 - SD 22-15: Military Experience Policy
Approved January 9, 2023 - SD 22-16: Shared Governance and Consideration of Greek Life
Amended and approved January 9, 2023 - SD 22-17: Approval of School of Education Procedures for the Promotion of Clinical Faculty
Approved March 13, 2023
Amended April 24, 2023 - SD 22-18: Approval of Replacement Member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved February 13, 2023 - SD 22-19: Approval of Filling Vacancy on the International Education Advisory Subcommittee
Approved February 13, 2023 - SD 22-20: Approval of Senate to Clarify SD 18-15
Approved March 13, 2023 - SD 22-21: Academic Calendar for 2025–26
Approved March 13, 2023 - SD 22-22: Extension of Work Period for Senate Academic Regulations Task Force
Approved March 13, 2023 - SD 22-23: Support for WL University Senate Document SD 22-20 PNW Concerning Chancellor Thomas Keon’s Racist Comments
Approved March 13, 2023 - SD 22-24: Approval to Rescind SD 22-14 and Amend SD 14-36 to include Procedures of Promotion for Professors of Practice
Approved April 10, 2023 - SD 22-25: Commencement Ceremony Schedule
Amended and approved April 10, 2023 - SD 22-26: Request for Extension of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Community Engagement
Approved April 10, 2023 - SD 22-27: Purdue University Fort Wayne Absence Policies for Students
Amended and Approved April 17, 2023
Supersedes SD 11-7 - SD 22-28: Amendment to the Bylaws - Resolution to Update the Charge of the International Education Advisory Subcommittee
Approved April 17, 2023 - SD 22-29: Approval of Revision and Addition to the COS Promotion and Tenure Document
Approved April 17, 2023 - SD 22-30: Reminder to Our Administrative Leadership
Approved April 17, 2023 - SD 22-31: Recommendations for Policies for the Use of Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS) Data
Approved April 17, 2023
- SD 21-1: Amendment to the Bylaws - Formation of Advising Subcommittee
Amended and approved September 13, 2021
Amended November 8, 2021—SD 21-8 - SD 21-2: Amendment to the Bylaws - Renumbering
Approved September 13, 2021 - SD 21-3: Approval of Replacement Members of the Grade Appeals Subcommittee, University Advancement Advisory Subcommittee, and Senate Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Procedural Handling of Allegations of Misconduct in the PFW Women’s Basketball Program
Approved September 13, 2021 - SD 21-4: Resolution to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines for Students and Employees
Amended and approved September 20, 2021 - SD 21-5: Approval of Replacement Members of the Student Affairs Committee, University Resources Policy Committee, and Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved October 11, 2021 - SD 21-6: Civics Literacy Requirement Resolution
Approved October 11, 2021 - SD 21-7: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Senate Faculty Affairs Committee
Amended and approved November 8, 2021 - SD 21-8: Filling Membership of Advising Subcommittee
Amended and approved November 8, 2021 - SD 21-9: Proposed Elimination of June Degree Conferrals by Purdue University Fort Wayne following the conclusion of Summer Session One and Retention of Grade Submission following the conclusion of Summer Session One
Approved November 8, 2021 - SD 21-10: Senate Document Renumbering for SD 20-34
Approved December 13, 2021 - SD 21-11: School of Education Governance Document
Withdrawn December 13, 2021 - SD 21-12: Graduation Requirement Resolution
Approved December 13, 2021 - SD 21-13: Amendment to the Bylaws-Lecturers and Related Matters
Approved January 10, 2022 - SD 21-14: Amendment to the Constitution-Definitional Changes (e.g., Lecturers and Secondary Effects)
Approved January 10, 2022 - SD 21-15: Review of Sabbatical Application Process
Approved January 10, 2022 - SD 21-16: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved February 14, 2022 - SD 21-17: Academic Calendar for 2024–25
Approved February 14, 2022 - SD 21-18: Expanding Class Scheduling Options
Expired February 14, 2022 - SD 21-19: Senate Ad-hoc Committee on Community Engagement
Approved February 14, 2022 - SD 21-20: Amendment to the Bylaws-Subcommittee Task Force Amendment
Approved February 14, 2022 - SD 21-21: Resolution: Defending Academic Freedom to Teach About Race and Gender Justice and Critical Race Theory
Amended and approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-22: Approval of Filling Vacancy on General Education Subcommittee
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-23: Academic Units’ Cooperation on University Website
Amended and approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-24: Library Collection Development Policy
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-25: School of Education Governance Document
Approved March 14, 2022
Supersedes SD 14-26
Amended April 24, 2023–SD 22-17 - SD 21-26: Amendment to the Bylaws-Merger of the Revenue Subcommittee with the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-27: Approval of Replacement Member of the Executive Committee
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-28: PFW Proposal for Purdue System Mandated Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement
March 14, 2022
Amended October 10, 2022–SD 22-3 - SD 21-29: Amendment to the Bylaws-PFW Recommendation for how to Administer the Purdue System Mandated Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement
Approved March 14, 2022 - SD 21-30: Report on Dissolution of Printing Services
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-31: Maintaining Faculty Role in Advising
Approved April 18, 2022 - SD 21-32: Consideration and Implementation of the Recommendations by the Ad Hoc Committee to Examine the Procedural Handling of Allegations of Misconduct in the PFW Women’s Basketball Program
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-33: Timely Information Sharing with Faculty About Financial Student Retention Policies
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-34: Revising the Questions from the Annual Athletics Report
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-35: Public Sharing Information about Deaths of Faculty and Staff at PFW
Approved April 11, 2022 - SD 21-36: Internship Credit Policy
Expired April 18, 2022 - SD 21-37: Change to PFW Academic Regulations Reconciliation Process
Approved April 18, 2022 - SD 21-38: Change to Transfer Credit Regulations
Approved April 18, 2022 - SD 21-39: Approval of Changes/Updates to SD 06-14: Sabbatical Leaves
Approved April 11, 2022
Superseded by SD 22-7
- SD 20-1: Resolution on Publicizing COVID-19 Statistics for Purdue University Fort Wayne
Amended and approved September 14, 2020 - SD 20-2: Endorsement of Rachel Barney’s Anti-Authoritarian Code of Conduct
Approved September 21, 2020 - SD 20-3: Withdrawal Policy for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 Semesters
Amended and approved September 21, 2020 - SD 20-4: Approval of Replacement Members of the Executive Committee
Approved September 21, 2020 - SD 20-5: Temporary Exemption from Procedures of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved October 12, 2020 - SD 20-6: Alignment of By-Laws with New Lecturer Promotion Procedures
Approved October 12, 2020 - SD 20-7: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Senate Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 12, 2020 - SD 20-8: Approval to Fill a Vacancy on the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved October 12, 2020 - SD 20-9: Holds for Academic Dishonesty
Amended and approved October 26, 2020 - SD 20-10: Guidelines for Keeping Campus Open During the Pandemic
Approved October 26, 2020 - SD 20-11: Academic Calendar for 2023–24
Approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-12: Requirements for Certificates
Amended and approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-13: Bylaw Change - Composition of Graduate Subcommittee
Approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-14: Instating Honors Pin Policy
ApprovedNovember 16, 2020 - SD 20-15: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Senate Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-16: Change to Pass/Not Pass Status for Fall 2020 Semester
Amended and approved November 16, 2020 - SD 20-17: Advanced Credit Policy
Approved January 11, 2021 - SD 20-18: Revision of General Education Program
Failed March 22, 2021 - SD 20-19: Resolution to Discuss AAUP Financial Analysis of Purdue University Fort Wayne
Approved February 8, 2021 - SD 20-19a: Correct Numbers for FY2016
Added, February 15, 2021 - SD 20-20: Resolution of Appreciation for International Students at Purdue University Fort Wayne
Approved December 14, 2020 - SD 20-21: Resolution to Discuss Impact of Pandemic on Faculty
Approved January 11, 2021 - SD 20-22: Automatic Two-year Extension of Probationary Period - COVID Pandemic
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-23: COLA Senate Apportionment
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-24: College of Science Senate Apportionment
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-25: Approval to Fill a Vacancy on the Senate Library Subcommittee
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-26: COLA Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-27: College of Science Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved April 12, 2021
Amended, April 17, 2021–SD 22-29 - SD 20-28: COAS Governance Document Revisions Concerning P&T
Failed in Committee - SD 20-29: Academic Regulation Change for Incompletes, Unremoved Incompletes and Miscellaneous Grading Regulations
Approved February 8, 2021 - SD 20-30: Resolution to Discuss the 1968 AAUP Statement on the Role of the Faculty in the Accrediting of Colleges of Universities
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-31: Approval of Replacement Members of the Executive Committee
Approved February 8, 2021 - SD 20-32: Approval to Fill a Vacancy on the Academic Computing and Information Technology Advisory Subcommittee
Approved February 8, 2021 - SD 20-33: Resolution to Map Out the Levels of Shared Governance
Expired April 26, 2021 - SD 20-34: Senate Oversight in Abuse Allegations Against Coach Nelson
Approved January 25, 2021 - SD 20-34a: Proposed Alignment of Purdue Fort Wayne Pass/Not Pass Regulations with Purdue Systemwide Pass/Not Pass Regulations and Proposed Amendments to the PFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-35: SOE Senate Apportionment and Election of Senators/Committee Vacancies
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-36: Resolution for Increased Aid for Public Higher Education
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-37: Endorsement and Revision of Student Code of Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct
Amended and approved April 26, 2021
Amended February 12, 2024–SD 23-10 - SD 20-38: Amendment of the By-laws as Caused by the Split of COAS
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-39: Amendment of the By-laws as Caused by the Changed Number of Major Units
Approved March 22, 2021 - SD 20-40: Policy for Meeting Requirements of Major, Minors, Concentrations, and Certificates to Apply for Graduation
Amended and approved April 19, 2021 - SD 20-41: Tenure-track Faculty with COVID Extension May Use P&T Criteria Under Which They Were Hired
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-42: Representation on PUWL Bodies (Change to the Bylaws)
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-43: Representation on the PFW Space Committee (Change to the Bylaws)
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 20-44: New Business (Change to the Bylaws)
Approved April 26, 2021 - SD 20-45: Request to Re-authorize the Ad-hoc Committee Established by SD20-34 for the Next AY
Approved April 26, 2021 - SD 20-46: Proposed Elimination of Standardized Test Scores as Requirement for Admission to PFW
Amended and approved April 19, 2021 - SD 20-47: College of Engineering, Technology and Computer Science, Promotion and Tenure Documents (Amends SD 89-2)
Approved May 3, 2021
- SD 19-1: Changes to Academic Programs and Structures
Approved October 14, 2019 - SD 19-2: Approval of Replacement Members of the Professional Development Subcommittee, Campus Appeals Board, Faculty Affairs Committee, Educational Policy Committee, University Resources Policy Committee, and Executive Committee
Approved October 14, 2019 - SD 19-3: Senate Ad Hoc Committee to Restore College TV
Amended and approved October 29, 2019 - SD 19-4: Academic Calendar for 2022–23
Approved October 14, 2019 - SD 19-5: Diversity at PFW
Failed November 11, 2019 - SD 19-6: Purdue Fort Wayne Representative to the Purdue West Lafayette Faculty Senate
Approved October 14, 2019 - SD 19-7: Elimination of USAP Recommendations 2.1 and 2.2
Failed in Committee - SD 19-8: University Strategic Plan
Amended and approved November 11, 2019 - SD 19-9: Guiding Principles for Promotion of Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved January 13, 2020 - SD 19-10: Special Abbreviated Procedure For First Year Of Senior Lecturer Promotion Process
Amended and approved December 19, 2019 - SD 19-11: Signing the U.S. Academic Joint Statement on the Escalation of Tensions in Hong Kong and at the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Amended and approved December 9, 2019 - SD 19-12: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Expanding Membership of the Revenue Subcommittee
Approved December 9, 2019 - SD 19-13: Procedures of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved February 10, 2020
(Amended April 15, 2024–SD 23-29) - SD 19-14: Recommendation for Creation of a Chief Diversity Officer and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Failed January 27, 2020 - SD 19-15: Approval to fill a vacancy on the General Education Subcommittee
Approved January 13, 2020 - SD 19-16: Approval to adding member to the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved February 10, 2020 - SD 19-17: Amendment to the Bylaws on Lecturer Voting Privileges
Approved February 10, 2020 - SD 19-18: Approval of Adding Member to the Executive Committee
Approved February 10, 2020 - SD 19-19: Constitutional Amendment - Apportionment
Approved March 23, 2020 - SD 19-20: Approval to Fill a Vacancy on the Curriculum Subcommittee
Approved March 23, 2020 - SD 19-21: Approval of Filling in of a Vacancy in the Senate Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved March 23, 2020 - SD 19-22: Procedures of Promotion to Include Clinical Faculty
Approved, March 23, 2020 - SD 19-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Curriculum Review Subcommittee and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved March 23, 2020 - SD 19-24: Senate Document SD 19-24 and Procedures for Senate Curriculum Review Subcommittee and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved April 27, 2020 - SD 19-25: Splitting the College of Arts and Sciences
Approved April 13, 2020 - SD 19-26: Resolution to Secure Shared Governance over Summer 2020
Approved April 13, 2020 - SD 19-27: Criteria of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW for 20–21
Approved April 20, 2020 - SD 19-28: PFW CARE Funds
Approved April 20, 2020 - SD 19-29: Purdue Fort Wayne Online Orientation Experience
Approved April 20, 2020
- SD 18-1: Approval of replacement members of the Executive Committee
Approved September 10, 2018 - SD 18-2: Approval of replacement members of the Honors Program Council and Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 8, 2018 - SD 18-3: Resolution on Opposing Purdue Global Practices
Approved October 22, 2018 - SD 18-4: Campus Promotion and Tenure Subcommittee Membership
Failed October 22, 2018 - SD 18-5: Academic Calendar for 2021–22
Approved December 10, 2018 - SD 18-6: Purdue Fort Wayne Representative to the Purdue West Lafayette Faculty Senate
Approved December 10, 2018 - SD 18-7: Purdue Fort Wayne Representative to the IU Fort Wayne Faculty Council
Approved December 10, 2018 - SD 18-8: Resolution on Campus Climate
Approved December 10, 2018 - SD 18-9: Faculty Senate Subcommittee Review of Learning Management Systems
Approved February 11, 2019 - SD 18-10: Resolution on Robert's Rules Interpretation
Approved February 11, 2019 - SD 18-11: Resolution to Re-establish PFW Senate Right of Advisement in the Development of the University Strategic Plan
Approved March 11, 2019 - SD 18-12: Disclosure of Pay Scales for Staff
Approved March 11, 2019 - SD 18-13: Purdue Online
Approved April 8, 2019 - SD 18-14: Orderly Process for Course Cancellations Based on Enrollment Minimums
Approved April 8, 2019 - SD 18-15: Guiding Principles of Promotion for Clinical Faculty at PFW
Approved April 8, 2019
(Supersedes SD 17-11)
(Amended January 9, 2023–SD 22-13) - SD 18-16: Amendment to SD 06-14, Sabbatical Leaves
Approved April 8, 2019
Superseded by SD 22-7 - SD 18-17: Senate Deliberations
Approved April 8, 2019
- SD 17-1: Realignment and the Senate
Approved September 11, 2017 - SD 17-2: Athletics Working Group Final Report
Approved September 11, 2017 - SD 17-3: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Academic Organization Subcommittee
Approved September 11, 2017 - SD 17-4: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: APSAC and CSSAC Representatives as Senate Affiliates
Approved September 11, 2017 - SD 17-5: Approval of replacement members of the Library Subcommittee, the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee, the Grade Appeals Subcommittee, the University Resources Policy Subcommittee, the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs, the Indiana University Board of Revenue, the University Faculty Council for Indiana University, and the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved October 16, 2017 - SD 17-6: Approval of replacement members of Purdue Academic Personnel Grievance Committee
Approved October 16, 2017 - SD 17-7: Realignment and the Senate: Amendments to Constitution and Bylaws
Approved October 16, 2017 - SD 17-8: Resolution in Support of Purdue SD 17-03
Approved November 13, 2017 - SD 17-9: Historical Senate Documents and References
Approved November 13, 2017 - SD 17-10: Schools within Colleges
Approved November 13, 2017 - SD 17-11: Guiding principles for clinical faculty at PFW
Approved November 13, 2017
Superseded by SD 18-15 - SD 17-12: Approval of replacement members of the Educational Policy Committee and the General Education Subcommittee
Approved November 13, 2017 - SD 17-13: Change to the Academic Calendar Formula as defined in SD 11-18, SD 16-42 and SD 16-45 and Change to the 2018-2019 academic calendar to reflect the change in the academic calendar formula if adopted
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-14: Change to the 2018-2019 Academic Calendar as defined in SD 16-43 to reflect the calendar formula revision if approved by the Senate (previous document)
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-15: Amendment of the Academic Regulations (SD 16-45)
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-16: Academic Calendar for 2020-2021
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-17: Continuing Lecturers Policy
Approved January 8, 2018 - SD 17-18: Clarifying the End of the Terms of the Current Speakers of the Faculty
Approved February 12, 2018 - SD 17-19: Support for Purdue University Senate Document 17-09
Approved February 12, 2018 - SD 17-20: Athletics Goals and Measures
Approved March 12, 2018 - SD 17-21: IPFW Representatives in the Purdue University Senate
Approved March 12, 2018 - SD 17-22: Administration and Senate Membership
Approved March 12, 2018 - SD 17-23: Chancellor Elsenbaumer's Salary
Approved March 12, 2018 - SD 17-24: Revision of CPS P&T Document
Approved April 9, 2018 - SD 17-25: Military Students Transfer Credit
Withdrawn April 9, 2018 - SD 17-26: College of Professional Studies Procedures for Electing Senators
Approved April 9, 2018
- SD 16-1: Approval of replacement member of the Executive Committee
Approved September 12, 2016 - SD 16-2: ICHE Application to HLC for Extension Regarding Dual Credit Faculty Qualifications
Approved September 12, 2016 - SD 16-3: Approval of replacement members of the Educational Policy Committee, Executive Committee, and University Resources Policy Committee
Amended and approved October 17, 2016 - SD 16-4: Amendment to the Bylaws: Committee/Subcommittee power to remove members
- SD 16-5: Amendment to the Bylaws: University Resources Policy Committee oversight of Athletics budget
- SD 16-6: Independently verified and audited financial statements
Approved October 17, 2016 - SD 16-7: Approval of replacement members of the Professional Development Subcommittee and Revenue Subcommittee
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-8: Changes to policy to reflect student's ability to ask for review not appeal
Recommitted to EPC November 14, 2016 - SD 16-9: Academic Program Closures
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-10: Reinstatement of Academic Degree Programs
Amended and approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-11: Review of Action Plan 41
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-12: FAC Report on "Action Plan 41"
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-13: URPC Report on Action Plan 41
Approved November 14, 2016 - SD 16-14: Subcommittee Reports on Action Plan 41
Approved November 21, 2018 - SD 16-15: Revert to September 19 Recommendations for Academic Programs
Approved November 21, 2018 - SD 16-16: Statement of No Confidence
Approved November 21, 2018 - SD 16-17: Athletics Working Group
Approved December 12, 2016 - SD 16-18: Revision of COAS P&T Document
Approved December 12, 2016 - SD 16-19: Faculty Athletics Representative Document
Approved December 12, 2016 - SD 16-20: Appreciation of Efforts to Support the Rights of IPFW Faculty
Approved December 12, 2016 - SD 16-21: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Resolution
Approved February 13, 2017 - SD 16-22: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: University Resources Policy Committee
Approved February 13, 2017 - SD 16-23: Revision of VPA P&T Document
Approved February 13, 2017
Supersedes SD 10-18 - SD 16-24: Academic Reorganization Process
Approved February 13, 2017 - SD 16-25: College of Education and Public Policy Procedures for Electing Senators
Approved February 13, 2017
Supersedes SD 88-16 and SD 88-32 - SD 16-26: Statement on Shared Governance
Amended and approved February 13, 2017 - SD 16-27: DSB P&T Document
Approved March 13, 2017
Supersedes SD 95-4 - SD 16-28: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Committee Name
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-29: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Committee Structure
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-30: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-31: FAC Report on the Suspension of Voluntary Early Partial Retirement (VERP) Program
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-32: Calendar Formula
Recommitted back to EPC April 10, 2017 - SD 16-33: Changed 2018-19 Academic Calendar
Recommitted back to EPC April 10, 2017 - SD 16-34: Amendment to the Academic Regulations
Recommitted back to EPC April 10, 2017 - SD 16-35: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Approved of Faculty-Initiated Withdrawal Policy
Referred to Executive Committee April 10, 2017 - SD 16-36: Proposal to Establish a more Comprehensive Analysis of Academic Program's Contribution to Degree Programs in Consideration of Program Resource Allocation, Suspension, and Closure
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-37: Executive Committee Annual Report on Administration Compliance with Senate Resolutions
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-38: Approval of replacement members of the Indiana University Board of Review
Approved April 10, 2017 - SD 16-39: Academic Reorganization Report and Proposal
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-40: Amendment to Sabbatical Leaves Document
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-41: Revision of Helmke Library P&T Documents
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-42: Change to the Academic Calendar Formula as defined in SD 11-18 and Change to the 2018-2019 academic calendar to reflect the change in the academic calendar formula of adopted
Approved May 1, 2017
(Amended January 8, 2018 - SD 17-13) - SD 16-43: Change to the 2018-2019 Academic Calendar Formula to Reflect the Calendar Formula Revision If Approved by the Senate (previous document)
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-44: Change to the 2019-2020 Academic Calendar Formula to Reflect the Calendar Revision If Approved by the Senate (previous document)
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-45: Amendment of the Academic Regulations (SD 85-18)
Amended and approved May 1, 2017
(Amended January 8, 2018 - SD 17-13)
(Amended February 8, 2021 - SD 20-29)
(Amended December 12, 2022 - SD 22-11)
(Amended February 12, 2024 - SD 23-10)
(Amended April 15, 2024 - SD 23-21)
(Amended April 15, 2024 - SD 23-23)
(Amended April 22, 2024 - SD 23-25)
(Amended April 22, 2024 - SD 23-26) - SD 16-46: Proposed changes to Academic Regulations regarding International Students
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-47: Purdue Senate Document 16-19 on the Purdue Purchase of Kaplan University
Approved by online vote May 9, 2017
- SD 15-1: Approval of replacement member of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved September 14, 2015 - SD 15-2: Change in IPFW designation
Approved September 14, 2015 - SD 15-3: Approval of replacement member of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved October 19, 2015 - SD 15-4: Approval of replacement members of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved October 19, 2015 - SD 15-5: Approval of replacement member of the Senate Library Subcommittee
Approved October 19, 2015 - SD 15-6: Restatement of 98-22 Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved October 19, 2015
Supersedes SD 98-22 - SD 15-7: Proposed change to Academic Regulations regarding GPA terms
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-8: Process to approve new courses and programs at IPFW
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-9: Proposed change to Academic Regulations for GPA calculations for Graduation with Distinction and with Highest Distinction
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-10: Approval of replacement member of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-11: Approval of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved December 14, 2015 - SD 15-12: Amendment of the Bylaws of the Senate
Amended and approved January 11, 2016 - SD 15-13: Proposed change to Academic Regulations for Student conduct to correspond with the bulletin
Amended and approved January 11, 2016 - SD 15-14: Proposal to Reject Working Group Proposal
Amended and approved January 19, 2016
Senate Response to LSA Report - SD 15-15: Process for Determining Tested Experience in Hiring Faculty
Approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-16: Collaborative decision-making while the University Senate and regional campus Faculty Senate are in session
Approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-17: IPFW Recommendations regarding IU and Purdue Systems Functioning
Approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-18: Proposal for Management Agreement Supporting a Multisystem Metropolitan University
Amended and approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-19: A Momentous Occasion
Approved February 8, 2016 - SD 15-20: Academic Calendar for 2018-2019
Approved March 14, 2016 - SD 15-21: Amendments to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Senate
Approved March 14, 2016
Ratified by the faculty April 20, 2016 - SD 15-22: Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Approved March 14, 2016 - SD 15-23: Amendment to Procedures for Promotion and Tenure and Third Year Review at IPFW
Approved March 14, 2016 - SD 15-24: Elimination of the Continuing Education Advisory Subcommittee
Approved April 11, 2016 - SD 15-25: Proposed change to Academic Regulations for Student conduct to correspond with the bulletin
Approved April 11, 2016 - SD 15-26: New Procedures to Replace Senate Document SD 86-22
Approved April 11, 2016
Supersedes SD 86-22 - SD 15-27: Endorsement of the revised IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (the Code)
Approved April 18, 2016 - SD 15-28: Revision of CEPP P&T document
Approved April 18, 2016 - SD 15-29: Revision of ETCS P&T document
Approved April 18, 2016 - SD 15-30: Revision of CHHS P&T document
Approved April 18, 2016
- SD 14-1: Continuation of Senate ad hoc committee (Promotion and Tenure Task Force)
Approved September 8, 2014 - SD 14-2: Approval of replacement member of the Promotion and Tenure Task Force
Approved September 8, 2014 - SD 14-3: Creation of an ad hoc Committee regarding enrollment
Approved September 8, 2014 - SD 14-4: Approval of replacement member of the Honors Program Council
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-5: Approval of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-6: Approval of replacement members of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-7: Approval of replacement members of the Library Subcommittee
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-8: Elimination of Developmental Studies Subcommittee
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-9: Proposed Changes in Senate Bylaws for International Education Advisory Subcommittee [IEAS]
Approved October 20, 2014 - SD 14-10: Approval of replacement member of University Resources Policy Committee
Approved November 10, 2014 - SD 14-11: Academic Calendar for 2017-2018
Approved November 10, 2014 - SD 14-12: Resolution on USAP Unit Report Deadlines
Failed November 10, 2014 - SD 14-13: Amendment of the Bylaws of the Senate
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-14: Approval of replacement member of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-15: Approval of replacement member of the General Education Subcommittee
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-16: Change in Regulation, Effective Fall 2015, Academic Probation, Dismissal and Readmission Approved December 8, 2014
- SD 14-17: Proposal to Change Academic Regulation 1.3- Undergraduate Student Classification
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-18: Proposal to changes in Minors Designation at IPFW
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-19: Erosion of Benefits for IPFW employees
Approved December 8, 2014 - SD 14-20: Resolution on Funding for International Scholars Housing
Approved January 12, 2015 - SD 14-21: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: University Advancement Advisory Subcommittee
Approved January 12, 2015 - SD 14-22: Approval of replacement member of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved January 9, 2015 - SD 14-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Nominations and Elections
Approved January 9, 2015 - SD 14-24: EPC Findings and Recommendatioins on includEDDigital Textbook/Course Material Project at IPFW
Approved January 9, 2015 - SD 14-25: Resolution on the IPFW budgeting process
Approved March 16, 2015 - SD 14-26: CEPP Policy Handbook revision
(Supersedes SD 02-17)
Approved March 16, 2015 - SD 14-27: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: University Advancement Advisory Subcommittee
Approved April 13, 2015 - SD 14-28: Open Access Policy Resolution
Approved April 13, 2015 - SD 14-29: Resolution on Reduction of CL FTE at IPFW
Tabled April 20, 2015 - SD 14-30: Dual Credit Task Force Report
Approved April 20, 2015 - SD 14-31: Faculty evaluation of administrators
Amended and approved April 20, 2015 - SD 14-32: Universal class scheduling possibility M/W mirroring T/R afternoons
Approved April 20, 2015 - SD 14-33: Amendment to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Senate: Continuing Lecturers
Approved by Senate April 20, 2015
Ratified by the Faculty April 29, 2015 - SD 14-34: Creation of an ad hoc committee to review and recommend changes to Senate committee and subcommittee structures and functions
Approved April 20, 2015 - SD 14-35: Guiding principles of promotion and tenure at IPFW
Amended and approved April 27, 2015
Supersedes SD 88-25 & SD 94-3 - SD 14-36: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure and Third Year Review
Amended and approved April 27, 2015
Supersedes SD 88-13
(Amended April 14 2016 -SD 15-23)
(Amended March 23, 2020 -SD 19-22)
(Amended April 12, 2021 -SD 20-41)
(Amended April 10, 2023 -SD 22-24)
(Amended April 15, 2024 -SD 23-28)
- SD 13-1: Examine Current Promotion and Tenure Documents
Amended and approved, September 9, 2013 - SD 13-2: Approval of replacement member of the Executive Committee
Approved September 9, 2013 - SD 13-3: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved September 9, 2013 - SD 13-4: Approval of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved October 21, 2013 - SD 13-5: Library Tenure and Promotion Criteria
Approved October 21, 2013
Supersedes SD 05-12 - SD 13-6: Approval of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved November 11, 2013 - SD 13-7: Indiana Commission for Higher Education Statement on Research at Regional Campuses
Amended and approved November 11, 2013 - SD 13-8: Code for grade not submitted
Approved December 9, 2013 - SD 13-9: Approval of replacement member of the University Resource Policy Committee
Approved December 9, 2013 - SD 13-10: Approval of replacement member of the Executive Committee
Approved December 9, 2013 - SD 13-11: House Joint Resolution 6
Approved December 9, 2013 - SD 13-12: Proposed Amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Approved January 13, 2014 - SD 13-13: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Section, Academic Computing and Information Technology Advisory Subcommittee
Approved January 13, 2014 - SD13-14: Approval of replacement members of the General Education Subcommittee
Approved January 13, 2014 - SD 13-15: No Direct Funds from Lilly Grant
Failed January 13, 2014 - SD 13-16: Senate Document Sd 91-20
(Amended and approved April 13, 1992)
(Amended April 10, 1995)
(Amended and approved April 15, 2013)
Amended and approved February 10, 2014 - SD 13-17: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Honors Program Council
Approved February 10 2014 - SD 13-18: Approval of replacement member of the Honors Program Council
Approved February 10, 2014 - SD 13-19: Academic Calendar for 2016-2017
Approved Febrary 10, 2014 - SD 13-20: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Continuing Lecturers as Senate Affiliates
Recommitted to the Executive Committee - SD 13-21: Resolution to Establish IPFW Senate Right of Advisement in the development of the University Strategic Plan
Amended and approved February 17, 2014 - SD 13-22: Approval of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-23: Upward Feedback of Campus-Wide Program Directors
Recommitted back to FAC March 17, 2014 - SD 13-24: Approval of replacement members of the General Education Subcommittee
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-25: Guiding Principles for IPFW budgets
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-26: EPC Findings in Response to the Task Assigned to EPC by SD 12-13
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-27: Proposed Change to Grade Appeals Policy SD 82-2
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-28: Proposed Change to Academic Regulations 4.0 Academic Honesty
Approved March 17, 2014 - SD 13-29: Proposed Change to Academic Regulations 10.0 Degrees.
Approved April 14, 2014 - SD 13-30: Resolution to reaffirm the Charge of the Educational Policy Committee to Review and Recommend Admission Standards to IPFW
Approved March 24, 2014 - SD 13-31: Proposed Change to Processing of Academic Standing for Collegiate Connection Students
Approved April 14, 2014 - SD 13-32: Amendment to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Senate: Continuing Lecturers
Approved by Senate April 14, 2014
Failed on vote of Faculty April 30, 2014
- SD 12-1: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved September 10, 2012 - SD 12-2: Request to amend the College of Education and Public Policy’s Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved September 10, 2012 - SD 12-3: Faculty Workload Document
Failed in Committee - SD 12-4: Academic Calendar Formula
Approved October 15, 2012 - SD 12-5: Academic Calendar for 2015-2016
Approved October 15, 2012 - SD 12-6: Approval of replacement member of the Honors Program Council
Approved October 15, 2012 - SD 12-7: Proposal to "end" current Chancellor Emeritus Office
- SD 12-8: Faculty Administrator Compensation
- SD 12-9: Sabbaticals for Administrators Holding Faculty Rank
Approved December 10, 2012
Superseded by SD 22-7 - SD 12-10: Change to the Audit Deadline
- SD 12-11: Library Promotions and Tenure Procedures (SD 89-4)
Approved February 11, 2013 - SD 12-12: Investigation of Dual Credit Programs
Amended and approved February 11, 2013 - SD 12-13: Admissions Criteria
Amended and approved February 11, 2013 - SD 12-14: Change in General Education Program
Amended and approved, April 1, 2013
Supersedes SD 99-25 - SD 12-15: Recommendation for Organizational Structure of General Studies
Amended and approved April 8, 2013 - SD 12-16: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate:Section, International Services Advisory Subcommittee
Approved April 8, 2013 - SD 12-17: Promotion and Tenure Criteria Document
Post-pone till September 2013
Tabled September 9, 2013 until April 2014
No action taken April 2015 - SD 12-18: Change in Summer Compensation Guidelines
Approved April 15, 2013 - SD 12-19: Proposal to Reduce the Damage from Un-strategic Cuts in Spring 2013
Approved, 3/27/2013 - SD 12-20: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: FAC charge
Approved, 4/15/2013 - SD 12-21: SD 91-20 Extension of Probationary Period for Justifiable Cause
Approved, 4/15/2013 - SD 12-22: SD 88-13 Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Post-pone till September 2013
Tabled 9/9/2013 until April 2014
No action taken April 2015 - SD 12-23: Proposed Amendment to Senate Document SD 03-15
Approved, 4/22/2013 - SD 12-24: Motion to amend Senate Document SD 88-13
Approved, 4/22/2013 - SD 12-25: Continue Participation in Summit League
Approved, 4/22/2013
- SD 11-1: Approval of replacement members of the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs and Honors Program Council
Amended and Approved, 9/12/2011 - SD 11-2: Amendment to Senate Document SD 08-6 (Academic Calendar 2011-2012)
Approved, 9/12/2011 - SD 11-3: Requested extension of mandatory retirement age for Chancellor Wartell
Approved, 9/26/2011 - SD 11-4: Change to the Spring 2012 Advising and Registration Period
Approved, 10/17/2011 - SD 11-5: Grief Absence Policy for Students (GAPS)
Amended and Approved, 10/17/2011 - SD 11-6: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Change in the Membership of the Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 11/14/2011 - SD 11-7: Grief Absence Policy for Students
Approved, 11/14/2011
Superseded by SD 22-27 - SD 11-8: Policy to Ban Scheduling of Sporting Events during Finals
Approved, 11/14/2011 - SD 11-9: Revision to IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (SD 89-28)
Approved, 11/14/2011 - SD 11-10: Changes to College of Arts and Sciences Promotion & Tenure document
Approved, 12/12/2011 - SD 11-11: Approval of replacement member of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 12/12/2011 - SD 11-12: Support for IU South Bend - IU Medical Plans Benefits Resolution (11/18/2011)
Approved, 12/12/2011 - SD 11-13: Academic Calendar 2014-2015
Referred back to Calendar Subcommittee, 2/13/2012 - SD 11-14: Academic Calendar 2013-2014
(Amends SD 10-7)
Approved, 2/13/2012 - SD 11-15: Support of Intercampus Faculty Council motion: "Enhancing Purdue System Effectiveness and Efficiency with a Focus on the Regional Campuses"
Approved, 2/13/2012 - SD 11-16: Proposed Amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to Change Academic Regulation 3.8.4 - Change of auditing option
Approved, 3/12/2012 - SD 11-17: Support of PUWL University Senate about "Request to the Trustees to Advocate for a Faculty Member on the Board of Trustees" (attachments included)
Approved, 3/14/2012 - SD 11-18: Academic Calendar Formula (formerly a reference document [SR No. 00-11])
Amended and Approved, 4/9/2012 (only the heading was amended)
Amended and Approved, 10/15/2012 (SD 12-4)
Amended and Approved, 5/1/17 (SD 16-42)
Amended and Approved, 1/8/18 (SD 17-13) - SD 11-19: Academic Calendar for 2014-2015
Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-20: Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Charge to the Developmental Studies Subcommittee
Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-21: IPFW Credit Hour Policy
Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-22: Creation of an Ad Hoc General Studies Program Council
Amended and Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-23: Student Evaluation Task Force Report
Amended and Approved, 4/9/2012 - SD 11-24: Analysis of Staffing and Budget Data
Amended and Approved, 4/16/2012
- SD 10-1: Amendments to Senate Document SD 08-6 (Academic Calendar 2011-2012)
Approved, 9/13/2010 - SD 10-2: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty: Inclusion of the Senate Parliamentarian as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of the IPFW Senate
Approved, 9/13/2010; Ratified by the Faculty, 10/4/2010 - SD 10-3: Approval of replacement members of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 9/13/2010 - SD 10-4: Approval of replacement member of the Developmental Studies Subcommittee
Approved, 10/18/2010 - SD 10-5: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee resolution on the decision-making process regarding salary and benefits at IPFW
Approved, 11/8/2010 - SD 10-6: Fair and equitable application of Senate documents across schools, departments, and programs
Approved, 11/8/2010 - SD 10-7: Academic Calendar for 2013-2014
Approved, 12/13/2010
Amended and Approved, 2/13/2012 - SD 10-8: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Voting status change for the Chief Academic Officer (or designee) of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee
Approved, 12/13/2010 - SD 10-9: Update to the Ethical Guidelines for Computer Users at IPFW (Amends SD 91-5)
Approved, 12/13/2010 - SD 10-10: Proposed URPC resolution about the fulfillment of the IPFW Strategic Plan regarding faculty salaries
Approved, 12/13/2010 - SD 10-11: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty: Inclusion of the Senate Parliamentarian as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of the Fort Wayne Senate
Approved, 1/10/2011; Ratified by the Faculty, 1/31/2011 - SD 10-12: Amendment to the Grievance Procedures for Purdue Academic Personnel at IPFW
(Amends SD 98-14) Amended and Approved, 2/14/2011 - SD 10-13: Approval of replacement members of the Faculty Affairs Committee and the General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 2/14/2011 - SD 10-14: Amends SD 97-8: Faculty Workloads and Evaluation (Supersedes SD 87-32 [Faculty Workload, Evaluation and Reward] and SD 93-9 [Faculty Roles, Workloads, and Rewards])
Approved, 3/14/2011
(Click here to see details of the amendment.) - SD 10-15: Recommended change to the Helmke Library P&T Procedure Document SD 89-4)
Approved, 4/11/2011 - SD 10-16: Proposed Amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to Change Academic Regulation 3.8.4 - Change of auditing option
Approved, 4/11/2011 - SD 10-17: Proposed Change in Procedure Requiring Instructors to Enter a Last Date of Attendance upon Assigning an F as a Final Course Grade
Approved, 4/11/2011 - SD 10-18: Proposed revision to the College of Visual and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Supersedes SD 92-25
Approved, 4/11/2011
Superseded by SD 16-23 - SD 10-19: Establishment of Faculty Misconduct Policy
Approved, 4/11/2011
- SD 09-1: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Approval of Faculty-Initiated Withdrawal Policy (Voting postponed until October meeting)
Failed, 10/19/2009 - SD 09-2: Approval of replacement member of the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 9/14/2009 - SD 09-3: Proposal for Regional Proportional Faculty Representation on Purdue University Senate
Approved, 4/12/2010 - SD 09-4: Academic Calendar for 2012-2013
Approved, 2/8/2010 - SD 09-5: Rescission of Ombudscommittee
Approved, 2/8/2010 - SD 09-6: Endorsement of the revised IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (the Student Code [SD 89-28])
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-7: Upward Feedback: Review of Administrators
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-8: Proposed revision of Senate Documents SD 88-13, SD 88-25, and SD 94-3
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-9: Liles memo of March 3, 2010
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-10: IPFW Regional Faculty Representation Resolution
Approved, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-11: Amendment to the Bylaws: Dissolution of Distance Education Subcommittee
Approved, 4/12/2010 - SD 09-12: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to change Academic Regulation 6.4 – Incompletes
Amended and Approved, 4/12/2010 - SD 09-13: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to change Academic Regulation 3.8.4 – Change of auditing option
Approved, 4/12/2010 - SD 09-14: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures: Proposal to change Academic Regulation 3.8.2 – Course drops
Amended and Approved, 4/12/ - SD 09-15: Pre-Disciplinary Letter Policy
Approved, 4/19/2010
- SD 08-1: Approval of replacement members of the Calendar, Library, and Professional Development Subcommittees, Honors Program Council, and Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/20/2008 - SD 08-2: Proposal for Defending Departmental Faculty Rights of Discussion and Recommendation for Departmental Curriculum
Referred to Faculty Affairs Committee, 10/20/2008
Failed, 3/16/2009 - SD 08-3: Library Collection Development Policy
Approved, 11/10/2008 - SD 08-4: Approval of replacement member of the Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 11/10/2008 - SD 08-5: Approval of replacement member of the Executive Committee
Withdrawn, 12/8/2008) - SD 08-6: Academic Calendar, 2011-2012
Approved, 2/9/2009
Amended and Approved, 9/13/2010 (SD 10-1)
Amended and Approved, 9/12/2011 (SD 11-2) - SD 08-7: Approval of replacement member of the General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 2/9/2009 - SD 08-8: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 2/9/2009
- SD 07-1: Approval of replacement members of the Subcommittee on Athletics and Distance Education Subcommittee
Approved, 10/15/2007 - SD 07-2: Proposed revision of Senate Document SD 88-13
Approved, 11/12/2007 - SD 07-3: Proposal for a minor in Military Science (document proposing to commit to EPC)
Committed to Educational Policy Committee, 11/12/2007 - SD 07-4: Approval of replacement members of the Grade Appeals Subcommittee
Approved, 12/10/2007 - SD 07-5: IPFW Statement on Civility
Approved, 2/11/2008 - SD 07-6: Academic Calendar, 2010-2011
Approved, 2/11/2008 - SD 07-7: Proposed revision of SD 85-18 (Academic Regulations)
Amended and Approved, 2/11/2008 - SD 07-8: Replacement of SD 99-5 (Promotion and Tenure Procedures for the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs)
Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-9: Pre-Disciplinary Letter Policy
Withdrawn, 3/17/2008
Approved, 4/14/2008
Amended, 4/19/2010 - SD 07-10: Senate Salary Increment Recommendations
Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-11: Proposed Revisions to SD 85-18 (Academic Regulations - Placement Process)
Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-12: Report on Minor in Military Science (ref. SD 07-3)
Amended and Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-13: Establishing an IPFW Graduate Faculty
Approved, 3/17/2008 - SD 07-14: Proposed revisions of Procedures for Promotion and Tenure (SD 88-13)
Approved, 4/14/2008 - SD 07-15: Proposed revisions of Procedures for Promotion and Tenure Guidelines (SD 94-3)
Recommitted to Faculty Affairs Committee, 4/14/2008
- SD 06-1: Approval of replacement members of the Subcommittee on Athletics and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 9/11/2006 - SD 06-2: Mid-Continent Conference Affiliation
Approved, 9/11/2006 - SD 06-3: Proposed Amendments to SD 89-28 (IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct)
Approved, 10/16/2006 - SD 06-4: Approval of replacement member on the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 11/13/2006 - SD 06-5: Nature of distribution of increment funds
Amended and recommitted to Executive Committee, 11/13/2006 - SD 06-6: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate – Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 12/11/2006 - SD 06-7: Approval of replacement member on the General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 12/11/2006 - SD 06-8: Proposed Amendments to SD 03-19 (Metrics for Intercollegiate Athletics Program)
Amended and Approved, 1/8/2007 - SD 06-9: Salary Increment Policies
Approved, 1/8/2007 - SD 06-10: Revision to SD 99-25 (General Education at IPFW)
Amended and Approved, 2/12/2007 - SD 06-11: Disabilities Statement
Approved, 3/12/2007 - SD 06-12: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate (Secret Ballot Voting)
Failed, 3/12/2007 - SD 06-13: Academic Calendar, 2009-2010
Approved, 3/12/2007 - SD 06-14: Replacement for SD 88-27(Document on Sabbatical Leaves)
Amended and Approved, 4/9/2007
Amended, 5/1/17 (SD 16-40)
Amended, 4/8/19 (SD 18-16)
Superseded by SD 22-7 - SD 06-15: Recommended Guidelines for Assigned Course Time for Faculty Co-op Coordinators
Approved, 4/9/2007 - SD 06-16: Changes to Class Scheduling Patterns
Withdrawn, 4/9/2007 - SD 06-17: Academic Regulations During a Campus Emergency
Approved, 4/16/2007 - SD 06-18: Amendment to SD 99-25 (General Education at IPFW)
Approved, 4/16/2007 - SD 06-19: Sabbatical Leaves
Amended and Approved, 4/16/2007
Superseded by SD 22-7
- SD 05-1: Amendment to the Constitution: Expanding Opportunities to Serve the Campus Community
Failed, 9/12/2005 - SD 05-2: Approval of replacement members of the Graduate Subcommittee, the Honors Program Council, and the Library Subcommittee
Approved, 10/17/2005 - SD 05-3: Conference Affiliations for Soccer Teams
Amended and Approved, 10/17/2005 - SD 05-4: Academic Calendar, 2008-2009
Approved, 2/13/2006 - SD 05-5: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Resolution Pertaining to IPFW’s Division I Athletic Program
Amended and Approved, 3/13/2006 - SD 05-6: Proposed Amendments to SD 89-28 (IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct)
Recommitted to Student Affairs Committee, 3/13/2006 - SD 05-7: Senate Resolution Pertaining to the Assessment of IPFW’s move to Division I
Failed, 3/13/2006 - SD 05-8: Pedagogical Framework for the IPFW Baccalaureate Degree
Supersedes SD 88-33
Amended and Approved, 4/10/2006 - SD 05-9: School of Engineering, Technology and Computer Science Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures Document (Amends SD 89-2)
Approved, 4/10/2006 - SD 05-10: Establishment of Ombudscommittee
Approved, 4/10/2006
Rescinded, 2/8/2010 - SD 05-11: Resolution of Appreciation: George Bullion, Amitava Chatterjea, Jeanette Clausen, Larry Griffin, Stephen Harroff, William Ludwin, and Carol Roberts
Approved, 4/10/2006 - SD 05-12: Replacement of SD 90-3: Criteria for Promotion and Tenure for Librarians
Approved, 4/10/2006
Superseded by SD 13-5 - SD 05-13: Division I Athletics
Approved, 4/17/2006
- SD 04-1: Approval of replacement members of the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs and Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 9/13/2004 - SD 04-2: Revised Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the School of Business and Management Sciences (Amends SD 95-4)
Referred back to SBMS, 9/13/2004
Approved, 10/18/2004 - SD 04-3: Revised Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the School of Education (Amends SD 02-17)
Approved, 9/13/2004 - SD 04-4: The Honors Program (Supersedes SD 00-5)
Approved, 10/18/2004
Amended, 11/16/2020 - SD 04-5: Approval of replacement members of the Developmental Studies Subcommittee, General Education Subcommittee, and Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 10/18/2004 - SD 04-6: Academic Calendar, 2007-2008
Approved, 12/13/2004
Amended and Approved, 3/14/2005 (SD 04-12) - SD 04-7: Priority Registration for Rostered Athletes
Approved, 12/13/2004 - SD 04-8: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Honors Program Council
Approved, 12/13/2004 - SD 04-9: Revision of SD 94-17: Recognizing Teaching Excellence by Associate Faculty
Approved, 12/13/2004 - SD 04-10: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 2/14/2005 - SD 04-11 Amendment to SD 85-18 (Academic Regulations and Procedures)
Referred back to EPC,3/14/2005 - SD 04-11: Amendment to SD 85-18: Academic Regulations and Procedures – revised
Approved, 4/11/2005) - SD 04-12: Proposed amendments to the Academic Calendars for 2005-2006 (SD 02-10), 2006-2007 (SD 03-16), and 2007-2008 (SD 04-6)
Approved, 3/14/2005 - SD 04-13: IPFW Statement on Integrity
Approved, 4/11/2005 - SD 04-14: Senior Scholars Program
Approved, 4/11/2005
- SD 03-1: Proposed amendment to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 9/8/2003 - SD 03-2: Revision to Senate Document 98-22: The Plan for the Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved, 9/8/2003 - SD 03-3: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/20/2003 - SD 03-4: Amendment to the Bylaws: Dissolution of Academic Advising as Senate Subcommittee
Approved, 10/20/2003 - SD 03-5: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 11/10/2003 - SD 03-6: Approval of replacement member of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 11/10/2003 - SD 03-7: Amendment to Academic Regulations, Section 10.2, Requirements for Degrees
Approved, 12/8/2003 - SD 03-8: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-9: Approval of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-10: Proposed amendment to SD 88-13:Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-11: Proposed amendment to SD 88-25: Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
Approved, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-12: Resolution of Appreciation: Patricia Hudson
Approved, 2/9/2004 - SD 03-13: Amendment to the Bylaws: Promotion and Tenure Subcommittee Faculty Membership
Approved, 2/9/2004 - SD 03-14: Approval of replacement members of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 2/9/2004 - SD 03-15: Fort Wayne Faculty Representation on the Purdue University West Lafayette University Senate (Rescission of SD 90-15)
Approved, 3/15/2004
Amended & Approved, 4/22/2013 - SD 03-16: Academic Calendar, 2006-2007
Approved, 3/15/2004
Amended and Approved, 3/14/2005 (SD 04-12) - SD 03-17: Amendments to the Academic Calendars, 2004-2005 (SD 01-10) and 2005-2006 (SD 02-10)
Approved, 3/15/2004 - SD 03-18: Composition of the Promotion and Tenure Committee of the Library
Approved, 3/15/2004 - SD 03-19: Metrics for Intercollegiate Athletics
Approved, 4/12/2004
Amended, 1/8/2007 - SD 03-20: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the College of Health and Human Services
Approved, 4/12/2004
Supersedes SD 89-5 - SD 03-21: Establishment of a Diversity Component in Baccalaureate Degree Programs
Postponed for consideration until 10/18/2004 - SD 03-22: Revisions to Senate Document 85-18: Academic Regulations
Withdrawn, 4/19/2004 - SD 03-23: Revisions to Senate Document 88-33: Goals and Objectives from the IPFW Baccalaureate Degree
Withdrawn, 4/19/2004 - SD 03-24: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the School of Arts and Sciences
Approved, 4/19/2004
- SD 02-1: Approval of replacement members of the Calendar Subcommittee, the Nominations and Elections Committee, the Faculty Affairs Subcommittee, the Library Subcommittee, the Educational Policy Committee and the Developmental Studies Subcommittee
Approved, 10/21/2002 - SD 02-2: Proposed amendment to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 10/21/2002 - SD 02-3: Amendments to SD 98-22: The Plan for the Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved, 10/28/2002 - SD 02-4: Closing the temporary parking and restore it as green area
Substitute motion -- failed, 11/4/2002 - SD 02-5: Amendment to the Constitution: Definition of Voting Faculty
Ratified by the faculty, 12/9/2002 - SD 02-6: Proposed Amendments to SD 89-28: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Approved, 11/18/2002 - SD 02-7: Approval of replacement members of the Grade Appeals Subcommittee and the Honors Program Council
Approved, 12/9/2002 - SD 02-8: Revision to Senate Bylaws: Academic Advising Subcommittee Membership
Tabled, 12/9/2002 - SD 02-9: Amendments to Senate Documents SD 00-11: Academic Calendar for 2003-2004 and SD 01-10: Academic Calendar for 2004-2005
Approved, 1/13/2003 - SD 02-10: Academic Calendar for 2005-2006
Amended and Approved, 1/13/2003
Amended and Approved, 3/15/2004
Amended and Approved, 3/14/2005 [SD 04-12] - SD 02-11: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of Senate Committees and Subcommittees (Amended and Approved, 2/10/2003)
Amended and Approved, 2/10/2003 - SD 02-12: Proposed amendments to SD 90-3: Criteria for Librarian Promotion and Tenure (Amends SD 90-3)
Approved, 2/10/2003 - SD 02-13: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Nonvoting status of Compliance Coordinator (Ref: SD 01-15)
Approved, 2/10/2003 - SD 02-14: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 3/17/2003 - SD 02-15: Proposed editorial changes to SD 89-28 (Amended, 11/18/02)
Approved, 3/17/2003 - SD 02-16: Amendment to the Bylaws: Composition of Calendar Subcommittee
Approved, 4/14/2003 - SD 02-17: School of Education Promotion and Tenure Policies(Supersedes SD 88-35)
Amended and Approved, 4/14/2003
Amended, 9/13/2004 (SD 04-3)
Amended, 9/10/2012 (SD 12-2)
Superseded by SD 14-26 - SD 02-18: Proposed amendment to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 4/21/2003
- SD 01-1: Promotion and Tenure Procedures document for the Division of Organizational Leadership and Supervision
Approved, 9/10/2001 - SD 01-2: Acceptance of new and revised mission/goals statements (Amends SD 98-21)
Approved, 10/8/2001 - SD 01-3: Approval of replacement members of the Subcommittee on Athletics, the University Resources Policy Committee, the Student Affairs Committee, and the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 10/8/2001 - SD 01-4: Acceptance of the proposal to amend SD 98-21: School, Department, and Program Statements of Mission, Goals, and Objectives and SD 98-22: The Plan for Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved, 11/12/2001 - SD 01-5: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 11/12/2001 - SD 01-6: Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics
Approved, 11/12/2001 - SD 01-7: Amendment of the "Ethical Guidelines for Computer Users at IPFW" (Amends SD 91-5, last revised April April 12, 1999)
Approved, 12/10/2001 - SD 01-8: Governance at IPFW: Amendments to the Bylaws
Failed - SD 01-9: Proposed Amendment to SD 85-18: Military Service Withdrawals and Related Clarifications
Approved, 3/18/2001 - SD 01-10: Academic Calendar, 2004-2005
Approved, 3/18/2002
Amended and Approved, 1/13/2003 - SD 01-11: Amendments to the Bylaws SD 81-10: Clarification of Voting Faculty membership on subcommittees; name change for Transitional Studies; ex officio, nonvoting status on committees
Approved, 3/18/2002 - SD 01-12: Proposed amendments to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Amended and Approved, 3/18/2002 - SD 01-13: Proposed amendments to SD 88-25: Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-14: Resolution regarding ReservesEXpress and FAIR USE
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-15: Duties and Responsibilities of the Compliance Coordinator (Supersedes SD 92-17)
Duties and Responsibilities of the Faculty Athletic Representative (Supersedes SD 84-3)
Compliance Coordinator reporting relationship
Approved, 4/8/2002
Amended & Approved, 12/12/2016 - SD 01-16: Amendment to the Academic Appeals Policy SD 82-2: Hereafter to be known as the "Grade Appeals Policy"
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-17: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: changes to the Academic (Grade) Appeals Subcommittee
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-18: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-19: Resolution of Appreciation: Linda Balthaser, Evangelos Coufoudakis, Arthur Finco, David McCants
Approved, 4/8/2002
- SD 00-1: Approval of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee and the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 9/11/2000 - SD 00-2: Approval of replacement members of the Developmental Studies Subcommittee, the General Education Subcommittee, and the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 10/16/2000 - SD 00-3: Proposed amendment to SD 98-22, The Plan for the Assessment of Student Academic Achievement (Approved, 4/12/99)"
Approved, 10/16/2000 - SD 00-4: Procedures regarding the rewarding of Honorary Degrees
Approved, 10/16/2000 - SD 00-5: "The Honors Program Council (Supersedes SD 81-A)"
Approved, 3/12/2001
Superseded by SD 04-4, 10/18/2004 - SD 00-6: “Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: Honors Program Council Membership”
Approved, 3/12/2001 - SD 00-7: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: General Provisions and Ad Hoc Committees
Approved, 3/12/2001 - SD 00-8: Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty (with Amendments to the Bylaws): Merger of Agenda and Rules Committees
Approved, 3/12/2001 - SD 00-10: Minority Report Regarding the University Resources Policy Committee’s Recommendation on the Move to Division I Athletics
Approved, 3/19/2001 - SD 00-11: Academic Calendar, 2003-2004
Approved, 3/26/2001
Amended and Approved, 1/13/2003 - SD 00-12: Amendments to the Academic Calendar, 2002-2003 (Amends SD 99-24)
Approved, 3/26/2001
- SD 99-1: Change in membership of SCOA
Approved, 9/13/1999 - SD 99-2: Approval of replacement members of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee, the International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee, and the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/11/1999 - SD 99-3: Approval of replacement member of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 11/8/1999 - SD 99-4: Resolution from the Educational Policy Committee Regarding the Report from the General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 11/8/1999 - SD 99-5: Replacement of SD 89-12 (Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs [DPEA])
Approved, 12/13/1999
Superseded by SD 07-8 - SD 99-6: Amendment of SD 97-8 (Faculty Workloads and Evaluation)
Approved, 12/13/1999 - SD 99-7: Women's and Men's Indoor/Outdoor Track Teams
Approved, 12/13/1999 - SD 99-8: Priorities for Assignment of Faculty Office and Laboratory Space (Supersedes SD 81-9)
Approved, 1/10/2000 - SD 99-9: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Membership of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Recommitted to committee, 1/10/2000 - SD 99-10: Approval of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 2/14/2000 - SD 99-11: Proposed amendment to SD 82-2: Academic Appeals Policy
Approved, 2/14/2000 - SD 99-12: Approval of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-13: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty: Definition of Voting Faculty
Approved, 3/13/2000, Ratified, 4/3/2000 - SD 99-14: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Representation on Committees
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-15: Statement of Support for Student Housing
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-16: Allocation of Space for Non-University Organizations
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-17: Distance Education Coordinating Committee (DECCO) Operating Principles
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-18: Proposed Amendment to the Academic Regulations SD 85-18 - Grade Reports
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-19: Statement of Purpose: An Elaboration of the University Mission Statement
Supersedes SD 91-6
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-20: Amendment to SD 88-19 ETCS Apportionment and Election of Senators
Approved, 3/13/2000 - SD 99-21: Proposed changes to Bylaws under Academic Computing and Information Technology Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/10/2000 - SD 99-22: NCAA Division I Athletics
Amended and Approved, 4/10/2000 - SD 99-23: Amendments to SD 88-17 Division of Health Sciences: Methods of Nomination, Election, and Replacement of Faculty Senators
Approved, 4/10/2000 - SD 99-24: Academic Calendar, 2002-2003
Approved, 4/10/2000 - SD 99-25: General Education at IPFW: General Education Program Definition and Course Criteria
Supersedes SD 93-14 and SD 94-4
Amended and Approved, 4/24/2000
Amended and Approved, 2/12/2007
Amended and Approved, 4/16/2007
Supersedes SD 12-14, 4/1/2013 - SD 99-26: Priorities for use of non-recurring funds
Approved, 4/24/2000 - SD 99-27: Resolution to replace SD 99-25 General Education at IPFW
Failed, 4/17/2000
- SD 98-1: Election of the Presiding Officer
Approved, 9/14/1998 - SD 98-2: Implementation of Revised Purdue University Executive Memorandum C-19
Amended & Approved, 9/14/1998 - SD 98-3: VCAA Chair Emolument Plan
Approved, 9/14/1998 - SD 98-4: BAS 1997-98 End-of-Year Recommendations to Chancellor Wartell
Approved, 9/14/1998 - SD 98-5: Approval of replacement members of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 10/12/1998 - SD 98-6: Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty and to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Grievance Policies for Purdue University Academic Personnel
Approved, 11/9/1998 - SD 98-7: Approval of replacement members of the Purdue Grievance Committee
Approved, 11/9/1998 - SD 98-8: Amendment of the Bylaws--Name and membership of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Amended and Approved, 1/11/1999 - SD 98-9: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee: Pursuit of Full Funding for IPFW
Approved, 1/11/1999 - SD 98-10: Academic Calendar for 2001-2002
Approved, 2/8/1999 - SD 98-11: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Plus-Minus Grading
Approved, 2/8/1999 - SD 98-12: Campus-wide Acceptance of CLEP Credit
Recommitted to committee, 2/8/1999
Approved, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-13: Approval of replacement members of the Educational Policy Committee, the Agenda Committee, and the Rules Committee
Amended and Approved, 2/8/1999 - SD 98-14: Grievance Procedures for Purdue Academic Personnel at IPFW
Approved, 2/8/1999
Supersedes FWSD 76-10
Amended and Approved, 2/14/2011 (SD 10-12) - SD 98-15: Amendment to the Calendar for 1998-99 (Amends SD 95-10)
Approved, 3/15/1999 - SD 98-16: School of Arts and Sciences procedures for Apportionment, Election, and Replacement of Senators (Supersedes SD 88-31)
Approved, 3/15/1999 - SD 98-17: Change in Purdue University Academic Regulations
Approved, 3/15/1999 - SD 98-18: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Midterm Grades
Tabled, 3/15/1999 - SD 98-19: Amendments of SD 88-13 - Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-20: Amendment of the Academic Regulations (SD 85-18): Transfer Credit
Approved, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-21: School, Department, and Program Statements of Mission, Goals, and Objectives
SR No. 98-21a Approved, 4/12/1999
Amended, 11/12/01
Now a Reference rather than a document - SD 98-22: The Plan for the Assessment of Student Academic Achievement
Approved, 4/12/1999
Amended, 11/12/2001
Amended, 10/28/2002
Amended, 9/8/2003
Superseded by SD 15-6 - SD 98-23: Change in the IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct (Amends SD 89-28)
Approved, 4/12/1999
Pending approval by the Trustees - denied - SD 98-24: Amendment of the 'Ethical Guidelines for Computer Users at IPFW (Amends SD 91-5)
Approved, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-25: Definition of Voting Faculty (Amends Constitution of the Faculty (FWSD 80-2/3)
Approved, 4/12/1999
- SD 97-1: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Order of business
Approved, 9/8/1997 - SD 97-2: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Roll-call votes
Approved, 9/8/1997 - SD 97-3: Amendment of General Education Area III definition and criteria (Amends SD 93-14 and SD 94-4)
Approved, 9/8/1997 - SD 97-4: Recommendations on Management and Academic Mission Agreement
Amended and Approved, 9/8/1997 - SD 97-5: Approval of replacement members of the Professional Development Subcommittee, the Rules Committee, and the Library Subcomittee
Approved, 10/13/1997 - SD 97-6: IPFW Helmke Library Collection Development Policy
Approved, 11/10/1997
Superseded by SD 08-3 - SD 97-7: Response to Revision of Purdue University Executive Memorandum C-19 regarding Grievance procedures
Amended and Approved, 12/8/1997 - SD 97-8: Faculty Workloads and Evaluation (Supersedes SD 87-32 and SD 93-9)
Approved, 12/8/1997
Amended, 12/13/1999
Amended 3/14/2011 (SD 10-14) - SD 97-9: Amendment of the 1997-98 academic calendar (Amends SD 94-21)
Approved, 12/8/1997 - SD 97-10: Projected Move of OLS
Approved, 1/12/1998 - SD 97-11: Academic Calendar for 2000-2001
Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-12: Amendments to Arts and Sciences Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Amends SD 89-13
Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-13: Implementation of Senate Document SD 92-13, "IPFW Policy Statement on Evaluation of Administrators"
Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-14: Amendment of the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Establishment of the Academic Advising Subcommittee (Amends SD 81-10)
Approved, 3/16/1998
Dissolved, 10/20/2003 (SD 03-4) - SD 97-15: Amendment of the IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, Part III.B.4.d.12 (Amends SD 89-28)
Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-16: Amendment of the Academic Regulations--English-as-a-Second-Language provisions (Supersedes FWSD SD 93-16)
Amended and Approved, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-17: Faculty Grievance Process
Amended and Approved, 3/23/1998 - SD 97-18: Resolution on underfunding of IPFW
Approved, 3/23/1998 - SD 97-19: Resolution on number of teaching faculty at IPFW
Approved, 3/23/1998 - SD 97-20: Resolution concerning service fee issue
Approved, 3/23/1998 - SD 97-21: Revisions to the School of Fine and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Document (Amends SD 92-25)
Approved, 4/13/1998 - SD 97-22: Amendments to SD 88-13, Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Amended and Approved, 4/13/1998 - SD 97-23: Upward Feedback: Review of Administrators
Approved, 4/13/1998
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-7) - SD 97-25: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18 (Late Withdrawals)
Amended & Approved, 4/20/1998 - SD 97-26: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18 (Change of deadline for auditors)
Approved, 4/20/1998 - SD 97-27: Resolution on Indiana University Faculty Boards of Review
Approved, 3/30/1998 - SD 97-28: Establishment and Appointment of Ombudscommittee
Amended and Approved, 4/20/1998 - SD 97-29: Procedure for Resolution of Existing Purdue University Grievances
Approved, 4/20/1998
- SD 96-1: Approval of replacement members of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 10/14/1996 - SD 96-2: Changes to the Purdue University at Fort Wayne Faculty Grievance Procedures (Amends FWSD 76-10) - Approved and forwarded to chancellor for approval by the President of Purdue University (Note: Changes not approved by Purdue University and Not Incorporated into FWSD 76-10)
Approved, 10/14/1996 - SD 96-3: School of Education Mission Statement (Supersedes relevant portion of SD 93-10)
Approved, 11/11/1996
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999 - SD 96-4: IPFW Policy Statement and Report on Teaching Duties of Upper-Level Academic Administrators
Approved, 11/11/1996 - SD 96-5: Update on Roller Blading
Approved, 11/11/1996 - SD 96-6: Amendment to the academic regulations SD 85-18: Incompletes
Approved, 12/9/1996 - SD 96-7: Funding for the 1997-1999 biennium (SD 96-7, as amended) [replaces SR No. 96-14]
Approved, 2/7/1997 - SD 96-8: Change in membership of Assessment Council
Approved, 2/10/1997 - SD 96-9: Mission statement of the School of Business and Management Sciences (Amends SD 93-27 and 94-13)
Approved, 2/10/1997
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999 - SD 96-10: 1999-2000 Academic Calendar
Approved, 2/10/1997 - SD 96-11: Amendment to the academic regulations (SD 85-18) - Redefinition of W grade
Approved, 2/10/1997 - SD 96-12: Amendment to the academic regulations (SD 85-18) - Bulletin for certification of minors
Approved, 2/10/1997 - SD 96-13: Approval of Revision to IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, Part III, sec. 4 (Amends SD 89-28)
Approved, 3/17/1997 - SD 96-14: Guidelines for Weekend College
Approved, 4/14/1997 - SD 96-15: Recommendations on academic advising
Approved, 4/14/1997 - SD 96-16: Amendment of SD 93-9
Tabled, 4/14/1997 - SD 96-17: Report on Review of SD 93-9: Faculty Roles, Workloads, and Rewards
Amended and Approved, 4/21/1997
- SD 95-1: Approval of replacement members of the University Resources Policy Committee, the Calendar Subcommittee, the Professional Development Subcommittee, and the General Education Subcommittee
Amended and Approved, 10/9/1995 - SD 95-2: Amendment to the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: International Baccalaureate Program
Approved, 10/9/1995 - SD 95-3: Dual-credit policy
Approved, 10/9/1995 - SD 95-4: School of Business and Management Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures
Supersedes SD 88-34
Amended and Approved, 10/9/1995
Amended, 4/8/1995 (SD 95-15)
Amended, 10/18/2004 (SD 04-2)
Superseded by SD 16-27 - SD 95-5: Amendment to the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Minors
Approved, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-6: Amendment to SD 88-25: Campus-Wide Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-7: Amendment to SD 88-25: Campus-Wide Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-8: Women's Soccer
Approved and forwarded to the chancellor for action
Approved, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-9: Amendment to the Bylaws--Abolition of the Lecture Series Subcommittee
Approved, 12/11/1995 - SD 95-10: Academic Calendar, 1998-99
Approved, 3/11/1996 - SD 95-11: Amendment to the Bylaws--Disestablishment of the Accelerated High School Studies Subcommittee and establishment of the Distance Education Subcommittee
Approved, 3/11/1996 - SD 95-12: Amendments of the general-education program
Approved, 4/8/1996 - SD 95-13: Amendment of the Academic Regulations--Determination of student classification
Approved, 4/8/1996 - SD 95-14: Rescheduling of the Free Period
Approved, 4/8/1996 - SD 95-15: Revision of School of Business and Management Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures Document and SBMS Constitution and Bylaws (Part 6, Promotion and Tenure Committee membership) (Amends SD 95-4)
Approved, 4/8/1996
- SD 94-1: Revisions to SD 92-25: The School of Fine and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Approved, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-2: Replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-3: Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
Approved, 9/12/1994
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-8)
Superseded by SD 14-35 - SD 94-4: Criteria for approval of general-education-core course proposals
Approved, 9/19/1994
Amended, 4/10/1995 (SD 94-22)
Amended, 4/8/1996) (SD 95-12)
Amended, 9/8/1997 (SD 97-3)
Superseded by SD 99-25 - SD 94-5: Revisions to SD 88-24: The School of Fine and Performing Arts Election of Senators
Approved, 9/19/1994 - SD 94-6: Approval of changes in membership of the School of Arts and Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee (Amends FWSD 89-13)
Approved, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-7: Approval of replacement members of the University Resources Policy Committee, the Faculty Affairs Committee, the Professional Development Subcommittee, and the Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/10/1994 - SD 94-8: Recission of Senate Document SD 82-15: Policy on Handicapped Students Policy on Handicapped Students
Approved, 10/10/1994 - SD 94-9: School of Engineering and Technology Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures Document (Amended 22 November 1993 and 28 March 1994)
Amends SD 89-2
Approved, 10/10/1994 - SD 94-10: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure: Composition of the Campus Committee (Amends SD 88-13)
Approved, 11/14/1994 - SD 94-11: Amendment of the Academic Regulations--Class Attendance
Approved, 11/14/1994 - SD 94-12: Approval of replacement members of the Rules Committee
Approved, 11/14/1994 - SD 94-13: [Student] Assessment Plan
Approved, 12/12/1994
Amended, 2/10/1997 (SD 96-8)
Superseded by SD 98-22 - SD 94-14: School and Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives Statements (Amends SD 93-10)
Approved, 12/12/1994
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999 - SD 94-15: Approval of replacement members of the Subcommittee on Athletics and the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 1/9/1995 - SD 94-16: Policy on the Appointment, Reappointment, Evaluation, and Professional Development of Part-time Instructional Personnel
Approved, 1/9/1995 - SD 94-17: Teaching Award for Associate Faculty
Approved, 1/9/1995
Amended and Approved, 12/13/2004 (SD 04-9) - SD 94-18: Amendment of the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Transfer Credit
Approved, 2/13/1995 - SD 94-19: Student Code Revisions SD 89-28
Approved, 2/13/1995 - SD 94-20: IVTC Transfer Credit Policy
Approved, 3/13/1995 - SD 94-21: 1997-1998 Academic Calendar
Approved, 3/13/1995
Amended, 12/8/1997 - SD 94-22: Advanced Study Criteria
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-23: Changing the Advanced Study Criteria in SD 93-14
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-24: Amendment to SD 88-25: Campus-Wide Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
Recommitted, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-25: Amendment to Tenure Stop-Out Policy (SD 91-20, Amended and Approved, 4/13/1992)
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-26: Revision of Senate Bylaws, Section (Promotion and Tenure Subcommittee Membership)
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-27: Amendment to SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure, as amended through 11/14/1994
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-28: Amendment to the Bylaws--Establishment of the Library Subcommittee
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-29: Amendment to the Bylaws--Change in membership of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-30: Amendment to the Bylaws--Change in membership of the Calendar Subcommittee
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-31: Ad Hoc Committee on Writing - Dissolution of Committee
Approved, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-32: Charge to EPC to study relationship with the Indiana Partnership for Statewide Education (IPSE)
Approved, 4/10/1995
- SD 93-1: Approval of replacement members of the Agenda Committee and of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 9/13/1993 - SD 93-2: Amendment to the IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Approved, 9/13/1993 (not implemented) - SD 93-3: Chancellor Search and Screen Committee
Approved, 9/13/1993 - SD 93-4: Approval of replacement members of the Honors Program Council and the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 10/11/1993 - SD 93-5: Amendment to SR 85-2: Guidelines for the Operation of the Office of Continuing Education (OCE)
Approved, 11/8/1993 - SD 93-6: Free Period Change - consideration postponed (11/8/1993)
Superseded by SD 95-14, Approved, 4/8/1996 - SD 93-7: Approval of replacement members of the Academic Appeals Subcommittee
Approved, 12/13/1993 - SD 93-8: 1996-97 Academic Calendar
Approved, 12/13/1993 - SD 93-9: Faculty Roles, Workloads, and Rewards
Approved, 12/13/1993
Amended, 4/21/1997 (SD 96-17)
Superseded by SD 97-8 - Approved, 12/8/1997 - SD 93-10: School and Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives Statements
Supplemented by SD 93-27
Supplemented by SD 94-14
Amended by SD 96-3 - Change in School of Education mission statement
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999 - SD 93-11: Changes to Purdue University at Fort Wayne Faculty Grievance Policy (FWSD 76-10)
Approved, 12/13/1993 - SD 93-12: IPFW Representation on the University Faculty Senate" - deleted as an item on the agenda
- SD 93-13: ICHE proposal for improving high-school preparation for postsecondary education
Approved and forwarded to the chancellor for forwarding to the ICHE
Approved, 1/10/1994 - SD 93-14: Baccalaureate-level general education at IPFW
Approved, 1/10/1994
Amended, 4/10/1995 (SD 94-23)
Amended, 4/8/2996 (SD 95-12)
Superseded by SD 99-25
Amended, 9/8/1997 (SD 97-3) - SD 93-15: Revision of the IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct to accommodate the Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures" - deleted as an item on the Agenda
Approved, 3/14/1994 - SD 93-16: Resolution on the English-as-a-Second-Language program, including amendments of the Academic Regulations
Approved, 3/14/1994
Superseded by SD 97-16 - SD 93-17: Amendment of the Academic Regulations--Grade-point averages
Approved, 3/14/1994 - SD 93-18: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Membership of Senate committees and subcommittees
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-19: Amendment to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Faculty--Membership of Senate committees" - sent out for Faculty vote
Approved, 5/2/1994 - SD 93-20: Amendment to the Constitution of the Fort Wayne Faculty--Definition of university affiliation" - sent out for Faculty vote
Approved, 5/2/1994 - SD 93-21: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10:General Education Subcommittee
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-22: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Membership of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Election of the Intercampus Faculty Council representative
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-24: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Promotion and Tenure Subcommittee
Approved, 4/11/1994
Amended by SD 94-26 and SD 94-27 - SD 93-25: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Resolution (S&E budget study)
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-26: Review of academic units
Approved, 4/11/1994 - SD 93-27: School and Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives Statements
Approved, 4/11/1994
Amended by SD 96-9 - Change in School of Business and Management Sciences mission statement (2/10/1997)
Superseded by SD 98-21, 4/12/1999
- SD 92-1: Correction to Academic Calendar, Summer I, 1992-93
Approved, 9/14/1992 - SD 92-2: Amendment to Academic Calendars, 1992-1993 and 1993-1994, Observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Approved, 9/14/1992 - SD 92-3: Amendments to the Management Agreement
Approved, 10/12/1992 - SD 92-4: Approval of replacement member of the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 10/12/1992 - SD 92-5: Fiscal Agency
Approved, 10/12/1992 - SD 92-6: Approval of replacement members of the Continuing Education Advisory Subcommittee, the Graduate Subcommittee, and the Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 11/9/1992 - SD 92-7: North Central Accreditation Assessment Plan
Approved, 11/9/1992
Superseded by SD 98-22 - SD 92-8: Changes to the Indiana University Academic Handbook's Criteria for Promotion
Defeated, 12/14/1992 [balanced case] - SD 92-9: Proposed amendments to the IPFW academic regulations and procedures SD 85-18: Changes in Procedures for Reporting Academic Dishonesty
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-10: Proposed amendment to the IPFW grade-appeals policy SD 82-2: Changes in Procedures for Reporting Academic Dishonesty
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-11: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate-Academic Calendar
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-12: Class-scheduling times, MW afternoons
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-13: IPFW Policy Statement on Evaluation of Academic Administrators
Approved, 12/14/1992 - SD 92-14: Changes to SD 76-10: Purdue University at Fort Wayne Grievance Policy
Approved, 1/11/1993 - SD 92-15: Academic Calendars for 1994-95 and 1995-96
Approved, 2/8/1993 - SD 92-16: Proposed amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures SD 85-18 - change in rules relating to the reentry of students after prolonged absence
Approved, 3/15/1993 - SD 92-17: Position description for NCAA Compliance Coordinator
Amended and Approved, 3/15/1993
Superseded by SD 01-15 - SD 92-18: Resolution concerning the relationship between this campus and West Lafayette
Approved, 3/15/1993 - SD 92-19: University affiliation of IPFW Faculty
Approved, 3/15/1993 - SD 92-20: Ad Hoc Committee on Writing
Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-21: Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty: Dates of certification of the Faculty, apportionment, and announcement of election results
Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-22: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: IPFW representation on the University Faculty Council of Indiana University
Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-23: Amendment to Fort Wayne SD 76-10: Purdue University at Fort Wayne Faculty Grievance Policy
Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-24: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Membership on the Professional Development Subcommittee
Amended and Approved, 4/12/1993 - SD 92-25: Amendment to The School of Fine and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures SD 89-7
Approved, 4/12/1993
Supersedes SD 89-7
Amended, 9/12/1994 (SD 94-1)
Amended, 4/13/1998 (SD 97-21)
Superseded by SD 10-18, 4/11/2011
- SD 91-1: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct - withdrawal of endorsement of Code" - Approved and sent to the Purdue University Board of Trustees
Approved, 9/16/1991) (rescinded) - SD 91-2: Approval of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 10/14/1991 - SD 91-3: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate SD 81-10: Membership on the Academic Appeals Subcommittee
Approved, 11/11/1991 - SD 91-4: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate SD 81-10: Membership on the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 11/11/1991 - SD 91-5: Ethical Guidelines for Student Computer Users at IPFW
(Amended & Approved, 12/9/1991)
(Amended, 4/12/1999)
(Amended, 12/10/2001)
(Amended, 12/13/2010) - SD 91-6: IPFW Mission Statement
Amended, 12/9/1991
Recommitted to EPC, 12/9/1991
Amended and Approved, 12/16/1991
Amended, 2/10/1992
Superseded by SD 99-19 - SD 91-7: Purdue University TIAA-CREF Retirement Plan Task Force Recommendations
Approved, 12/16/1991 - SD 91-8: Amendment to the Academic Regulations--Degree Requirements
Approved, 1/13/1992 - SD 91-9: Accepting Credit Procedures
Approved, 1/13/1992 - SD 91-10: Formation of a committee to make recommendations concerning Management Agreement
Approved, 1/13/1992 - SD 91-11: Research Misconduct Procedures - consideration postponed until 4/13/1992
Not approved - see substitute resolution SD 91-15 - SD 91-12: Change in Title of SD 91-6: Mission Statement
Approved, 2/10/1992 - SD 91-13: Academic Calendar, 1993-1994
Approved, 3/16/1992
Amended, 9/14/1992 (SD 92-2) - SD 91-14: Tenure Stop-Out Policy
Recommitted to Faculty Affairs Committee, 3/16/1992
Replaced by SD 91-20 - SD 91-15: Research Misconduct Procedures
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-16: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Change in membership of the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-17:Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Clarification of membership of the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-18: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate SD 81-10: Addition of student government affiliate member
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-19: Salary Policy
Approved, 4/13/1992 - SD 91-20: Extension of the Probationary Period for Justifiable Cause [Tenure Stop-Out]
Amended and Approved, 4/13/1992
Amended, 4/10/1995 (SD 94-25)
Amended & Approved, 4/15/2013 (SD 12-21)
Amended & Approved, 2/10/2014 (SD 13-16)
- SD 90-1: Amendment to the Academic Regulations SD 85-18: Clarification of procedures for dismissal and readmission
Approved, 9/10/1990 - SD 90-2: Amendment to SD 88-24: School of Fine and Performing Arts: Election of Senators
Approved, 9/10/1990 - SD 90-3: Replacement of SD 88-40: Criteria for Librarian Promotion and Tenure for Librarians
Supersedes SD 88-40
Approved, 10/8/1990
Amended and Approved, 2/10/2003
Superseded by SD 05-12 - SD 90-4: Amendment to SD 89-4
Approved, 10/8/1990 - SD 90-5: Amendment of the 1990-1991 Calendar
Approved, 10/8/1990 - SD 90-6: Approval of replacement members of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee, the Honors Program Council, the Professional Development Subcommittee, the Student Affairs Committee, the Academic Appeals Subcommittee, and the Transitional Studies Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 10/8/1990 - SD 90-7: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate - Revision of Curriculum Review Subcommittee Duties
Approved, 11/12/1990 - SD 90-8: Amendment to SD 83-9: Policies Regarding Continuing Education
Approved, 11/12/1990 - SD 90-9: A Policy and Plan for Academic Program Review [defeated]
Failed, 11/12/1990 - SD 90-10: Endorsement of Smoking Policy
Approved, 11/12/1990 - SD 90-11: Approval of replacement member of the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 12/10/1990 - SD 90-12: University Housing
Approved, 12/10/1990 - SD 90-13: Smoking Lounges
Approved, 12/10/1990 - SD 90-14: Amendment to Bylaws of the Senate: Proposed Change in Charge to the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 1/28/1991 - SD 90-15: Fort Wayne Faculty [Non]Representation on the Purdue University at West Lafayette University Senate
Approved, 1/28/1991
Rescinded, 3/15/2004 - SD 90-16: Resolution of appreciation: John R. Carnaghi
Approved, 1/28/1991 - SD 90-17: Amendment to Academic Regulations SD 85-18 and Academic Appeals Policy SD 82-2
Approved, 2/11/1991 - SD 90-18: Amendment to Bylaws of the Senate: Proposed Change in Name, Membership and Charge of the Transitional Studies Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 2/11/1991 - SD 90-19: Amendments to Academic Regulations SD 85-18 concerning English and Mathematics Placement tests
Approved, 3/18/1991 - SD 90-20: Basic Skills Expectations
Approved, 3/18/1991 - SD 90-21: Academic Calendar for 1992-1993
Approved, 3/18/1991
Amended, 9/14/1992 (SD 92-1 and SD 92-2) - SD 90-22: Amendments to SD 89-28: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Amended and Approved, 3/25/1991 - SD 90-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Establishment of Lecture Series Subcommittee
Approved, 3/25/1991 - SD 90-24: Amendment to Academic Regulations SD 85-18
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-25: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate: Amending the responsibility for determining sabbatical leaves
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-26: Amendment to SD 88-27: Sabbatical Leaves
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-27: Associate Faculty
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-28: Computer Usage with Regard to Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment Criteria
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-29: Guidelines for Graduate Courses
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-30: Procedures for the Election of IPFW Representative(s) to the Indiana University Graduate Council
Approved, 4/8/1991 - SD 90-31: Amendment to Academic Regulations SD 85-18
Approved, 4/8/1991
- SD 89-1: Approval of replacement members of the Rules Committee, the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs, the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee, the Professional Development Subcommittee, the Academic Appeals Subcommittee, and the Educational Policy Committee
Amended and Approved, 9/18/1989 - SD 89-2: School of Engineering and Technology: Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures
Supersedes SD 88-37
Amended and Approved, 9/18/1989
Amended, 10/10/1994 (SD 94-9)
Amended, 4/10/2006 (SD 05-9) - SD 89-3: Division of Labor Studies: Statement on Promotion and Tenure
(Consideration Postponed, 9/18/1989)
Referred back to Labor Studies, 10/16/1989 - SD 89-4: Procedures for Librarians' Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 9/18/1989
Amended and Approved, 10/8/1990 (SD 90-4)
Amended and Approved, 3/15/2004 (SD 03-18)
Amended, 4/11/2011
Amended, 2/11/2013 (SD 12-11) - SD 89-5: Division of Health Sciences: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Supersedes SD 88-41
Approved, 9/18/1989
Superseded by SD 03-20 - SD 89-6: Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
(Consideration Postponed, 9/18/1989)
Referred back to Public and Environmental Affairs, 10/16/1989 - SD 89-7: School of Fine and Performing Arts: Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Supersedes SD 88-36
Approved, 9/18/1989
Superseded by SD 92-25 - SD 89-8: Amendments to SD 88-35: Education Promotion and Tenure Document
Approved, 9/18/1989 - SD 89-9: Endorsement of committee report (Ad Hoc Committee To Review the Relationships between IPFW and Indiana University and Purdue University)
Amended and Approved, 9/18/1989 - SD 89-10: Election of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 10/16/1989 - SD 89-11: Election of replacement member of the Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 11/13/1989 - SD 89-12: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
Approved, 11/13/1989
Superseded by SD 99-5 - SD 89-13: Request for approval of A&S Faculty Document 89-1, Amendment to the Governance Document--Addition of policy on procedures for promotion and tenure
Approved, 1/15/1990
Amended, 9/12/1994 (SD 94-6)
Amended, 3/16/1998 (SD 97-12)
Amended, 4/19/2004 (SD 03-24)
Amended, 12/12/2011 (SD 11-10) - SD 89-14: Approval of replacement members of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee and the Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 2/12/1990 - SD 89-15: Amendment of the 1990-1991 Calendar SD 88-21
Amended and Approved, 2/19/1990
Amended and Approved, 10/8/1990 - SD 89-16: Proposed Amendment to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures SD 85-18
Approved, 2/12/1990 - SD 89-17: 1991-1992 Calendar
(Consideration Postponed until March, 2/12/1990)
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-18: Motion to rescind SD 88-42
Amended and Approved, 2/12/1990 - SD 89-19: Sale of Examination or Professional Review Copies
Referred to the Faculty Affairs Committee, 2/19/1990
See SD 89-27 - SD 89-20: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty of Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne-Restructuring of Senate meeting times
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-21: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate-Restructuring of Senate meeting times
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-22: Amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty of Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne-Membership for the Presiding Officer
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-23: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate-- Revision of provisions for promotion, tenure, and sabbatical leaves
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-24: Sustaining access to high-quality education
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-25: Approval of replacement member of the Rules Committee
Approved, 3/12/1990 - SD 89-26: Replacement of Senate Document SD 82-8: Concerning Faculty Absences
Approved, 4/16/1990 - SD 89-27: Sale of Complimentary Textbooks
Amended and Approved, 4/16/1990 - SD 89-28: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
Amended and Approved, 4/16/1990
Amended, 3/25/1991 (SD 90-22)
Endorsement withdrawn, 9/16/1991
Amended, 2/13/1995 (SD 94-19)
Amended, 3/17/1997 (SD 96-13)
Amended, 4/12/1999 (SD 98-23)
Amended, 11/18/2002 (SD 02-6)
Amended, 3/17/2003 (SD 02-15)
Amended, 10/16/2006 (SD 06-3)
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-6)
Amended, 4/18/2016 (SD 15-27) - SD 89-29: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Change in the composition and reporting of the Campus Appeals Board
Amended and Approved, 4/16/1990 - SD 89-30: General Policy Statements Regarding Associate Faculty Stipends, formerly SR No. 89-19
Amended and Approved, 4/23/1990
- SD 88-1: Election of replacement member of the Nominations and Elections Committee
Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-2: Election of replacement members of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-3: Election of replacement member of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-4: Policy on the Evaluation and Reward of Faculty Service
Amended and Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-5: Medical Insurance Program: Recommendation for 1989
Approved, 9/19/1988 - SD 88-6: Election of replacement member of the International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee and of the Honors Program Council
Approved, 10/10/1988 - SD 88-7: Election of replacement member of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-8: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate-- Student Membership on the Student Affairs Committee
Corrected and Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-9: Amendments to the Constitution
Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-10: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Addition of Curriculum Review Subcommittee; Supersedes SD 85-17
Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-11: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Addition of Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 11/14/1988 - SD 88-12: Election of replacement members of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs and of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 12/12/1988 - SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Amended, 12/12/1988
Amended and Approved, 1/16-1/23/1989
Amended, 11/14/1994 (SD 94-10)
Amended, 4/10/1995 (SD 94-27)
Amended, 4/13/1998) (SD 97-22)
Amended, 4/12/1999 (SD 98-19)
Amended, 10/21/2002 (SD 02-2)
Amended, 4/21/2003 (SD 02-18)
Amended, 9/8/2003 (SD 03-1)
Amended, 1/12/2004 (SD 03-10
Amended, 11/12/2007 (SD 07-2)
Amended, 4/14/2008 (SD 07-14)
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-8)
Amended, 4/22/2013 (SD 12-24)
Superseded by SD 14-36 - SD 88-14: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate--Terms of Members of the Curriculum Review Subcommittee and of the Graduate Subcommittee
Approved, 1/23/1989 - SD 88-15: Nomination and Election of Senators, 1989
Approved, 2/13/1989 - SD 88-16: School of Education: Nomination, Election and Replacement of Faculty Representatives
Amended and Approved, 2/13/1989
Superseded by SD 16-25 - SD 88-17: Division of Health Sciences: Methods of Nomination, Election, and Replacement of Faculty Senators
Approved, 2/13/1989
Amended, 4/10/2000 - SD 88-18: Library: Procedures for Nominating and Electing Senators
Approved, 2/13/1989 - SD 88-19: School of Engineering and Technology: Apportionment and Election of Senators
Amended and Approved, 2/13/1989
Amended, 3/13/2000 (SD 99-20) - SD 88-20: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and Approved, 2/13/1989 - SD 88-21: Academic Calendar for 1990-1991
Amended and Approved, 3/27/1989
Amended, 2/19/1990
Superseded by SD 89-15 - SD 88-22: Election of replacement members of the Transitional Studies Advisory Subcom, the Accelerated H S Studies Advisory Subcom, Rules Committee, and University Resources Policy Committee
Amended and Approved, 2/20/1989 - SD 88-23: Richard T. Doermer School of Business: Apportionment and Election of Senators
Approved, 2/13/1989 - SD 88-24: College of Visual and Performing Arts: Election of Senators
Approved, 3/13/1989
Amended, 9/10/1990 (SD 90-2)
Amended, 9/19/1994 (SD 94-5) - SD 88-25: Document on Campus-Wide Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
Amended and Approved, 3/27/1989
Amended, 11/13/1995 (SD 95-6; 95-7)
Amended, 1/12/2004 (SD 03-11)
Amended, 3/15/2010 (SD 09-8)
Superseded by SD 14-35 - SD 88-26: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and Approved, 4/10/1989 - SD 88-27: Document on Sabbatical Leaves
Amended and Recommitted to Faculty Affairs Committee, 4/10/1989
Amended and Approved, 4/24/1989
Amended, 4/8/1991 (SD 90-26)
Superseded by SD 06-14, 4/9/2007 - SD 88-28: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Titles of certain IPFW officers
Approved, 4/10/1989 - SD 88-29: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Purdue University Intercampus Faculty Council
Approved, 4/10/1989 - SD 88-30: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/10/1989 - SD 88-31: Request for approval of the School of Arts and Sciences procedures for the apportionment, election, and replacement of Senators
Approved, 4/10/1989
Superseded by SD 98-16 - SD 88-32: Division of Public and Environmental Affairs: Election of Senators
Amended and Approved, 4/24/1989
Superseded by SD 16-25 - SD 88-33: Goals and Objectives for the IPFW Baccalaureate Degree
Approved, 4/10/1989
Superseded by SD 05-8 - SD 88-34: Business and Management Sciences: Promotion and Tenure Document: Procedures
Approved, 4/24/1989
Superseded by SD 95-4, 10/9/1995 - SD 88-35: School of Education: Promotion and Tenure Document: Procedures
Recommitted to the School of Education, 4/24/1989
Amended, 9/18/1989, SD 89-8
Superseded by SD 02-17 - SD 88-36: School of Fine and Performing Arts: Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Recommitted to the School, 4/17/1989
Superseded by SD 89-7 - SD 88-37: School of Engineering and Technology: Promotion and Tenure Committee Policies
Approved, 4/17/1989
Superseded by SD 89-2 - SD 88-38: Petition to the Purdue University Board of Trustees-- Academic Calendar
Committed to the Ad Hoc Committee To Review IPFW's Relationships to Indiana University and Purdue University, 4/17/1989 - SD 88-39: Petition to the Purdue University Board of Trustees-- Faculty Constitution
Failed, 4/17/1989 - SD 88-40: Criteria Document for Librarians' Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 4/24/1989
Superseded by SD 90-3 - SD 88-41: Division of Health Sciences: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Recommitted to the Division of Health Sciences, 4/17/1989
Approved, 4/24/1989
Superseded by SD 89-5 - SD 88-42: Implementation of Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved, 4/24/1989 (See SD 89-18)
- SD 87-1: Election of replacement member of the Nominations & Elections Committee
Approved, 9/14/1987 - SD 87-2: Proposed Medical Security Program
Approved, 9/14/1987 - SD 87-3: Chancellor's Smoking Policy
Approved, 9/14/1987 - SD 87-4: Tobacco Smoke Policy
Postponed to a definite time, 9/21/1987
Amended and Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-5: Election of replacement member of the Student Affairs Committee
Approved, 9/21/1987 - SD 87-6: Election of replacement members of the Faculty Grievance Board
Approved, 9/21/1987 - SD 87-7: Resolution of appreciation: Edward A. Nicholson
Approved, 9/21/1987 - SD 87-8: Election of replacement member of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 9/21/1987 - SD 87-9: Election of replacement member of the Accelerated High School Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-10: Letter of appreciation to Foellinger Foundation, Inc., for $3 million gift to IPFW
Amended and Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-11: AIDS Awareness Week
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-12: Election of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-13: Election of replacement members of the Faculty Grievance Board
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-14: Election of replacement member of the Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-15: Election of replacement member of the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 10/19/1987 - SD 87-16: Representation to the Purdue University Board of Trustees
Approved, 11/9/1987 - SD 87-17: Resolution of Appreciation: Jack Ulmer
Approved, 11/9/1987 - SD 87-18: Election of replacement member of the Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 11/9/1987 - SD 87-19: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Approved, 12/14/1987 - SD 87-20: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate-- Membership of the International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 12/14/1987 - SD 87-21: Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty of Indiana University- Purdue University at Fort Wayne
Approved for Faculty Vote, 12/14/1987
Approved (by Faculty, 1/19/1988)
Sent to IU and Purdue for approval by President Ehrlich and Purdue University Board of Trustees
Amended, 11/14/1988 (SD 88-9) - SD 87-22: Adoption of Official School Colors
Tabled, 12/14/1987
Amended and Approved, 1/18/1988 - SD 87-23: Contingency Planning Policy and Procedures (Amends SD 86-22)
Approved, 1/18/1988 - SD 87-24: Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of IPFW
Approved, 1/18/1988 - SD 87-25: Membership Eligibility Resolution
Amended and Approved, 1/18/1988 - SD 87-26: Calendar for 1989-1990 for Action and Calendar for 1990-1991 for Information Only
Approved, 2/8/1988 - SD 87-27: Budget Emphasis Areas
Committed to the University Resources Policy Committee, 2/8/1988 - SD 87-28: Instruction at IPFW: A Response to Concerns about Part- Time Faculty
Recommitted to Educational Policy Committee and Committed to Faculty Affairs Committee, 2/8/1988 - SD 87-29: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Amended and Approved, 3/14/1988 - SD 87-30: Student Data Records
Approved, 4/11/1988 - SD 87-31: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Approved, 4/11/1988 - SD 87-32: Policy on Faculty Workload, Evaluation, and Reward
Approved, 4/11/1988
Superseded by SD 97-8, Approved 12/8/1997 - SD 87-33: Change in academic organization within the School of Business and Management Sciences
Approved, 4/11/1988
- SD 86-1: Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Structure
Approved, 9/15/1986 - SD 86-2: Adjustment in Class Meeting Times
Failed, 10/27/1986 - SD 86-3: Faculty Responsibilities Related to Reorganization and Program Reduction
Approved, 10/27/1986
Superseded by SD 86-22 - SD 86-4: Election of replacement member of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 10/27/1986 - SD 86-5: Election of replacement member of the Professional Development Subcommittee
Approved, 11/10/1986 - SD 86-6: Amendments to SD 82-9: University Credit Courses in Area High Schools
Approved, 12/8/1986 - SD 86-7: Recommended IPFW Reorganization
Amended and Approved, 12/15/1986 - SD 86-8: Recommendations and Rationale Regarding SD 86-7
Approved, 12/15/1986 - SD 86-9: Election of replacement member of the Purdue University Faculty Grievance Board
Approved, 1/19/1987 - SD 86-10: Election of replacement member of the Indiana University Committee on Institutional Affairs
Approved, 1/19/1987 - SD 86-11: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Administrative/ Professional Staff Membership on the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 2/9/1987 - SD 86-12: Assessment of Special Fees
Approved, 2/9/1987 - SD 86-13: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Administrative Staff Membership on the Subcommittee on Athletics
Approved, 3/16/1987 - SD 86-14: Academic Calendar for 1988-89
Approved, 3/16/1987 - SD 86-15: Proposed Amendments to the IPFW Academic Regulations and Procedures
Approved, 3/16/1987 - SD 86-16: Change in Composition of the Intercampus Faculty Council
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-17: Tobacco Smoke
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-18: Amendment to the Bylaws: Addition of Honors Program Council to Subcommittees of Educational Policy Committee (supersedes conflicting parts of SD 81-3A
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-19: Amendment to Bylaws: Membership of Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee of the University Resources Policy Committee
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-20: Amendments to Constitution, Sections VI.A, VI.A.4.
Recommitted, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-21: Amendment to Bylaws: Addition of International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee of Educational Policy Committee
Approved, 4/13/1987 - SD 86-22: Contingency Planning Policy and Procedures [financial exigency]
Supersedes SD 86-3
Approved, 4/13/1987
Amended, 1/18/1988 (SD 87-23)
Superseded by SD 15-26 - SD 86-23: Chancellor's Memoranda: Academic Reorganization [3/16/1987] and The Reorganization Plan [3/23/1987]
Amended and Approved, 4/20/1987 - SD 86-24: Continued Progress on Academic Reorganization
Approved, 4/20/1987 - SD 86-25: Review of IPFW's Relationships to Indiana University and Purdue University
Approved, 4/20/1987
- SD 85-1: Amendment to the Bylaws: Calendar Subcommittee Composition
Approved, 9/9/1985 - SD 85-2: Amendment to SD 82-2: Academic Appeals (SD 85-2)
Approved, 9/9/1985 - SD 85-3: Election of replacement member of the Subcommittee on Athletics (SCOA)
Approved, 9/9/1985 - SD 85-4: Election of replacement member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
Approved, 9/9/1985 - SD 85-5: Funding for a Fine Arts Building
Amended, 9/9/1985
Amended, 9/23/1985
Referred back to committee, 9/23/1985 - SD 85-5: Funding for a Fine Arts Building
(revised) (Approved, 11/11/1985) - SD 85-6: Search and Screen Committee for Chancellor of IPFW
Postponed indefinitely, 9/23/1985 - SD 85-7: Facility for the Fine Arts
Amended and Approved, 10/14/1985 - SD 85-8: The 1985-86 Search for Chancellor of IPFW
Approved, 10/14/1985 - SD 85-9: Contempt citation: Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Postponed until 1/20/1986
Postponed indefinitely, 1/20/1985 - SD 85-10: Conflicts of financial interest in instructional situations
Amended and Approved, 1/27/1986 [policy not implemented] - SD 85-11: Amendment to the Bylaws: Revision of charge and membership: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Amended and Approved, 1/20/1986 - SD 85-12: Academic calendars for 1987-88 ("for action") and 1988-89 ("for information only")
Approved, 2/10/1986 - SD 85-14(A): Amendments to the Constitution of the Faculty: Clarification of Professional Studies
Amended and Approved, 3/17/1986
Approved by the Faculty, 4/2/1986 - SD 85-14(B): Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: Clarification of Professional Studies
Amended and Approved, 3/17/1986
Contingent upon approval of SD 85-14(A) - SD 85-15: Establishment, certification, and recognition of minors
Approved, 3/17/1986 - SD 85-16: Revised deadline for changes in audit/credit status
Approved, 3/17/1986 - SD 85-17: Informing the Faculty about new academic programs proposed for IPFW
Approved, 3/17/1986
Superseded by SD 88-10 - SD 85-18: Academic Regulations
Amended and Approved, 4/21/1986
Amended, 3/18/2002 (SD 01-9 - second reading)
Amended, 12/8/2003 (SD 03-7)
Amended, 4/11/2005 (SD 04-11 [revised])
Amended, 2/11/2008 (SD 07-7)
Amended, 4/12/2010 (SD 09-12, 13, 14)
Amended, 4/11/2011 (SD 10-16)
Amended, 3/12/2012 (SD 11-16)
Amended, 1/13/2014 (SD 13-12)
Amended, 3/17/2014 (SD 13-28)
Amended, 4/14/2014 (SD 13-29)
Amended, 12/8/2014 (SD 14-16) (SD 14-17) (SD 14-18)
Amended, 12/14/2015 (SD 15-7) (SD 15-9)
Amended, 1/11/2016 (SD 15-13)
Amended, 4/11/2016 (SD 15-25)
Amended, 5/1/17 (SD 16-45) (SD 16-46) - SD 85-19: Recommendations to the administration regarding the next biennial budget
Amended and Approved, 4/14/1986 - SD 85-20: Reporting Line of the Affirmative Action Officers
Approved, 4/21/1986
- SD 84-1: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: Intercollegiate Athletic Activities
Approved, 9/17/1984 - SD 84-2: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Senate: Subcommittee on Athletics Membership
Amended and Approved, 9/17/184 - SD 84-3: IPFW Faculty Representative: to the NCAA
Amended and Approved, 9/24/1984 - SD 84-4: Proposed Changes in Section C of the Purdue University Code
Withdrawn - SD 84-5: Resolution of appreciation: Joseph P. Giusti
Approved, 9/24/1984 - SD 84-6: An Inquiry Into "Giusti: The First Five Years"
Amended and Approved, 10/8/1984 - SD 84-7: Recent Publication [Giusti: The First Five years]
Approved, 11/12/1984 - SD 84-8: Rescission of Senate Document SD 83-18
Approved, 12/10/1984 - SD 84-9: Election of Replacement Member of Rules Committee
Approved, 1/21/1985 - SD 84-10: Approval of Women's Softball as a Varsity Sport
Approved, 1/21/1985 - SD 84-11: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Establishment of the Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 3/11/1985 - SD 84-12: 1986-1987 Academic Calendar
Amended and Approved, 4/8/1985
Amended and Approved, 3/17/1986 - SD 84-13: Amendment to SD 82-14: Amends FWSD 76-20, Promotion and Tenure Policies, Criteria, and Procedures
Approved, 4/15/1985 - SD 84-14: Recommendation on SD 83-13:Promotion and Tenure
Approved, 4/15/1985 - SD 84-15: Amendment to SD 83-12: 1985-1986 Academic Calendar
Approved, 4/15/1985 - SD 84-16: Recognition of Kirk Kavanaugh
Approved, 4/15/1985 - SD 84-17: Reaffirmation of Election of Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee
Approved, 4/15/1985
- SD 83-1: Amendment to the Senate Bylaws: Calendar Subcommittee Composition
Amended and Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-2: Student Representation on the Honors Program Council: Amends SD 81-3[A]
Amended and Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-3: Constitution of the Faculty of IPFW: Removal of Articles X, XI, and XII
Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-4: National Faculty Exchange
Amended and Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-5: Vacancy on the Calendar Subcommittee
Approved, 10/10/1983 - SD 83-6: Implementation of Senate Document SD 82-2: Academic Appeals Policy
Approved, 11/14/1983 - SD 83-7: EDUC X150 Requirement
Approved, 12/12/1983 - SD 83-8: Scholastic Honor Societies
Approved, 12/12/1983 - SD 83-9: Policies Regarding Continuing Education (CE), including Amendment to the Bylaws of the Senate
Amended and Approved, 4/9/1984
Amended, 11/12/1990 (SD 90-8) - SD 83-10: Early Salary Payment
Approved, 1/16/1984 - SD 83-11: Amendment to SD 82-9, Accelerated High School Studies Program
Approved, 2/13/1984 - SD 83-12: Academic Calendar, 1985-86
Amended & Approved, 2/13/1984
Amended, 4/15/1985 (SD 84-15) - SD 83-13: Promotion and Tenure Document
Recommitted to Faculty Affairs Committee, 3/12/1984
Consideration Postponed Indefinitely, 4/15/1985 (SD 84-14) - SD 83-14: Amendments to Senate Document SD 82-4, 1984-1985 Academic Calendar
Approved, 4/9/1984 - SD 83-15: National Faculty Exchange Policies
Approved, 4/9/1984 - SD 83-16: Proposed Amendment to the Constitution: Senator Selection Deadline
Approved, 4/9/1984
Approved by the Faculty, 4/25/1984
Approved by Purdue University Board of Trustees, 9/14/1984
Approved by President John Ryan, 8/28/1984 - SD 83-17: Amendments to SD 81-3[A]: IPFW Honors Program
Approved, 4/9/1984 - SD 83-18: Academic Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities
Approved, 4/9/1984
Rescinded, 12/10/1984 (SD 84-8) - SD 83-19: Amendment to the Bylaws: Establishment of the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/9/1984
- SD 82-1: Athletic Conference Membership
Amended and Approved, 9/20/1982 - SD 82-2: Academic Appeals Policy, including amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate
Amended and Approved, 11/8/1982
Approved by S. Beering, 8/22/1983
Approved by J. Ryan, 8/5/1983
Amended, 9/9/1985 (SD 85-2)
Amended, 2/11/1991 (SD 90-17)
Amended, 12/14/1992 (SD 92-10)
Amended, 2/14/2000 (SD 99-11)
Amended, 4/8/2002 (SD 01-16)
Amended, 3/17/14 (SD 13-27) - SD 82-3: Proposed Academic Calendar, 1984-85
Defeated, 2/14/1983 - SD 82-4: Proposed Academic Calendar, 1984-85: minority report
Approved, 2/14/1983
Amended, 4/9/1984 (SD 83-14) - SD 82-5: Great Lakes Valley Conference Membership
Amended and Approved, 3/21/1983 - SD 82-6: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: University Resources Policy Committee--CSSAC Membership
Approved, 3/21/1983 - SD 82-7: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Rules Committee
Approved, 3/21/1983 - SD 82-8: Faculty Absences
Approved, 3/21/1983
Superseded by SD 89-26 - SD 82-9: University Credit Courses in Area High Schools
Amended and Approved, 3/21/1983
Amended, 2/13/1984 (SD 83-11)
Amended, 12/8/1986 (SD 86-6) - SD 82-10: Purdue University Contributions to TIAA-CREF
Approved, 4/11/1983 - SD 82-11: Tuition Fee Courtesy
Approved, 4/11/1983 - SD 82-12: Free Parking for IPFW Employees
Referred back to committee [Faculty Affairs], 4/11/1983 - SD 82-13: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate: Accelerated High School Studies Advisory Subcommittee
Approved, 4/11/1983 - SD 82-14: Amendment to FWSD-76-20: Promotion and Tenure Policies, Criteria and Procedures
Amended and Approved, 4/18/1983
Approved by S. Beering, 2/27/1985
Amended, 4/15/1985 (SD 84-13) - SD 82-15: Policy on Handicapped Students
Approved, 4/11/1983
Rescinded, 10/10/1994
- SD 81-1: FWFS 81-1: Proposed Calendar 1982-83 (Formula)
Approved, 5/4/1981 - SD 81-2: FWFS 81-2: Computer Science and Technology Task Force
Received, 5/4/1981 - SD 81-3(A): A Recommendation for an IPFW Honors Program
(Indiana FWSD 80-5)
(Purdue FWSD 80-8)
Amended and Approved, 10/12/1981
Amended, 10/10/1983 (SD 83-2)
Amended, 4/9/1984 (SD 83-17)
Superseded by SD 00-05, 3/12/01 - SD 81-3(B): A Proposed IPFW Honors Program
Amended and Approved, 10/12/1981 - SD 81-4: Honors Students
(Purdue FWSD 80-9 [Amends Purdue FWSD 75-11])
Approved, 9/21/1981
Superseded by SD 85-19 - SD 81-5: Mission Statement Task Force
Approved, 9/1981) - SD 81-6: Task Force on Faculty Assessment, Part I: Teaching
(Indiana FWSD 80-4)
(Purdue FWSD 80-7)
Amended, 2/19/1981
Tabled, 9/21/1981 - SD 81-7: Grade Appeals
Recommitted to committee, 10/19/1981 (See SD 82-2) - SD 81-8: Academic Regulations (establishment of committee)
Approved, 9/21/1981
Amended and Approved, 10/19/1981 - SD 81-9: Assignment of Office and Laboratory Space
Received, 9/14/1981
Superseded by SD 99-8 - SD 81-10: Bylaws of the Senate
Amended and Approved, 12/14/1981
Last Amended,(SD 12-16) (SD 12-20) (SD 13-13) (SD 13-17) (SD 14-9) (SD14-13)
(SD 14-21) (SD 14-23) (SD 14-27) (SD 15-12)
Superseded by SD 15-22 - SD 81-11: Privileges Accorded Emeritus Professors
Approved, 2/8/1982 - SD 81-12: IPFW Handbook on the Use of Human Subjects in Research
Committed to new Faculty Affairs Committee, 1/18/1982 - SD 81-13: Apportionment and Election of Senators within the School of Engineering, Technology, and Nursing
Approved, 2/22/1982
Superseded by reorganization documents - SD 81-14: Apportionment and Election of Senators within the School of Science and Humanities
Approved, 2/22/1982
Superseded by reorganization documents - SD 81-15: Calendar Adjustment
Defeated, 2/22/1982 - SD 81-16: Methods of Nominating and Electing Senators
Approved, 2/22/1982 - SD 81-17: Apportionment and Election of Senators within the Faculty of Professional Studies
Approved, 2/22/1982
Superseded by reorganization documents - SD 81-18: Faculty Certification and Apportionment
(Revised) Approved, 4/12/1982 - SD 81-19: Methods of Nominating and Electing Senators: Arts and Letters Procedure for Filling Faculty Senate Vacancies
Approved, 4/12/1982
Superseded by reorganization documents - SD 81-20: Amendment to the Bylaws of the Fort Wayne Senate (SD 81-10): The Subcommittee on Promotions, Tenure, and Sabbatical Leaves
Approved, 5/10/1982 - SD 81-21: Proposed Academic Calendar, 1983-1984
Amended, 4/19/1982
Amended and Approved, 5/10/1982 - SD 81-22: AROTC Agreement with Ball State
Approved, 5/3/1982 - SD 81-23: Amendments to sections C.1.b.(2), (3c), and (4) of the Bylaws of the Senate: SD 81-10
Approved, 5/10/1982
Senate References
Documents distributed for additional information.
- SR 24-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 24-2: Certificate in Cyber Security
- SR 24-3: Concentration in Cyber Security
- SR 24-4: Minor in Cyber Security
- SR 24-5: Student Affairs Committee Year-End Report 2023-2024
- SR 24-6: Question Time - re: EV Charging Stations
- SR 24-7: Question Time - re: Academic Program Review Guidelines
- SR 24-8: Question Time - re: The Learning Community
- SR 24-9: 2023-2024 Annual Report of Faculty Athletics Representative Activities
- SR 24-10: Question Time - re: University Financial Challenges
- SR 24-11: Administration Response to September Senate Questions
- SR 24-12: Senate Committee OneDrive Folders: Enhancing Efficiency, Continuity, and Security
- SR 24-13: Minor in Finance
- SR 24-14: Charge to University Resources Advisory Committee Concerning Daycare at PFW
- SR 24-15: Charge to Formulate Recommendation on Director of Graduate Studies
- SR 24-16: Statement on Senate Questions
- SR 24-17: Question Time - re: Revision of General Education Program Status
- SR 24-18: Chancellor's Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics 2022-2023
- SR 24-19: 2023-2024 Athletics Year in Review
- SR 24-20: Faculty Athletics Representative Report 2023-2024
- SR 24-21: Administration Response to October Senate Questions
- SR 24-22: FY25 Annual Budget
- SR 24-23: Ad-Hoc Academic Regulations Task Force 2023-2024 Report
- SR 24-24: Report in Response to EC Charge to URAC Concerning Daycare at PFW
- SR 24-24A: Report in Response to EC Charge to URAC Concerning Daycare at PFW - Appendix: The Learning Center IRS Form 990 for 2023
- SR 24-24B: Report in Response to EC Charge to URAC Concerning Daycare at PFW - Appendix: The Learning Center IRS Form 990 Schedule A Public Charity Status and Public Support
- SR 24-25: Composition of the Intellectual Diversity Complaint Advisory Review Board
- SR 24-26: Executive Committee Report on Administrative Compliance 2023-2024
- SR 24-27: Executive Committee Report on Administrative Compliance 2022-2023
- SR 24-28: Originality Checking & AI Detection Group Update
- SR 24-29: Question Time - re: VPN Rollout
- SR 22-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 22-2: Memorial Resolution - Nancy Beth Cothern McFarland
- SR 22-3: Question Time - re: Hope Center
- SR 22-4: 2021-2022 Annual Report of FAR Activities
- SR 22-5: Student Success Standard Process Lifecycle
- SR 22-6: Response to Senate Document SD 21-35
- SR 22-7: Purdue University West Lafayette Student Absence Policy
- SR 22-8: Memorial Resolution - Linda Wark
- SR 22-9: Graduate Concentration in Student Affairs Counseling
- SR 22-10: “Leveraging Covid-19 Data” Review and Findings
- SR 22-11: Chancellor‘s Response to 2020-2021 and 2021–22 Administrative Compliance Reports
- SR 22-12: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 22-13: Administrative Response to Senate Document SD 22-6 (Review of the Created Equal Event on Campus on Tuesday, September 20, 2022)
- SR 22-14: Annual Athletics Report 2020–21
- SR 22-15: Question Time - re: Created Equal
- SR 22-16: Memorial Resolution - Richard E. Miers
- SR 22-17: 2022 Campus Climate Survey
- SR 22-18: Memorial Resolution - Max Montesino
- SR 22-19: Question Time - re: Car Charging Electric Outlets
- SR 22-20: Question Time - re: Catalog Production Process
- SR 22-21: Information Technology Concentration
- SR 22-22: Memorial Resolution - Margit Ene Piirma Codispoti
- SR 22-23: Question Time - re: Rise in Living Costs
- SR 22-24: Marine Biology Concentration
- SR 22-25: Question Time - re: PFW Website
- SR 22-26: PFW Information Technology Services Policy on Local Administrative Rights
- SR 22-27: Executive Committee Report on Administrative Compliance 2019–20
- SR 22-28: Student Success Standard Process Lifecycle
- SR 22-29: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 22-30: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 20-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 20-2: Memorial Resolution - Elaine Blakemore
- SR 20-3: Question Time - re: Social Distancing in Classrooms
- SR 20-4: Question Time - re: CARES Fund Distribution
- SR 20-5: Question Time - re: Technology ProblemsS
- SR 20-6: Memorial Resolution - Arline R. Standley
- SR 20-7: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 20-8: Graduate Certificate in School Administration
- SR 20-9: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 20-10: Early Childhood Education Minor
- SR 20-11: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
- SR 20-12: Question Time - re: LTL Payments
- SR 20-13: Question Time - re: DEI Search
- SR 20-14: Response to the Charge to Examine and Report on Restructuring of College of Professional Studies - Preliminary Report
- SR 20-15: Fall 2020 COVID-19 Impact Survey
- SR 20-16: Annual Athletics Report
- SR 20-17: Question Time - re: Updated DEI Search Question
- SR 20-18: Question Time - re: PFW Identity and Brand
- SR 20-19: HLC Comprehensive Visit
- SR 20-20: Criteria for Accreditation
- SR 20-21: Recommended Practices for Hybrid and Online Courses
- SR 20-22: Executive Committee Report on Administrative Compliance
- SR 20-23: Certificate in Agricultural Leadership
- SR 20-24: Theatre Concentrations
- SR 20-25: Provide Feedback on P&T Documents
- SR 20-26: Senate Documents Worked on During Fall Semester 2020
- SR 20-27: Response to “Senate Report on Dissolution of College of Professional Studies”
- SR 20-28: Memorial Resolution-Edwin C. Leonard Jr.
- SR 20-29: Question Time - re: Niecee Nelson Investigation
- SR 20-30: HLC Preparation
- SR 20-31: Defining Accreditors for Transfer Credits
- SR 20-32: Question Time - re: Locks on Classrooms
- SR 20-33: Memorial Resolution-James M. Lutz
- SR 20-34: School of Music Addition of Guitar Concentration
- SR 20-35: Department of English and Linguistics Teaching Addition of Language Arts as Concentration
- SR 20-36: Department of English and Linguistics Teaching English as New Language
- SR 20-37: Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Nonprofit Management
- SR 20-38: Request for Review of Policy Regarding Dual Level Courses
- SR 20-39: LTL Bonus Compensation (2020)
- SR 20-40: Purdue Fort Wayne Space Management Policies and Procedures Policies
- SR 20-41: Question Time - re: ODMA Staffing
- SR 20-42: Question Time - re: Stimulus Act Funds
- SR 20-43: New Business Guidelines
- SR 20-44: Initial Report on Creating a “Fall Opening Task Force”
- SR 20-45: Theater Department Musical Theater BFA
- SR 20-46: Education STEM Proposal
- SR 20-47: Organizational Leadership Concentration
- SR 20-48: ILCS Proposal for Minor in Professional Spanish
- SR 20-49: Education Specialist
- SR 20-50: M.S. in Educational Leadership
- SR 20-51: Concentration in Human Resource Management
- SR 20-52: Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Procedural Handling of Allegations of Misconduct in the PFW Women's Basketball Program - Spring 2021 Committee Report
- SR 20-53: Question Time - re: Orientation and Registration New Majors
- SR 20-54: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 20-55: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 18-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 18-2: Memorial Resolution - Thelma (Fair) Mitchell
- SR 18-3: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 18-4: Question Time - re: STEAM and Business
- SR 18-5: Question Time - re: Marketing Instruction
- SR 18-6: Question Time - re: Update on Dual Credit and Retention
- SR 18-7: Memorial Resolution-David W. Mauritzen
- SR 18-8: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 18-9: Question Time - re: Administrator Courses
- SR 18-9a: Administrator Courses Taught 2015–19
- SR 18-10: Question Time - re: Vetting of Questions
- SR 18-11: M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology
- SR 18-12: Proposals for Physics Concentration and Minor in Materials Science
- SR 18-13: Men’s Indoor and Outdoor Track
- SR 18-14: Education Policy Committee Charge for Syllabi Guidelines and Standards
- SR 18-15: Chancellor Elsenbaumer’s Offer Letter
- SR 18-16: Memorial Resolution - C. James Owen
- SR 18-17: Question Time - re: Undermining of International Services and Programs
- SR 18-18: Question Time - re: Central Administration and Branding
- SR 18-19: Question Time - re: Administrator and Coach Salaries
- SR 18-20: Question Time - re: Sweetwater Model for Academic Programs
- SR 18-21: Question Time - re: Chancellor Elsenbaumer Offer Letter Metrics
- SR 18-22: Question Time - re: International Student Fee
- SR 18-23: Question Time - re: Large Online Courses
- SR 18-24: Question Time - re: Access to Purdue Fort Wayne Courses on Blackboard
- SR 18-25: Question Time - re: Advising Restructuring Plan Status
- SR 18-26: Strategic Planning Process Update
- SR 18-27: Health Communication Certificate
- SR 18-28: Question Time: re: Job Family Structure Classifications and Pay Bands
- SR 18-29: Actuarial Science Minor and Behavior Analysis & Techniques Certificate
- SR 18-30: Vandalism of Women's Studies materials
- SR 18-31: Proposal for Minor in Materials Engineering Tech
- SR 18-32: Senate Committee and Subcommittee Restructuring
- SR 18-33: Memorial Resolution - Louis Cantor
- SR 18-34: Chancellor Performance Metrics
- SR 18-35: Current Classifications for all Non-faculty Employees in Academic Departments
- SR 18-36: Faculty Senate Question Time
- SR 18-37: Presiding Officer’s Response on the 2 Question Rule
- SR 18-38: Question Time - re: Discouraging Early Promotion and Tenure Cases
- SR 18-39: Question Time - re: Job Family Structure Review Process
- SR 18-39a: Job Family Structure Review Status By Department
- SR 18-40: Question Time - re: Loss of Purchasing Power for Faculty and Staff
- SR 18-41: Economic and Finance Proposals
- SR 18-42: Question Time - re: Sabbatical Leave Policy
- SR 18-43: Purdue University Fort Wayne Draft Strategic Plan
- SR 18-44: Statement about Status of LMS Review
- SR 18-45: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 18-46: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 16-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 16-2: Memorial Resolution - Norman W. Bradley
- SR 16-3: Memorial Resolution - Henry F. Gerdom
- SR 16-4: Memorial Resolution - Patricia A. Farrell
- SR 16-5: Report on Designated Items
- SR 16-6: Memorial Resolution - Jonathan Dalby
- SR 16-7: Question Time – re: Plan 2020 priorities and Action Plan 41
- SR 16-8: Question Time – re: Central administration sharing of comprehensive list of feedback received
on Action Plan 41 - SR 16-9: Assignment of “FN” Grade
- SR 16-10: Proposals for Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science and Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics
- SR 16-11: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- Attachment A (C. Drummond presented at October Senate meeting)
- SR 16-12: Question Time - re: Process of program improvement and review
- SR 16-13: Proposal for Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Certificate program
- SR 16-14: Memorial Resolution - J. Randolph Kirby
- SR 16-15: Enrollment Management/Admissions Presentation
- SR 16-16: Question Time - re: relationship of USAP closures and LSA split
- SR 16-17: Memorial Resolution - Dr. Lowell E. Madden
- SR 16-18: Memorial Resolution - James Haw
- SR 16-19: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 16-20: Annual Report on Athletics Budget
- SR 16-21: Memorial Resolution - Joseph Giusti
- SR 16-22 : Question Time - re: Dismissal Regulations
- SR 16-23: Question Time - re: Assumption of extra duties and morale
- SR 16-24: Minor in Jazz Studies
- SR 16-25: Proposal for Bio-Mechanical Engineering Certificate
- SR 16-26: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 16-27: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 16-28: Memorial Resolution - Helen Gibbons
- SR 16-29: Memorial Resolution - Richard E. Hill
- SR 16-30: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 16-31: Senate Membership
- SR 16-32: End-of-the-Year Committee Report
- SR 16-33: University Budget Committee Report and Recommendations
- SR 16-34: Annual Report of FAR Activities
- SR 16-35: Annual Report on Student Athlete Academic Performance 2016-2017
- SR 16-36: Purdue University West Lafayette - Academic Regulations
Recommitted back to EPC, 4/10/17 - SR 16-37: Question Time - re: Carnegie Community Engagement Classification
- SR 16-38: Question Time - re: Funding Collegiate Connection
- SR 16-39: Question Time - re: Incentive Funds
- SR 16-40: Purdue University West Lafayette - Academic Regulations
- SR 16-41: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 14-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 14-2: Memorial Resolution- Beverly A. Hume
- SR 14-3: Memorial Resolution- David A. Legg
- SR 14-4: Question Time- re: Ensuring faculty teaching and research at IPFW
- SR 14-5: Report of the IPFW Senate Ad Hoc Strategic Plan Committee
- SR 14-6: Question Time- re: Tenure-track/clinical faculty positions
- SR 14-7: Question Time- re: Food options on campus
- SR 14-8: Question Time- re: Fall revenue shortfall
- SR 14-9: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 14-10: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 14-11: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 14-12: Question Time- re: Overtime Policy for nonexmpt employees
- SR 14-13: Question Time- re: Differential tuition
- SR 14-14: Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Microbiology and Immunology
- SR 14-15: Question Time- re: Athletics
- SR 14-16: Question Time- re: Section cutting for low enrollment
- SR 14-17: Question Time- re: Minimum enrollment policy
- SR 14-18: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 14-19: Memorial Resolution -Maynard J. Mansfield
- SR 14-20: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 14-21: Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology
- SR 14-22: Slight modification of the core curriculum of the Master of Public Management (MPM degree)
- SR 14-23: Concentration in Genetics, Cellular, and Molecular Biology
- SR 14-24: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 14-25: Question Time- re: Changing IPFW's managing partner
- SR 14-26: Question Time- re: Discontinuation of Tennis Program
- SR 14-27: End-of-the Year Committee Reports
- SR 14-28: Senate Membership, 2015-16
- SR 14-29: D-1 Athletic Report (158 pages)
- SR 14-30: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 12-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 12-2: Memorial Resolution - Joan Uebelhoer
- SR 12-3: Question Time - re: filling of vacated tenure-track positions
- SR 12-4: Question Time - re: legislative concerns
- SR 12-5: Proposal for the Bachelor of Science in Physics with a concentration in Optoelectronics
- SR 12-6: Question Time: re: tenure-track faculty position vacancies and university personnel reduction
- SR 12-7: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 12-8: Proposal for the Bachelor of Science in Physics, with a Concentration in Biomedical Physics
- SR 12-9: Question Time -- re: Budgets for Sports, Continuing Ed, and IPFW Foundation
- SR 12-10: Question Time -- re: Numbers and percentages of employees eliminated in 2012
- SR 12-11: Further information regarding faculty workloads
- SR 12-12: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 12-13: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 12-14: Question Time– re: retention and graduation rates
- SR 12-15: Question Time– re: Flexibility in Scheduling Courses
Deferred till later date - SR 12-16: Question Time– re: Testing Services on Campus offer Emergency Test-Taking for Non-Online Faculty
Deferred till later date - SR 12-17: Question Time– re: New bridge across Coliseum
- SR 12-18: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 12-19: Proposal for Undergraduate Certificate in Medical Ethics and the Post-Baccalaureate Certification in Medical Ethics
- SR 12-20: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 12-21: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 12-22: Senate Membership, 2013-14
- SR 12-23: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 10-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 10-2: Question Time - regarding directorship of the Office of International Programs
- SR 10-3: Question Time - regarding Western Governors University as a new public university in Indiana
- SR 10-4: Slate for replacement member of Strategic Planning and Review Council
- BSA Team Members - Ft. Wayne (Attachment A)
- Crisis Management Training (Attachment B)
- Health Care Plan for 2011 (Attachment C)
- SR 10-5: Question Time – re: Purdue voluntary early partial retirement program
- SR 10-6: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- Genocide Awareness Project letter to Chancellor Wartell and Vice Chancellor McClellan (Attachment A)
- SR 10-7: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 10-8: Proposal for the Certificate in Bank Management
- SR 10-9: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- Red Balloon - Student Evaluations Seminar Leadership Discussion Group (Attachment A)
- SR 10-10: Memorial Resolution – Julius Smulkstys
- SR 10-11: Question Time – regarding teaching by administrative personnel who hold academic rank
- SR 10-12: Question Time – regarding Information Technology Services
- Administrator Teaching Report - February 2011 (Attachment A)
- SR 10-13: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 10-14: SD 10-06 report of the Faculty Affairs Committee
- SR 10-15: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 10-16: Question Time – re: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee report
- SR 10-17: Senate Membership, 2010-2011
- SR 10-18: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 10-19: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report to the Senate
- SR 10-20: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- Blue Ribbon Health Care Committee: Preview of Findings (Attachment A)
- IPFW Strategic Plan, Second-Year Report (Attachment B)
- SR 08-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 08-2: Memorial Resolution – Virginia Robertson Craig
- SR 08-3: Question Time: regarding Physical Plan reorganization
- SR 08-4: Proposal for the Reinstatement of the Master of Arts for Teachers in Mathematics
- SR 08-5: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 08-6: Proposal for Graduate Certificate in Systems Engineering
- SR 08-7: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 08-8: Question Time – regarding administrative teaching load
- SR 08-9: Question Time – regarding faculty increment monies
- SR 08-10: Question Time – regarding promotion and tenure standards
- SR 08-11: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 08-12: Report from Question Time (SR No. 08-8) - W. McKinney
- SR 08-13: Report from Question Time (SR No. 08-9) - W. McKinney
- SR 08-14: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 08-15: Re: Senate Document SD 08-2
- SR 08-16: Proposal for the Advanced Manufacturing Management Certificate
- SR 08-17: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 08-18: Proposal for Graduate Certificate in Special Education
- SR 08-19: Memorial Resolution – Kenneth Balthaser
- SR 08-20: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 08-21: Revisions to the IPFW policy on release of student information Supersedes SR 96-17
- SR 08-22: Senate Membership, 2009-2010
- SR 08-23: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report to the Senate
- SR 08-24: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 08-25: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 06-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 06-2: Question Time – Student government campaigning
- SR 06-3: Question Time – Faculty increment monies
- SR 06-4: Question Time – Campus committees
- SR 06-5: Proposal for Certificate in Civic Education and Public Advocacy – for information only
- SR 06-6: Question Time – regarding VCAA Memo concerning Office of Academic Counseling and Career Services and proposed departmental liaisons
- SR 06-7: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 06-8: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 06-9: Question Time – regarding faculty increments
- SR 06-10: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 06-11: Miscellaneous information about the athletics budget “for information only”
- SR 06-12: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 06-13: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 06-14: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report to the Senate
- SR 06-15: Proposal for Minor in Human Services
- SR 06-16: Memorial Resolution - Larry Life
- SR 06-17: Slate for the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 06-18: Senate Membership, 2007-2008
- SR 06-19: Senate Attendance Record for 2006-2007
- SR 06-20: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 06-21: Background for Senate Document SD 06-17: Academic Regulations During a Campus Emergency
- SR 04-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 04-2: Question Time – regarding merit and equity distribution
- SR 04-3: Proposal for a Minor in Religious Studies
- SR 04-4: Status of SD 03-21, IPFW Diversity Component for All Baccalaureate Degree Programs – for information only
- SR 04-5: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 04-6: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 04-7: Request for change of name in AREA OF CONCENTRATION in Fine Arts BFA Degree
- SR 04-8: Results of the election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 04-9: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 04-10: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 04-11: Certificate in Risk and Emergency Management
- SR 04-12: Question Time – regarding increasing difficulty in scheduling classrooms
- SR 04-13: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 04-14: Updates to Senate Reference No. 00-11 [IPFW Academic Calendar Formula] (addition of “winter inter-session”)
- SR 04-15: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report to the Senate
- SR 04-16: School-to-College Name Changes
- SR 04-17: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 04-18: Question Time – regarding underfunding at IPFW in Research and Academic Support
- SR 04-19: Senate Membership, 2005-2006
- SR 04-20: Bachelor of Science in Interior Design
- SR 04-21: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 04-22: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 02-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 02-2: Memorial Resolution: Franklin A. Bryan, M.D.
- SR 02-3: Memorial Resolution: Gerald G. Szymanski
- SR 02-4: Question time re: 2002-2003 salary increments
- SR 02-5: Proposal for Undergraduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language
- SR 02-6: Task Force on General Education Assessment – report for information only
- SR 02-7: Committee report regarding selection of Senate secretary – for information only
- SR 02-8: Committee report regarding Senate secretarial search, job description, and Senate office space – for information only
- SR 02-9: Question time re: Management Agreement
- SR 02-10: Division I “metrics” resolution: request for report from the University Resources Policy Committee (URPC) – for information only
- SR 02-11: IPFW as ROTC partner school – for information only
- SR 02-12: Conversion of A spaces to student parking spaces – for information only
- SR 02-13: Extending parking lots 11 and 15 to accommodate additional student parking – for information only
- SR 02-14: Memorial Resolution: Jack D. Cook
- SR 02-15: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 02-16: Slate for 2003-2004 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 02-17: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 02-18: Memorial Resolution: H. William Davies
- SR 02-19: Proposal for Revised Degree Education Programs – for information only
- SR 02-20: Proposal for Bachelor of Arts with a major in Art Education – for information only
- SR 02-21: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 02-22: Updates to Senate Reference No. 00-11 (IPFW Academic Calendar Formula) – for information only
- SR 02-23: OAA Document Regarding Continuing Lecturers – for information only
- SR 02-24: Comparison of IPFW Library and Other Indiana University Campuses
- SR 02-25: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 02-26: Proposal for Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
- SR 02-27: Concerns regarding promotion and tenure issues – for information only
- SR 02-28: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 02-29: Senate Membership
- SR 02-30: OAA Document Regarding Continuing Lecturers
- SR 02-31: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 02-32: IPFW Budgetary Affairs Report on the Status of Division I Budgetary Matters
- SR 02-33: Proposal for Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology – for information only
- SR 02-34: Proposal for Minor in Film and Media Studies – for information only
- SR 02-35: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 00-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 00-2: Question time re: Division I, Student Housing, Parking Fees, Health Center
- SR 00-3: Question time re: Scholarships, Auxiliary Enterprises, Sexual Orientation
- SR 00-4: Question time re: revenue from intercollegiate athletics; scholarships/fellowships expenditures vs. athletic scholarships; and auxiliary enterprises
- SR 00-5: Items under Consideration by senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 00-6: Memorial Resolution: John Leonard Modic
- SR 00-7: Slate for 2001-2002 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 00-8: Report Regarding Division I – for information only
- SR 00-8a: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Report Requested by the Senate
- SR 00-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 00-10: Items under Consideration by senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 00-11: IPFW Academic Calendar Formula (replaces SR No. 98-18) – for information only (last updated 3/14/2005 – SR 04-14)
Now a Senate Document (SD 11-18) - SR 00-12: Items under Consideration by senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 00-13: General Education Subcommittee report on computer literacy – for information only
- SR 00-14: Memorial Resolution: Michael Clark Downs
- SR 00-15: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 00-16: Proposal for an Environmental Studies Major in the Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs for the School of Public and Environmental Affairs
- SR 00-17: Proposal to Reorganize the Office of Sponsored Research
- SR 00-18: Senate Membership, 2001-2002
- SR 00-19: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 00-20: Senate Election Results
- SR 98-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-2: Proposal for a Criminal Justice Concentration in the Masters of PublicAffairs program - for information only
- SR 98-3: Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- SR 98-4: Proposal to change the title of the Certificate in Quality Controlto Certificate in Quality - for information only
- SR 98-5: Proposal for a minor in Labor Studies - for information only
- SR 98-6: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-7: Purdue Grievance Committee members
- SR 98-8: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 98-9: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-10: Slate for 1999-2000 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 98-11: Use of Technology Fee - for information only
- SR 98-12: Name change proposal from The Department of Psychological Sciences
- SR 98-13: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 98-14: Memorial resolution: George V. Fliotsos
- SR 98-15: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 98-16: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-17: Slate for the election of President Officer of the Faculty
- SR 98-18: Academic Calendar Formula
- SR 98-19: Memorial Resolution: David Gotlob
- SR 98-20: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-21: Memorial Resolution: Kathleen M. Rassuli
- SR 98-22: Women's Studies Certificate Proposal
- SR 98-23: Upward Feedback
- SR 98-24: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 98-25: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-26: Memorial Resolution: Steven Hollander
- SR 98-27: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 98-28: Senate Membership, 1999-2000
- SR 98-29: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 98-30: Senate Election Results
- SR 96-1: Management Agreement Committee, Ad Hoc
- SR 96-2: Management and Academic Mission Agreement - IPFW
- SR 96-3: Cooperation between Ivy Tech State College and IPFW
- SR 96-4: Suggested guidelines for use of LAN bulletin boards, "for information only" (from Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee)
- SR 96-5: Administrative Guidelines for Deans/Chairs to Assess Option 1 Faculty on Creative/Research/Scholarly Activities
- SR 96-6a: Letter from President Beering to Downs, Frederick and Hersberger regarding the IPFW Management Agreement
- SR 96-6b: Letter by Downs to President Beering regarding the IPFW Management Agreement
- SR 96-7: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-8: SIS Shared Users' Group Report
- SR 96-9: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 96-10: Transmittal of report from General Education Subcommittee
- SR 96-11: Memorial Resolution: Pauline Micu Hunsberger
- SR 96-12: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-13: Slate for the 1997-98 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 96-14: Funding for the 1997-1999 biennium (from Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee)
- SR 96-15: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 96-16: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-17: Revisions to the IPFW policy on release of student information (Superseded by SR 08-21 and SR 09-4)
- SR 96-18: Proposal for a Critical Care Nursing Certificate Program (Curriculum Review Subcommittee)
- SR 96-19: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 96-20: Question time: question regarding calculation of official enrollment figures
- SR 96-21: Chair Emolument Subcommittee Recommendations (Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee)
- SR 96-22: Letter by Presiding Officer to legislators, presidents, trustees, etc. regarding funding for IPFW
- SR 96-23: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-24: Proposal for a Minor in Electronics (Curriculum Review Subcommittee)
- SR 96-25: Name Change Proposal for Operations Technology Degree (Curriculum Review Subcommittee)
- SR 96-26: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 96-27: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-28: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 96-29: Question time: question regarding Edutech report
- SR 96-30: Report on Review of SD 93-9: Faculty Roles, Workloads, and Rewards
- SR 96-31: Proposal for an Associate of Arts Degree (Curriculum Review Subcommittee)
- SR 96-32: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 96-33: Senate Membership for 1997-98
- SR 96-34: Transmittal of the report of the Distance Education Subcommittee
- SR 96-35: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Recommendations for the 1997-98 Budgetary Year
- SR 96-36: Senate Election Results
- SR 94-1: Certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies
- SR 94-2: Proposal for Minor in PEA
- SR 94-3: B.S. in Health Services Management
- SR 94-4: Concentration in Health Services Administration
- SR 94-5: Memorial Resolution: Thelburn LeRoy Engle
- SR 94-6: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-7: Memorial Resolution: Roy W. Richards, Jr.
- SR 94-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-9: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 94-10: 1995-1996 Class Scheduling Pattern
- SR 94-11: Option 1-Option 2 Salary Increment Policy
- SR 94-12: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-13: Slate for 1995-96 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 94-14: Question time: (diversity council)
- SR 94-15: Diversity Council election results
- SR 94-16: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 94-17: Question time: (has chancellor referred to IPFW as a Purdue University campus)
- SR 94-18: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-19: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 94-20: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-21: Question time: (report on CM renovation)
- SR 94-22: B.S. in Health Services Management
- SR 94-23: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-24: Implementation of the C- Policy
- SR 94-25: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 94-26: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-27: Slate for the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 94-28: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 94-29: Partnership for Statewide Education Home Institutions
- SR 94-30: Senate Membership for 1995-1996
- SR 94-31: BAS Recommendations to the Chancellor
- SR 94-32: Subcommittee report from the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 94-33: Memorial Resolution: Harold Crowder
- SR 94-34: Senate Election Results
- SR 92-1: Question time
- SR 92-2: Certificate in Gerontology
- SR 92-3: "Graduate Aides" and university/Senate policies—a report for information only
- SR 92-4: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-5: Minor in Creative Writing
- SR 92-6: Developmental Education Task Force Vision Statement and Goals - for information only
- SR 92-7: Statewide Transferable Courses - for information only
- SR 92-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-9: Question time: questions regarding replacement of Financial Vice Chancellor; reallocation of space in Neff Hall; withdrawal from the child care consortium
- SR 92-10: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 92-11: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-12: Slate for 1993-94 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 92-13: Letter send to members of the Community Advisory Council regarding Amendments to the Management Agreement and Fiscal Agency
- SR 92-14: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 92-15: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-16: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 92-17: Address to the Fort Wayne Senate by Larry Griffin, Director of the Library
- SR 92-18: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-19: Question time: question regarding air quality in Liberal Arts building
- SR 92-20: IPFW Campus Calendar Subcommittee Academic Calendar Formula
- SR 92-21: Results of the elections of the Presiding Officer of the Senate and Speaker of the Purdue University Faculty
- SR 92-22: Memorial resolution: John Loessi
- SR 92-23: Committee report "for information only"-- Protection of the rights of IU employees at Fort Wayne
- SR 92-24: Draft amendment to House Bill 1806 (state legislature)
- SR 92-25: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-26: Question time: question regarding the possible non-implementation of the Fort Wayne Senate documents on "tenure stop-out" and "research misconduct."
- SR 92-27: Environmental Geology Option in Geology B.S. Degree and Supervisory Leadership Certificate in Department of Organizational Leadership
- SR 92-28: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 92-29: Recommendations of President Beering's Purdue University TIAA-CREF Retirement Plan Task Force
- SR 92-30: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-31: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 92-32: A Senate Question for Larry Griffin
- SR 92-33: Results of the Election of the Purdue University Faculty Grievance Board
- SR 92-34: 1993-1995 Budget Recommendations
- SR 92-35: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 92-36: Senators for 1993-1994
- SR 92-37: Results of the Election of the Indiana University University Faculty Council
- SR 92-38: Excerpt from Management Agreement document regarding Mission Responsibility and authority, Administration, and Faculty
- SR 92-39: Letter from Patrick Bauer to Karl Bandemer of the CHE
- SR 92-40: Senate Election Results
- SR 90-1: Results of the Campus Appeals Board election
- SR 90-2: Question time: one question on counseling services and one question on confidence in SBMS dean
- SR 90-3: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-4: Bachelor of Arts with a major in Music Theatre
- SR 90-5: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 90-6: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-7: Question time: questions on student housing
- SR 90-8: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-9: Slate for the 1991-92 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 90-10: Question time: questions on Statistical Profiles booklet
- SR 90-11: Name Changes: Geosciences (ESS) and Human Services (MHT)
- SR 90-12: Budget Emphasis Areas, 1991-92
- SR 90-13: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 90-14: Memorial resolution: Lloyd Wilson Smith
- SR 90-15: Memorial resolution: Edwin A. Haglund
- SR 90-16: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 90-17: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-18: Question time: regarding P&T determinations
- SR 90-19: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 90-20: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 90-21: Tenure clock stoppage
- SR 90-22: End-of-the-Year Reports
- SR 90-23: Senators for 1991-92
- SR 90-24: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-25: Senate Election Results
- SR 88-1: Slate for election of representative of Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs to serve on the Purdue Intercampus Faculty Council
- SR 88-2: Memorial resolution: John P. Ulmer
- SR 88-3: Memorial resolution: Helen C. Lee
- SR 88-4: Results of the election of the representative of the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs to serve on the Purdue University Intercampus Faculty Council
- SR 88-5: Committee report "for information only"-- Circulation of "matching" course requests
- SR 88-6: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-7: NCA Self-Study Progress Report
- SR 88-8: Slate for 1989-90 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 88-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 88-10: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-11: Memorial Resolution: Horace G. Posey, Jr.
- SR 88-12: Pilot Course U.S. Minorities
- SR 88-13: Nomination and Election of Senators: The Transitional Period, and the Prevalence of the Constitution
- SR 88-14: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer of the Senate
- SR 88-15: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-16: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-17: Slate for the election of the PU Campus Appeals Board
- SR 88-18: Results of the elections of the Presiding Officer, the Curriculum Review Subcommittee, and the Graduate Subcommittee
- SR 88-19: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 88-20: Senators for 1989-90
- SR 88-21: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 88-22: Results of the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-23: Students' Government Resolution 88/89-17
- SR 86-1: Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Structure (election)
- SR 86-2: Memorial resolution: Stephen I. Sallay
- SR 86-3: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 86-4:Your organizational recommendations-AOC
- SR 86-5: Department Chairs' Recommendations on Academic Reorganization
- SR 86-6: A minority report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Structure
- SR 86-7: Slate for 1987-88 Faculty Board of Review (IU)
- SR 86-8: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 86-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election (IU)
- SR 86-10: Recent program Approval Activity
- SR 86-11: Administrative Understandings Relative to SD 86-15 (Amendments to IPFW Academic Regulations)
- SR 86-12: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 86-13: Academic Officers Committee (Functions and Responsibilities)
- SR 86-14: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 86-15: Rationale Regarding SD 86-17 (Tobacco Smoke)
- SR 86-16: Revisions in Parking--for information only
- SR 86-17: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 86-18: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 86-19: Senators for 1987-88
- SR 86-20: Election of Alternates to the Campus Appeals Board
- SR 86-21: Results of the April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 86-22: Rationale for SD 86-22: Contingency Planning Policy and Procedures
- SR 86-23: Memorial resolution: Daniel P. Murphy
- SR 86-24: Election of Alternates to the Campus Appeals Board
- SR 84-1: Memorial Resolution for John W. Johnson, 1924-1984
- SR 84-2: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees And Subcommittees
- SR 84-3: Room Utilization
- SR 84-4: Revision to Academic Regulations--Purdue University
- SR 84-5: Slate for 1985-86 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 84-6: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 84-7: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 84-8: Purdue University Transcript Modification--for information only
- SR 84-9: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 84-10: Memorial Resolution for Alfred W. Kettler, Sr., 1892-1985
- SR 84-11: Results of the University Faculty Council Election
- SR 84-12: Results of the Purdue University Speaker of the Faculty Election
- SR 84-13: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 84-14: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 84-15: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 84-16: Promotion and Tenure Document (Consideration Postponed Indefinitely)
- SR 84-17: Senators for 1985-1986
- SR 84-18: Results of the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 82-1: Speaking Privileges (Medical Education/Preventive Dentistry)
- SR 82-2: Honors Convocation
- SR 82-3: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 82-4: Directory of Senate Committees
- SR 82-5: Attendance Record of Senators
- SR 82-6: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 82-7: Athletic Eligibility Document for Information
- SR 82-8: Subcommittee Report on Continuing Education
- SR 82-9: Committee Report on Equal Employment Opportunity
- SR 82-10: Reappointment Recommendation
- SR 82-11: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 82-12: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 82-13: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 82-14: Attendance Record of Senators
- SR 23-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 23-2: Joint Appointment Policy
- SR 23-3: Fort Wayne Senate Nominations and Elections Committee Year-End Report
- SR 23-4: Fort Wayne Senate Student Affairs Committee Year-End Report
- SR 23-5: Graduate Concentration in College Counseling and Student Affairs
- SR 23-6: Recommendations on Community Engagement as an Area of Faculty Work
- SR 23-7: Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan
- SR 23-8: Human Resources
- SR 23-9: Concentration in Healthcare Administration
- SR 23-10: Minor in Healthcare Decision Making
- SR 23-11: Question Time - re: Employee Salaries
- SR 23-12: Graduate Concentration in Healthcare Management
- SR 23-13: FY24 Annual Budget
- SR 23-14: Proposal for Revision of the General Education Curriculum
- SR 23-15: Question Time - re: Higher Education Enrollment
- SR 23-16: Graduate Program Proposal: Master’s Degree in Applied Physics
- SR 23-17: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 23-18: Purdue Fort Wayne Athletics: 2022-23 Year in Review
- SR 23-19: Purdue Fort Wayne: AI Resource Group
- SR 23-20: Memorial Resolution - Kenneth Lee Modesitt
- SR 23-21: Memorial Resolution - Margaret Gwen Kimble
- SR 23-22: Formal Joint Appointment Policy Request
- SR 23-23: Memorial Resolution - Linda Finke
- SR 23-24: Charge to Nominate Candidates for the Advisory Committee on Equity
- SR 23-25: Fort Wayne Senate Academic Regulations Taskforce Progress Report
- SR 23-26: Minor in Forensic Investigations
- SR 23-27: Concentration in Sports Leadership
- SR 23-28: Question Time - re: Budget Shortfall
- SR 23-29: Question Time - re: PFW Debt Collection Practices
- SR 23-30: Question Time - re: FAFSA Issues
- SR 23-31: Charge to Ask for Self-Removal from Committee
- SR 23-32: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 23-33: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 21-1: Modality of Senate Meetings
- SR 21-2: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 21-3: Question Time - re: LTL Salaries and Shortages
- SR 21-4: Question Time - re: Centralization of Administrative Functions
- SR 21-5: Purdue University Fort Wayne Higher Learning Accreditation Report
- SR 21-6: Questions Related to Senate Document SD 21-4: Resolution to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines for Students and Employees
- SR 21-7: Question Time - re: Dean of Student’s Office Changes
- SR 21-8: Question Time - re: Vaccination Shots
- SR 21-9: Charge to Assess the Impact of Dissolution of On-Campus Printing Services
- SR 21-10: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 21-11: Charge to Investigate and Recommend Policies for the Use of Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS) Data
- SR 21-12: Minutes of the Faculty Assembly of Purdue University Fort Wayne, September 17, 2021
- SR 21-13: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 21-14: Memorial Resolution-David C. Brennan
- SR 21-15: Annual Athletics Report
- SR 21-16: Engineering Management Concentration MBA
- SR 21-17: Charge to Faculty Affairs Committee: Competency in Teaching Language in “Guiding Principles of Promotion for Clinical Faculty at PFW”
- SR 21-18: Question Time - re: Scholarship Funds
- SR 21-19: Question Time - re: Bursar’s Office Fee Information
- SR 21-20: Sharing of Report Submissions on COVID-19 Lessons with Senate Committees and Invitation for Recommendations
- SR 21-21: Music Minor in Music Industry
- SR 21-22: Bachelor of Applied Science with a Concentration in Industrial Engineering Technology
- SR 21-23: Bachelor of Applied Science with a Concentration in Construction Management
- SR 21-24: Question Time - re: Professional Development Account Funds
- SR 21-25: Question Time - re: Faculty Research Funds
- SR 21-26: Question Time - re: Dean of Students Office Restructuring
- SR 21-27: Reminder about Faculty Committee and Subcommittee Minutes
- SR 21-28: Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement Ad Hoc Committee - Summary of Activities and Recommendation
- SR 21-29: Certificate in Cultural Resource Management
- SR 21-30: Question Time - re: Program Finder on PFW Homepage
- SR 21-31: Memorial Resolution - James Donald Ator
- SR 21-32: Charge to Review the Committee and Subcommittee Structure of the Fort Wayne Senate
- SR 21-33: 5 Year B.S./M.S. Combined Degree Program in Biology
- SR 21-34: 5 Year BS Music Industry and Master of Business Administration
- SR 21-35: Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement Ad Hoc Committee - Summary of Activities and Recommendation (Revised)
- SR 21-36: Question Time - re: Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds
- SR 21-37: Question Time - re: University Website
- SR 21-38: Memorial Resolution - Carlos Pomalaza-Raez
- SR 21-39: Memorial Resolution - Craig A. Humphrey
- SR 21-40: Athletics Budget Analysis
- SR 21-41: Report on Limited Term Lecturer Compensation
- SR 21-42: Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Procedural Handling of Allegations of Mishandling in the PFW Women‘s Basketball Program - Final Committee Report
- SR 21-43: Memorial Resolution - Richard Ramsey
- SR 21-44: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 21-45: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 19-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 19-2: Memorial Resolution - Avon Crismore
- SR 19-3: Question Time - re: VCAA Recommendations for Reappointment and P&T
- SR 19-4: Question Time - re: Closing of College TV
- SR 19-5: Question Time - re: Cancellation of College Access Television (CTV)
- SR 19-6: Question Time - re: High Level Searches
- SR 19-7: Question Time - re: Diversity
- SR 19-8: Memorial Resolution - Irwin Mallin
- SR 19-9: Strategic Planning Process Update
- SR 19-10: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 19-11: Question Time - re: Academic Program Elimination List
- SR 19-12: Question Time - re: Student Organizations and Voter Registration
- SR 19-13: Question Time - re: Diversity of Omnibus Speakers
- SR 19-14: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 19-15: Annual Report of the Athletics Department
- SR 19-16: Departmental Policies Concerning the Promotion of Lecturers
- SR 19-17: Charge to the Educational Policy Committee Concerning Implementation of Provisions Contained within Senate Document SD 17-3
- SR 19-18: Question Time - re: Financial Data
- SR 19-19: Question Time - re: Retention Rate
- SR 19-20: Question Time - re: Restructuring Savings
- SR 19-21: Physics Proposal
- SR 19-22: Department of Art and Design Proposal
- SR 19-23: PFW External Consults
- SR 19-24: Website Difficulties
- SR 19-25: Question Time - re: Early Retirement
- SR 19-26: Report on Designated Items
- SR 19-27: Question Time - re: Public Safety
- SR 19-28: Question Time - re: Administrator Courses
- SR 19-29: Department of General Studies Concentration in Information Technology
- SR 19-30: Department of General Studies Concentration in Information Systems
- SR 19-31: Transition from Blackboard to Brightspace
- SR 19-32: Department of Psychology Certificate in Death Education
- SR 19-33: School of Music Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Music Performance
- SR 19-34: Department of Human Services Concentrations in Human Services
- SR 19-35: Question Time - re: Campus Master Plan and Campus Strategic Plan
- SR 19-36: Question Time - re: International Student Organization Funding
- SR 19-37: Question Time - re: Free Menstrual Products
- SR 19-38: Question Time - re: 2020 NSO Plans
- SR 19-39: Question Time - re: Summer Pay Policy
- SR 19-40: Report on Designated Items
- SR 19-41: Question Time - re: PFW Policy on Faculty and Staff Deaths
- SR 19-42: Masters in Music Therapy Proposal
- SR 19-43: Temporary Suspension of SAT and ACT Exam Scores for Fall 2020 Admissions
- SR 19-44: One-time Changes to Academic Regulations for Spring 2020 Semester
- SR 19-45: Question Time - re: Tuition and Collections
- SR 19-46: LMS Senate Update
- SR 19-47: Slate for the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 19-48: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 17-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 17-2: Report on Designated Items
- SR 17-3: Annual Report on Budget
- SR 17-4: Revised Bulletin Deadlines
- SR 17-5: Proposal for Four New Public Policy Concentrations
- SR 17-6: Question Time - re: Priority Positions
- SR 17-7: Proposal for B.S. in Biochemistry
- SR 17-8: Question Time - re: School of Music Donation
- SR 17-9: Proposal for B.S. in Psychology
- SR 17-10: Nonprofit Management Concentration in the Masters of Public Management (MPM) Degree Program
- SR 17-11: Question Time - re: Dual Credit
- SR 17-12: Question Time - re: Retention
- SR 17-13: Report on Administrative Staffing and Budgeting
- SR 17-13a: Administration Study - Expenses and Headcount
- SR 17-13b: Administration Study - IPEDS Data Comparison
- SR 17-14: Question Time - Boiler Affordability Grant
- SR 17-15: Question Time - Unregistered Student Phone Calls
- SR 17-16: Question Time - Two Models for Peer Institutions
- SR 17-17: Memorial Resolution - Tiffin M. Adkins
- SR 17-18: Memorial Resolution - Jeanne Marie Tessier (Barone)
- SR 17-19: Annual Report on Senate Document SD 16-37
- SR 17-20: Budget Update for the Fort Wayne Senate
- SR 17-21: Proposals for B.S. in Music with a Major in Popular Music, B.S. in Music with a Major in Music Industry, and B.S. in Music with a Concentration in Outside Field
- SR 17-22: Personnel Changes
- SR 17-23: Caps on Classes
- SR 17-24: Annual Report of FAR Activities
- SR 17-25: MAAS Report on Student-Athlete Academics
- SR 17-26: University Budget Committee Report and Recommendations
- SR 17-27: BAS Findings and Recommendations on Consolidated Career Services and Office of Academic Internships, Cooperative Education and Service Learning (OACS)
- SR 17-28: BAS Annual Report on Athletics Budget
- SR 17-29: Memorial Resolution-Joseph Maurice Chandler
- SR 17-30: Caps on Classes
- SR 17-31: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 17-32: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 15-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 15-2: Memorial Resolution -Anson D. Shupe
- SR 15-3: Memorial Resolution -Gene D. Phillips
- SR 15-4: Question Time-re: Signature programs discussed at IPFW Convocation
- SR 15-5: Concentration in Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
- SR 15-6: Minors in Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing
- SR 15-7: Memorial Resolution -Wade A. Fredrick
- SR 15-8: Question Time -re: Role of Baccalaureate Framework
- SR 15-9: Question Time -re: Reducing the appointments of Continuing Lecturers
- SR 15-10: Examining USAP process
- SR 15-11: Report on Designated Items
- SR 15-12: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 15-13: Bachelor of Applied Science in Division of Continuing Studies
- SR 15-14: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 15-15: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 15-16: Memorial Resolution -Joshua R. Gerow
- SR 15-17: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 15-18: Professional Sales Certificate in the Division of Continuing Studies
- SR 15-19: Canvas Pilot Evaluation Report
- SR 15-20: New MBA Tracks
- SR 15-21: Question Time -re: Chancellor's relationship with Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership
- SR 15-22: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 15-23: 5 Year BS/MSE Program for Department of Electrical and Computer Eng
- SR 15-24: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report of Staffing and Budget
- SR 15-25: Memorial Resolution -Sanna Harges
- SR 15-26: Memorial Resolution -Gerard Voland
- SR 15-27: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 15-28: Senate Membership
- SR 15-29: End-of-the Year Committee Reports
- SR 15-30: Memorial Resolution -Margaret A. Dirkes
- SR 15-31: Question Time -re: Program health and sustainability
- SR 15-32: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 13-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 13-2: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review- Replacement members
- SR 13-3: Question Time- re: Money for International Travel
- SR 13-4: Question Time- re: Current Total Number of Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty Positions
- SR 13-5: Question Time- re: Changes to the Public Employee Retirement Fund
- SR 13-6: Question Time- re: Responsibilities among members of the Central Administration
- SR 13-7: Senate Election Results on CMRE
- SR 13-8: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review- Replacement members
- SR 13-9: Memorial Resolution - Maxine M. Ormiston Huffman
- SR 13-10: Question Time- re: Allocation of Funds
- SR 13-11: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 13-12: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 13-13: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 13-14: Institutional research on number of credit hours
- SR 13-15: Effective advising and the impact it has on students
- SR 13-16: Approval of 12 tenure-track positions
- SR 13-17: Proposal for the Doctor of Nursing Practice
- SR 13-18: Lilly Endowment
- SR 13-19: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 13-20: Concentration in Computational Physics; Concentration in Engineering Physics
- SR 13-21: Minor in Military Services
- SR 13-22: Minor in Hospitality Management
- SR 13-23: Concentration in Rhetoric/Public Advocacy, Concentration in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication; Concentration in Media and Culture; Concentration in Multimedia Newsgathering and Reporting
- SR 13-24: Concentration in Computational Physics; Concentration in Engineering Physics
- SR 13-25: Question Time
- SR 13-26: Degree Map and Free Course Guarantee Policy
- SR 13-27: Memorial Resolution - Kenneth L. Keller
- SR 13-28: Question Time- re: Evaluate University Resources Policy
- SR 13-29: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 13-30: Concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- SR 13-31: Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging (293 pages)
- SR 13-32: Memorial Resolution - Gerald L. Houseman
- SR 13-33: Memorial Resolution - Betty L. Funck
- SR 13-34: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 13-35: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 13-36: Senate Membership, 2014-15
- SR 13-37: Bachelor of Science in Education: Concentration in Exceptional Needs
- SR 13-38: Costs and Benefits if IPFW participates in D-1 Athletics
- SR 13-39: Memorial Resolution - Diane Davis
- SR 13-40: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 11-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 11-2: Interpretation of SD 88-25 (for information only)
- SR 11-3: Question Time - re: Waitlist Project
- SR 11-4: Question Time - re: School and Department S&E
- SR 11-5: Proposal for Minor in Medieval Studies
- SR 11-6: Proposal for Minor in Professional and Applied Ethics
- SR 11-7: Proposal for Certificate in Information Systems Application
- SR 11-8: Upward Feedback: Review of Associate Vice Chancellors
- SR 11-9: Question Time: re: Faculty representatives on chancellor search committee
- SR 11-10: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 11-11: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 11-12: Question Time - re: What is the current status of the Transitions to Teaching program?
- SR 11-13: Proposal for Major in Early Childhood Education with Two Concentrations: B-5 and P-3
- SR 11-14: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 11-15: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 11-16: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 11-17: Question Time - regarding Banner census processing
- SR 11-18: Question Time - regarding potential budget shortfall
- SR 11-19: Proposal for Certificate in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender [LGBT]
- SR 11-20: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 11-21: Memorial Resolution - Kenneth Stevenson
- SR 11-22: Slate for the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 11-23: Protecting Your Intellectual Property
- SR 11-24: Calendar Formula Survey Results
- SR 11-25: Senate Membership, 2012-2013
- SR 11-26: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 11-27: Proposals for B.S. in Dental Hygiene and A.S. in Dental Assisting
- SR 11-28: Proposal for Minor in Astronomy
- SR 11-29: Analysis of Staffing and Budget Data (for information only)
- SR 11-30: General Education Outcome Alignment with Baccalaureate Framework
- SR 11-31: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 09-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 09-2: Memorial Resolution – Dyne L. Pfeffenberger
- SR 09-3: Question Time: regarding increased revenues
- SR 09-4: Release of student information policy
- SR 09-5: Memorial Resolution – Larry Dennis Cannon
- SR 09-6: Question Time: regarding performance evaluations for associate vice chancellors in academic affairs
- SR 09-7: Name change of Nursing Administration concentration from “Nursing Administrator” to “Nurse Executive”
- SR 09-8: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 09-9: Slate for 2010-2011 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 09-10: Question Time: regarding bomb threat procedures
- SR 09-11: Question Time: regarding Child Care Center
- SR 09-12: Audiology and Speech Sciences name change to Communication Sciences and Disorders
- SR 09-13: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 09-14: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 09-15: Request for degree name change for M.S. in Mathematics
- SR 09-16: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 09-17: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 09-18: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 09-19: Question Time - re: Summer II pay schedule
- SR 09-20: Senate Membership, 2010-2011
- SR 09-21: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 09-22: Proposal for the "Certificate in Small Business Management
- SR 09-23: Proposal for the Bachelor of Science with a Major in Information Technology (IT)
- SR 09-24: Helmke Library Funding Concerns and Recommendations
- SR 09-25: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 07-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 07-2: Question Time – regarding mental health services
- SR 07-3: First-Year Results of Baccalaureate Framework
- SR 07-4: Question Time – regarding S&E funds provided to academic departments
- SR 07-5: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 07-6: Proposal for a minor in Informatics
- SR 07-7: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 07-8: Question Time – regarding faculty increment monies
- SR 07-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- Attachment A: Athletics Report for 2006-2007
- SR 07-10: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 07-11: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 07-12: Question Time – CUPA data in determining equitable salary levels for faculty
- SR 07-13: Report from Question Time: J. Dahl and S. Hannah
- SR 07-14: Memorial Resolution – Linda Graham
- SR 07-15: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 07-16: Memorial Resolution - Richard Hess
- SR 07-17: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 07-18: Senate Membership, 2008-2009
- SR 07-19: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 05-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 05-2: Proposal for Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- SR 05-3: Memorial Resolution – Werner Manheim
- SR 05-4: Question Time – regarding promotion
- SR 05-5: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- Attachment A: Strategies for Excellence: The IPFW Strategic Plan (Annual Report for Year 4: 2004-2005)
- Attachment B Faculty Pay Frequency Alternatives (Page 1 and Page 2)
- SR 05-6: Memorial Resolution – John Manzer
- SR 05-7: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 05-8: Question Time – regarding Indiana University Handbook relative to Indiana University-mission faculty
- SR 05-9: Results of the election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 05-10: Memorial Resolution – Benjamin Becker
- SR 05-11: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 05-12: Administrative Personnel with Academic Rank
- SR 05-13: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 05-14: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 05-15: Question Time – Academic Administrator Teaching Load
- SR 05-16: Learning Outcomes and types of Evidence for Pedagogical Framework
- SR 05-17: Pedagogical Framework for the IPFW Baccalaureate Degree Implementation Plan
- SR 05-18: Senate Membership, 2006-2007
- SR 05-19: Senate Attendance Record for 2005-2006: September-March
- SR 05-20: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 05-21: Preliminary Report of the Call to Action Committee Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Independence for IPFW
- SR 03-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 03-2: Guidelines for Grade Appeals – for information only
- SR 03-3: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-4: Question time – regarding administrators with academic appointments
- SR 03-5: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 03-6: Student Advising on IPFW Campus
- SR 03-7: Mandatory Screen Saver Policy
- SR 03-8: Report from Question Time: S. Hannah (Teaching Commitments 2002-2004)
- SR 03-9: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-10: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 03-11: Question time – shortage of full-time quality daycare for preschoolers in the Fort Wayne area
- SR 03-12: IPFW Repeat Policy – for information only
- SR 03-13: Proposal for Modern Foreign Languages Name Change – for information only
- SR 03-14: Results of the election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 03-15: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-16: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 03-17: Concerns regarding the IPFW mandatory screen saver policy – for information only
- SR 03-18: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-19: Memorial Resolution – Paul Jean Provost
- SR 03-20: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-21: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-22: Question Time – regarding merit and equity distribution and criteria
- SR 03-23: Question Time – regarding new student housing issues
- SR 03-24: Proposed Business Option for Mathematical Sciences Majors
- SR 03-25: Proposal for Name Change of Department of Manufacturing Technology
- SR 03-26: Updates to Senate Reference No. 00-11 (IPFW Academic Calendar Formula) – for information only
- SR 03-27: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 03-28: Memorial Resolution – Joseph Davis
- SR 03-29: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 03-30: Question Time – regarding associate faculty compensation change
- SR 03-31: Senate Membership, 2004-2005
- SR 03-32: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 03-33: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 01-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 01-2: Question time re: Chancellor's Award as a salary increment to faculty
- SR 01-3: Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Human Services from the School of Health Sciences
- SR 01-4: Memorial Resolution: Arnold O. Olson
- SR 01-5: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 01-6: Slate for the 2002-2003 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 01-7: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 01-8: Slate for the election of Presiding Officer of the Faculty
- SR 01-9: Question time re twelve-hour teaching load
- SR 01-10: Items under Consideration by senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 01-10s: Letter from Daniel Reagan of the AAUP
- SR 01-11: Question time re new position in the VCAA's office
- SR 01-12: Annual Report on Program Reviews
- SR 01-13: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 01-14: Senate Membership, 2002-03
- SR 01-15: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 01-16: Senate Election Results
- SR 99-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 99-2: Revised Associate of Science Interior Design Curriculum
- SR 99-3: Revised Curriculum, Department of Computer Science
- SR 99-4: Proposal for a Legal Studies Major in the B.S.P.A.
- SR 99-5: Proposal for a minor in Ballet and a Minor in Dance
- SR 99-6: Memorial Resolution: Robert E. Wise
- SR 99-7: Interim Report from the General Education Subcommittee
- SR 99-8: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 99-9: Slate for 2000-2001 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 99-10: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 99-11: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 99-12: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 99-13: ETCS Proposal for a Certificate in Computer Networking
- SR 99-14: Administrative Teaching Assignments
- SR 99-15: Terms and Conditions of Employment of Lecturers
- SR 99-16: Question time: re 18-20 retirement benefits
- SR 99-17: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 99-18: Gender Equity Study
- SR 99-19: Faculty Compensation in Continuing Studies Credit Classes
- SR 99-20: Question time: re 18-20 retirement benefits
- SR 99-21: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 99-22: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 99-23: Summary of Proposed General Education Program
- SR 99-24: School of Health Sciences proposals
- SR 99-25: Assessment Council Report
- SR 99-26: Senate Membership, 1999-2000
- SR 99-27: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 99-28: Senate Election Results
- SR 97-1: Guidelines for minutes of Senate committees and subcommittees
- SR 97-2: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 97-3: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 97-4; Grievance Procedures for Academic Personnel (C-19)
- SR 97-5: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 97-6: Slate for 1998-88 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 97-7: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 97-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 97-9: Question Time: concerning move of Organizational Leadership and Supervision
- SR 97-10: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 97-11: Proposal for A.A. Degree Programs in Biology, English, French, German, History, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology, Spanish, and Women's Studies
- SR 97-12: Proposal for a Minor in Criminal Justice - for information only
- SR 97-13: Response to Department Resolution (English Department resolution on racism)
- SR 97-14: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 97-15: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 97-16: Memorial Resolution: Marjorie E. Person
- SR 97-17: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 97-18: Report on Title IX: Athletics Compliance - for information only
- SR 97-19: Questions and answers pertaining to the development of the McKay property - For information only
- SR 97-20: Senate Membership for 1998-1999
- SR 97-21: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 97-22: BAS 1997-98 End of Year Recommendations
- SR 97-23: VCAA Chair Emolument Plan
- SR 97-24: Faculty Grievance Process: Report of the 1997-98 I.U. Faculty Board of Review
- SR 97-25: Administrative Response to the IU Faculty Board of Review Memorandum (of February 26, 1998) Concerning the IU Faculty Grievance Process
- SR 97-26: Senate Election Results
- SR 95-1: Certificate in Electronic Communications
- SR 95-2: Associate of Science in Business
- SR 95-3: Results of election of Library Subcommittee members
- SR 95-4: Special Education Minor
- SR 95-5: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 95-6: Proposal for Certificate in Native American Studies
- SR 95-7: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 95-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 95-9: Slate for the 1996-97 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 95-10: Question concerning free period.
- SR 95-11: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 95-12: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 95-13: Question concerning decline in enrollments
- SR 95-14: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 95-15: Master of Arts in Sociological Practice
- SR 95-16: Recommendations on a Freshman Experience Pilot Project, "for information only"
- SR 95-17: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 95-18: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 95-19: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 95-20: Transmittal of dormitory recommendation, "for information only"
- SR 95-21: Proposed Minor in Public Relations
- SR 95-22: Academic standards for financial aid students
- SR 95-23: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 95-24: Senate Membership for 1996-97
- SR 95-25: Committee report for information only – Proposal for establishment of an IPFW information center
- SR 95-26: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee's Recommendations for 1995-1997 Budgetary Year
- SR 95-27: Senate Election Results
- SR 93-1: New Curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Engineering Degree
- SR 93-2: Memorial resolution: Clifford A. Nault, Jr.
- SR 93-3: Results of Election: Search and Screen Committee for Chancellor
- SR 93-4: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-5: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-6: Slate for 1994-95 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 93-7: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 93-8: Results of the Faculty Board of Review
- SR 93-9: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-10: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-11: Question time: Evaluation of Academic Administrators
- SR 93-12: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 93-13: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-14: Slate for the election of the General Education Subcommittee
- SR 93-15: Results of elections: Speaker of IU Faculty; Presiding Officer of Senate; Indiana University Faculty Council; General Education Subcommittee
- SR 93-16: Recommendations for the 1994-1995 Budget
- SR 93-17: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 93-18: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-19: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 93-20: Amended Towing Policy
- SR 93-21: Senate Membership for 1994-95
- SR 93-22: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 93-23: Senate Election Results
- SR 93-24: Survey on Writing
- SR 91-1: Slate for the election of a representative to the Purdue University Intercampus Faculty Council
- SR 91-2: Question time - miscellaneous questions regarding initiatives taken by chancellor without consultation with the faculty
- SR 91-3: Bachelor of Arts with a major in Women's Studies
- SR 91-4: Memorial resolution - David Swinehart
- SR 91-5: Memorial resolution - Noel Dusendschon
- SR 91-6: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
- SR 91-7: Lecture Series Subcommittee
- SR 91-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-9: Question time - 6 questions on a variety of matters
- SR 91-10: Question time
- SR 91-11: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 91-12: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-13: Proposals for Computer Art Concentration and Degree Title Chances for Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
- SR 91-14: BAS Budget Recommendations for 1991-92 Unallocated Funds and Budget Recommendations for 1992-1993 Fiscal Period
- SR 91-15: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-16: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 91-17: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-18: Approval of minor in geology
- SR 91-19: Results of Elections of IU Speaker, Presiding Officer, and Management Agreement Committee
- SR 91-20: Report on Senate Document
- SR 91-21: Question time: library funding
- SR 91-22: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 91-23: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-24: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 91-25: Committee report "for information only"--Eligibility of department chairs for service on the campus tenure and promotion committee, and eligibility of deans for serve on the Senate
- SR 91-26: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 91-27: Senators for 1992-93
- SR 91-28: Results of the Election of the Faculty Grievance Board
- SR 91-29: Text of W. Frederick's presentation before the Purdue Board of Trustees on March 20, 1992
- SR 91-30: Senate Election Results
- SR 91-31: Memorial resolution: Maurice Lam
- SR 89-1: Question time (new promotion & tenure processes (5-yr. master plan)
- SR 89-2: Question time (1990-1991 academic calendar)
- SR 89-3: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 89-4: Letter from Steven Beering (re: Ad Hoc Committee To Review the Relationships between IPFW and Indiana University and Purdue University
- SR 89-5: Slate for 1990-91 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 89-6: Update on IPFW Admissions Policy
- SR 89-7: Interdisciplinary General Education Initiative
- SR 89-8: Committee Recommendation: Smoking Policies Committee
- SR 89-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 89-10: Report on relations between Continuing Education and the School of Business and Management Sciences
- SR 89-11: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 89-12: Memorial resolution: David P. Onwood
- SR 89-13: Election of the Presiding Officer of the Senate
- SR 89-14: Memorial resolution: Sylvia E. Bowman
- SR 89-15: Documents under Deliberation in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 89-16: Memorial resolution: James Spencer Churchill
- SR 89-17: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 89-18: Relations between Continuing Education and the School of Business and Management Sciences
- SR 89-19: General Policy Statements Regarding Associate Faculty Stipends [see SD 89-30]
- SR 89-20: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 89-21: Senators for 1990-91
- SR 89-22: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 89-23: Senate Election Results
- SR 87-1: Slate for the election of the Ad-hoc Committee To Review IPFW's Relationships to Indiana University and Purdue University
- SR 87-2: Slate for the election of the International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 87-3: Report from the Steering Committee for Implementation of the Smoking Policies dated 17 July 1987 and Minority Report from Jack Dahl dated 17 July 1987
- SR 87-4: Election results: Ad-hoc Committee To Review IPFW's Relationships to Indiana University and Purdue University
- SR 87-5: Election results: International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 87-6: Fort Wayne and the Concept of the Urban University
- SR 87-7: Memorial resolution: Carl W. Steeg
- SR 87-8: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 87-9: Slate for 1988-89 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 87-10: Report of Work in Progress [by the Faculty Affairs Committee]
- SR 87-11: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 87-12: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 87-13: Budget Emphasis Areas (also a document)
- SR 87-14: Instruction at IPFW: A Response to Concerns about Part-time Faculty
- SR 87-15: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 87-16: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 87-17: Slate for the Election of Campus Appeals Board Members
- SR 87-18: 1988 Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Recommendations, For Information Only
- SR 87-19: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 87-20: Annual Report (from the NCAA Faculty Representative)
- SR 87-21: Senators for 1988-89
- SR 87-22: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 85-1: Memorial resolution: Billie DeMont, 1941-1985
- SR 85-2: Guidelines for the Operation of the Office of Continuing Education--Report on the Partial Implementation of Senate Reference No. 83-2 and Senate Document SD 83-9
- SR 85-3:Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 85-4: Robert's on Ex-Officio Members
- SR 85-5: Slate for 1986-87 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 85-6: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 85-7: Memorial Resolution: Carl E. Bickley
- SR 85-8: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 85-9: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 85-10: Slate for Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 85-11: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 85-12: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 85-13: Senators for 1986-87
- SR 85-14: Memorial resolution: Frederick A. Schminke
- SR 85-15: Results of the April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 83-1: Slate for Election of Accelerated High School Studies Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 83-2: Committee Report on Continuing Education, "for information only"
- SR 83-3: Ad hoc membership on the Continuing Education Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 83-4: Campus parking (for information only)
- SR 83-5: Memorial Resolution for DeWayne A. Stonebarger, 1923-1983
- SR 83-6: Memorial Resolution for William F. Erbelding, 1927-1983
- SR 83-7: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 83-8: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 83-9: Study Groups
- SR 83-10: Report on the Ad Hoc Steering Committee for the Academic Master Plan
- SR 83-11: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 83-12: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 83-13: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 83-14: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 83-15: Newly Elected Committee Members SR 83-15(b) Budget Preparation Schedule
- SR 81-1: Clyde Edwin Burt Memorial Resolution
- SR 81-2: Philip Ray Headings Memorial Resolution
- SR 81-3: Election (Purdue Senators) for Campus Appeals Board and Sabbaticals Committee
- SR 81-4: Resolution by A. Finco to Educational Policy Committee (school cancellation because of weather)
- SR 81-5: AROTC Agreement (with Ball State) (SD 81-22)
- SR 81-6: Donna Worthley, ex-officio participant in Joint Educational Policy Committee
- SR 81-7: Slate for Committee Elections (1982-1983)
- SR 81-8: Election of the Faculty Board of Review (1982-1983)
- SR 81-9: Calendar of Status of Legislation (1981-1982)
- SR 81-10: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports (81-10 A through Q) Mission statement - minutes of 2/8/1982.
- SR 24-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 24-2: Certificate in Cyber Security
- SR 24-3: Concentration in Cyber Security
- SR 24-4: Minor in Cyber Security
- SR 24-5: Student Affairs Committee Year-End Report 2023-2024
- SR 24-6: Question Time - re: EV Charging Stations
- SR 24-7: Question Time - re: Academic Program Review Guidelines
- SR 24-8: Question Time - re: The Learning Community
- SR 24-9: 2023-2024 Annual Report of Faculty Athletics Representative Activities
- SR 24-10: Question Time - re: University Financial Challenges
- SR 24-11: Administration Response to September Senate Questions
- SR 24-12: Senate Committee OneDrive Folders: Enhancing Efficiency, Continuity, and Security
- SR 24-13: Minor in Finance
- SR 24-14: Charge to University Resources Advisory Committee Concerning Daycare at PFW
- SR 24-15: Charge to Formulate Recommendation on Director of Graduate Studies
- SR 24-16: Statement on Senate Questions
- SR 24-17: Question Time - re: Revision of General Education Program Status
- SR 24-18: Chancellor's Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics 2022-2023
- SR 24-19: 2023-2024 Athletics Year in Review
- SR 24-20: Faculty Athletics Representative Report 2023-2024
- SR 24-21: Administration Response to October Senate Questions
- SR 24-22: FY25 Annual Budget
- SR 24-23: Ad-Hoc Academic Regulations Task Force 2023-2024 Report
- SR 24-24: Report in Response to EC Charge to URAC Concerning Daycare at PFW
- SR 24-24A: Report in Response to EC Charge to URAC Concerning Daycare at PFW - Appendix: The Learning Center IRS Form 990 for 2023
- SR 24-24B: Report in Response to EC Charge to URAC Concerning Daycare at PFW - Appendix: The Learning Center IRS Form 990 Schedule A Public Charity Status and Public Support
- SR 24-25: Composition of the Intellectual Diversity Complaint Advisory Review Board
- SR 24-26: Executive Committee Report on Administrative Compliance 2023-2024
- SR 24-27: Executive Committee Report on Administrative Compliance 2022-2023
- SR 24-28: Originality Checking & AI Detection Group Update
- SR 24-29: Question Time - re: VPN Rollout
- SR 23-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 23-2: Joint Appointment Policy
- SR 23-3: Fort Wayne Senate Nominations and Elections Committee Year-End Report
- SR 23-4: Fort Wayne Senate Student Affairs Committee Year-End Report
- SR 23-5: Graduate Concentration in College Counseling and Student Affairs
- SR 23-6: Recommendations on Community Engagement as an Area of Faculty Work
- SR 23-7: Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Plan
- SR 23-8: Human Resources
- SR 23-9: Concentration in Healthcare Administration
- SR 23-10: Minor in Healthcare Decision Making
- SR 23-11: Question Time - re: Employee Salaries
- SR 23-12: Graduate Concentration in Healthcare Management
- SR 23-13: FY24 Annual Budget
- SR 23-14: Proposal for Revision of the General Education Curriculum
- SR 23-15: Question Time - re: Higher Education Enrollment
- SR 23-16: Graduate Program Proposal: Master’s Degree in Applied Physics
- SR 23-17: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 23-18: Purdue Fort Wayne Athletics: 2022-23 Year in Review
- SR 23-19: Purdue Fort Wayne: AI Resource Group
- SR 23-20: Memorial Resolution - Kenneth Lee Modesitt
- SR 23-21: Memorial Resolution - Margaret Gwen Kimble
- SR 23-22: Formal Joint Appointment Policy Request
- SR 23-23: Memorial Resolution - Linda Finke
- SR 23-24: Charge to Nominate Candidates for the Advisory Committee on Equity
- SR 23-25: Fort Wayne Senate Academic Regulations Taskforce Progress Report
- SR 23-26: Minor in Forensic Investigations
- SR 23-27: Concentration in Sports Leadership
- SR 23-28: Question Time - re: Budget Shortfall
- SR 23-29: Question Time - re: PFW Debt Collection Practices
- SR 23-30: Question Time - re: FAFSA Issues
- SR 23-31: Charge to Ask for Self-Removal from Committee
- SR 23-32: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 23-33: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 22-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 22-2: Memorial Resolution - Nancy Beth Cothern McFarland
- SR 22-3: Question Time - re: Hope Center
- SR 22-4: 2021-2022 Annual Report of FAR Activities
- SR 22-5: Student Success Standard Process Lifecycle
- SR 22-6: Response to Senate Document SD 21-35
- SR 22-7: Purdue University West Lafayette Student Absence Policy
- SR 22-8: Memorial Resolution - Linda Wark
- SR 22-9: Graduate Concentration in Student Affairs Counseling
- SR 22-10: “Leveraging Covid-19 Data” Review and Findings
- SR 22-11: Chancellor‘s Response to 2020-2021 and 2021–22 Administrative Compliance Reports
- SR 22-12: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 22-13: Administrative Response to Senate Document SD 22-6 (Review of the Created Equal Event on Campus on Tuesday, September 20, 2022)
- SR 22-14: Annual Athletics Report 2020–21
- SR 22-15: Question Time - re: Created Equal
- SR 22-16: Memorial Resolution - Richard E. Miers
- SR 22-17: 2022 Campus Climate Survey
- SR 22-18: Memorial Resolution - Max Montesino
- SR 22-19: Question Time - re: Car Charging Electric Outlets
- SR 22-20: Question Time - re: Catalog Production Process
- SR 22-21: Information Technology Concentration
- SR 22-22: Memorial Resolution - Margit Ene Piirma Codispoti
- SR 22-23: Question Time - re: Rise in Living Costs
- SR 22-24: Marine Biology Concentration
- SR 22-25: Question Time - re: PFW Website
- SR 22-26: PFW Information Technology Services Policy on Local Administrative Rights
- SR 22-27: Executive Committee Report on Administrative Compliance 2019–20
- SR 22-28: Student Success Standard Process Lifecycle
- SR 22-29: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 22-30: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 21-1: Modality of Senate Meetings
- SR 21-2: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 21-3: Question Time - re: LTL Salaries and Shortages
- SR 21-4: Question Time - re: Centralization of Administrative Functions
- SR 21-5: Purdue University Fort Wayne Higher Learning Accreditation Report
- SR 21-6: Questions Related to Senate Document SD 21-4: Resolution to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines for Students and Employees
- SR 21-7: Question Time - re: Dean of Student’s Office Changes
- SR 21-8: Question Time - re: Vaccination Shots
- SR 21-9: Charge to Assess the Impact of Dissolution of On-Campus Printing Services
- SR 21-10: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 21-11: Charge to Investigate and Recommend Policies for the Use of Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS) Data
- SR 21-12: Minutes of the Faculty Assembly of Purdue University Fort Wayne, September 17, 2021
- SR 21-13: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 21-14: Memorial Resolution-David C. Brennan
- SR 21-15: Annual Athletics Report
- SR 21-16: Engineering Management Concentration MBA
- SR 21-17: Charge to Faculty Affairs Committee: Competency in Teaching Language in “Guiding Principles of Promotion for Clinical Faculty at PFW”
- SR 21-18: Question Time - re: Scholarship Funds
- SR 21-19: Question Time - re: Bursar’s Office Fee Information
- SR 21-20: Sharing of Report Submissions on COVID-19 Lessons with Senate Committees and Invitation for Recommendations
- SR 21-21: Music Minor in Music Industry
- SR 21-22: Bachelor of Applied Science with a Concentration in Industrial Engineering Technology
- SR 21-23: Bachelor of Applied Science with a Concentration in Construction Management
- SR 21-24: Question Time - re: Professional Development Account Funds
- SR 21-25: Question Time - re: Faculty Research Funds
- SR 21-26: Question Time - re: Dean of Students Office Restructuring
- SR 21-27: Reminder about Faculty Committee and Subcommittee Minutes
- SR 21-28: Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement Ad Hoc Committee - Summary of Activities and Recommendation
- SR 21-29: Certificate in Cultural Resource Management
- SR 21-30: Question Time - re: Program Finder on PFW Homepage
- SR 21-31: Memorial Resolution - James Donald Ator
- SR 21-32: Charge to Review the Committee and Subcommittee Structure of the Fort Wayne Senate
- SR 21-33: 5 Year B.S./M.S. Combined Degree Program in Biology
- SR 21-34: 5 Year BS Music Industry and Master of Business Administration
- SR 21-35: Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement Ad Hoc Committee - Summary of Activities and Recommendation (Revised)
- SR 21-36: Question Time - re: Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds
- SR 21-37: Question Time - re: University Website
- SR 21-38: Memorial Resolution - Carlos Pomalaza-Raez
- SR 21-39: Memorial Resolution - Craig A. Humphrey
- SR 21-40: Athletics Budget Analysis
- SR 21-41: Report on Limited Term Lecturer Compensation
- SR 21-42: Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Procedural Handling of Allegations of Mishandling in the PFW Women‘s Basketball Program - Final Committee Report
- SR 21-43: Memorial Resolution - Richard Ramsey
- SR 21-44: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 21-45: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 20-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 20-2: Memorial Resolution - Elaine Blakemore
- SR 20-3: Question Time - re: Social Distancing in Classrooms
- SR 20-4: Question Time - re: CARES Fund Distribution
- SR 20-5: Question Time - re: Technology ProblemsS
- SR 20-6: Memorial Resolution - Arline R. Standley
- SR 20-7: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 20-8: Graduate Certificate in School Administration
- SR 20-9: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 20-10: Early Childhood Education Minor
- SR 20-11: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
- SR 20-12: Question Time - re: LTL Payments
- SR 20-13: Question Time - re: DEI Search
- SR 20-14: Response to the Charge to Examine and Report on Restructuring of College of Professional Studies - Preliminary Report
- SR 20-15: Fall 2020 COVID-19 Impact Survey
- SR 20-16: Annual Athletics Report
- SR 20-17: Question Time - re: Updated DEI Search Question
- SR 20-18: Question Time - re: PFW Identity and Brand
- SR 20-19: HLC Comprehensive Visit
- SR 20-20: Criteria for Accreditation
- SR 20-21: Recommended Practices for Hybrid and Online Courses
- SR 20-22: Executive Committee Report on Administrative Compliance
- SR 20-23: Certificate in Agricultural Leadership
- SR 20-24: Theatre Concentrations
- SR 20-25: Provide Feedback on P&T Documents
- SR 20-26: Senate Documents Worked on During Fall Semester 2020
- SR 20-27: Response to “Senate Report on Dissolution of College of Professional Studies”
- SR 20-28: Memorial Resolution-Edwin C. Leonard Jr.
- SR 20-29: Question Time - re: Niecee Nelson Investigation
- SR 20-30: HLC Preparation
- SR 20-31: Defining Accreditors for Transfer Credits
- SR 20-32: Question Time - re: Locks on Classrooms
- SR 20-33: Memorial Resolution-James M. Lutz
- SR 20-34: School of Music Addition of Guitar Concentration
- SR 20-35: Department of English and Linguistics Teaching Addition of Language Arts as Concentration
- SR 20-36: Department of English and Linguistics Teaching English as New Language
- SR 20-37: Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Nonprofit Management
- SR 20-38: Request for Review of Policy Regarding Dual Level Courses
- SR 20-39: LTL Bonus Compensation (2020)
- SR 20-40: Purdue Fort Wayne Space Management Policies and Procedures Policies
- SR 20-41: Question Time - re: ODMA Staffing
- SR 20-42: Question Time - re: Stimulus Act Funds
- SR 20-43: New Business Guidelines
- SR 20-44: Initial Report on Creating a “Fall Opening Task Force”
- SR 20-45: Theater Department Musical Theater BFA
- SR 20-46: Education STEM Proposal
- SR 20-47: Organizational Leadership Concentration
- SR 20-48: ILCS Proposal for Minor in Professional Spanish
- SR 20-49: Education Specialist
- SR 20-50: M.S. in Educational Leadership
- SR 20-51: Concentration in Human Resource Management
- SR 20-52: Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate Procedural Handling of Allegations of Misconduct in the PFW Women's Basketball Program - Spring 2021 Committee Report
- SR 20-53: Question Time - re: Orientation and Registration New Majors
- SR 20-54: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 20-55: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 19-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 19-2: Memorial Resolution - Avon Crismore
- SR 19-3: Question Time - re: VCAA Recommendations for Reappointment and P&T
- SR 19-4: Question Time - re: Closing of College TV
- SR 19-5: Question Time - re: Cancellation of College Access Television (CTV)
- SR 19-6: Question Time - re: High Level Searches
- SR 19-7: Question Time - re: Diversity
- SR 19-8: Memorial Resolution - Irwin Mallin
- SR 19-9: Strategic Planning Process Update
- SR 19-10: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 19-11: Question Time - re: Academic Program Elimination List
- SR 19-12: Question Time - re: Student Organizations and Voter Registration
- SR 19-13: Question Time - re: Diversity of Omnibus Speakers
- SR 19-14: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 19-15: Annual Report of the Athletics Department
- SR 19-16: Departmental Policies Concerning the Promotion of Lecturers
- SR 19-17: Charge to the Educational Policy Committee Concerning Implementation of Provisions Contained within Senate Document SD 17-3
- SR 19-18: Question Time - re: Financial Data
- SR 19-19: Question Time - re: Retention Rate
- SR 19-20: Question Time - re: Restructuring Savings
- SR 19-21: Physics Proposal
- SR 19-22: Department of Art and Design Proposal
- SR 19-23: PFW External Consults
- SR 19-24: Website Difficulties
- SR 19-25: Question Time - re: Early Retirement
- SR 19-26: Report on Designated Items
- SR 19-27: Question Time - re: Public Safety
- SR 19-28: Question Time - re: Administrator Courses
- SR 19-29: Department of General Studies Concentration in Information Technology
- SR 19-30: Department of General Studies Concentration in Information Systems
- SR 19-31: Transition from Blackboard to Brightspace
- SR 19-32: Department of Psychology Certificate in Death Education
- SR 19-33: School of Music Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Music Performance
- SR 19-34: Department of Human Services Concentrations in Human Services
- SR 19-35: Question Time - re: Campus Master Plan and Campus Strategic Plan
- SR 19-36: Question Time - re: International Student Organization Funding
- SR 19-37: Question Time - re: Free Menstrual Products
- SR 19-38: Question Time - re: 2020 NSO Plans
- SR 19-39: Question Time - re: Summer Pay Policy
- SR 19-40: Report on Designated Items
- SR 19-41: Question Time - re: PFW Policy on Faculty and Staff Deaths
- SR 19-42: Masters in Music Therapy Proposal
- SR 19-43: Temporary Suspension of SAT and ACT Exam Scores for Fall 2020 Admissions
- SR 19-44: One-time Changes to Academic Regulations for Spring 2020 Semester
- SR 19-45: Question Time - re: Tuition and Collections
- SR 19-46: LMS Senate Update
- SR 19-47: Slate for the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 19-48: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 18-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 18-2: Memorial Resolution - Thelma (Fair) Mitchell
- SR 18-3: Annual Report on the Budget
- SR 18-4: Question Time - re: STEAM and Business
- SR 18-5: Question Time - re: Marketing Instruction
- SR 18-6: Question Time - re: Update on Dual Credit and Retention
- SR 18-7: Memorial Resolution-David W. Mauritzen
- SR 18-8: Chancellor’s Annual Report to the Faculty Senate on Intercollegiate Athletics
- SR 18-9: Question Time - re: Administrator Courses
- SR 18-9a: Administrator Courses Taught 2015–19
- SR 18-10: Question Time - re: Vetting of Questions
- SR 18-11: M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology
- SR 18-12: Proposals for Physics Concentration and Minor in Materials Science
- SR 18-13: Men’s Indoor and Outdoor Track
- SR 18-14: Education Policy Committee Charge for Syllabi Guidelines and Standards
- SR 18-15: Chancellor Elsenbaumer’s Offer Letter
- SR 18-16: Memorial Resolution - C. James Owen
- SR 18-17: Question Time - re: Undermining of International Services and Programs
- SR 18-18: Question Time - re: Central Administration and Branding
- SR 18-19: Question Time - re: Administrator and Coach Salaries
- SR 18-20: Question Time - re: Sweetwater Model for Academic Programs
- SR 18-21: Question Time - re: Chancellor Elsenbaumer Offer Letter Metrics
- SR 18-22: Question Time - re: International Student Fee
- SR 18-23: Question Time - re: Large Online Courses
- SR 18-24: Question Time - re: Access to Purdue Fort Wayne Courses on Blackboard
- SR 18-25: Question Time - re: Advising Restructuring Plan Status
- SR 18-26: Strategic Planning Process Update
- SR 18-27: Health Communication Certificate
- SR 18-28: Question Time: re: Job Family Structure Classifications and Pay Bands
- SR 18-29: Actuarial Science Minor and Behavior Analysis & Techniques Certificate
- SR 18-30: Vandalism of Women's Studies materials
- SR 18-31: Proposal for Minor in Materials Engineering Tech
- SR 18-32: Senate Committee and Subcommittee Restructuring
- SR 18-33: Memorial Resolution - Louis Cantor
- SR 18-34: Chancellor Performance Metrics
- SR 18-35: Current Classifications for all Non-faculty Employees in Academic Departments
- SR 18-36: Faculty Senate Question Time
- SR 18-37: Presiding Officer’s Response on the 2 Question Rule
- SR 18-38: Question Time - re: Discouraging Early Promotion and Tenure Cases
- SR 18-39: Question Time - re: Job Family Structure Review Process
- SR 18-39a: Job Family Structure Review Status By Department
- SR 18-40: Question Time - re: Loss of Purchasing Power for Faculty and Staff
- SR 18-41: Economic and Finance Proposals
- SR 18-42: Question Time - re: Sabbatical Leave Policy
- SR 18-43: Purdue University Fort Wayne Draft Strategic Plan
- SR 18-44: Statement about Status of LMS Review
- SR 18-45: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 18-46: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 17-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 17-2: Report on Designated Items
- SR 17-3: Annual Report on Budget
- SR 17-4: Revised Bulletin Deadlines
- SR 17-5: Proposal for Four New Public Policy Concentrations
- SR 17-6: Question Time - re: Priority Positions
- SR 17-7: Proposal for B.S. in Biochemistry
- SR 17-8: Question Time - re: School of Music Donation
- SR 17-9: Proposal for B.S. in Psychology
- SR 17-10: Nonprofit Management Concentration in the Masters of Public Management (MPM) Degree Program
- SR 17-11: Question Time - re: Dual Credit
- SR 17-12: Question Time - re: Retention
- SR 17-13: Report on Administrative Staffing and Budgeting
- SR 17-13a: Administration Study - Expenses and Headcount
- SR 17-13b: Administration Study - IPEDS Data Comparison
- SR 17-14: Question Time - Boiler Affordability Grant
- SR 17-15: Question Time - Unregistered Student Phone Calls
- SR 17-16: Question Time - Two Models for Peer Institutions
- SR 17-17: Memorial Resolution - Tiffin M. Adkins
- SR 17-18: Memorial Resolution - Jeanne Marie Tessier (Barone)
- SR 17-19: Annual Report on Senate Document SD 16-37
- SR 17-20: Budget Update for the Fort Wayne Senate
- SR 17-21: Proposals for B.S. in Music with a Major in Popular Music, B.S. in Music with a Major in Music Industry, and B.S. in Music with a Concentration in Outside Field
- SR 17-22: Personnel Changes
- SR 17-23: Caps on Classes
- SR 17-24: Annual Report of FAR Activities
- SR 17-25: MAAS Report on Student-Athlete Academics
- SR 17-26: University Budget Committee Report and Recommendations
- SR 17-27: BAS Findings and Recommendations on Consolidated Career Services and Office of Academic Internships, Cooperative Education and Service Learning (OACS)
- SR 17-28: BAS Annual Report on Athletics Budget
- SR 17-29: Memorial Resolution-Joseph Maurice Chandler
- SR 17-30: Caps on Classes
- SR 17-31: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 17-32: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittees Elections
- SR 16-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 16-2: Memorial Resolution - Norman W. Bradley
- SR 16-3: Memorial Resolution - Henry F. Gerdom
- SR 16-4: Memorial Resolution - Patricia A. Farrell
- SR 16-5: Report on Designated Items
- SR 16-6: Memorial Resolution - Jonathan Dalby
- SR 16-7: Question Time – re: Plan 2020 priorities and Action Plan 41
- SR 16-8: Question Time – re: Central administration sharing of comprehensive list of feedback received
on Action Plan 41 - SR 16-9: Assignment of “FN” Grade
- SR 16-10: Proposals for Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science and Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics
- SR 16-11: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- Attachment A (C. Drummond presented at October Senate meeting)
- SR 16-12: Question Time - re: Process of program improvement and review
- SR 16-13: Proposal for Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Certificate program
- SR 16-14: Memorial Resolution - J. Randolph Kirby
- SR 16-15: Enrollment Management/Admissions Presentation
- SR 16-16: Question Time - re: relationship of USAP closures and LSA split
- SR 16-17: Memorial Resolution - Dr. Lowell E. Madden
- SR 16-18: Memorial Resolution - James Haw
- SR 16-19: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 16-20: Annual Report on Athletics Budget
- SR 16-21: Memorial Resolution - Joseph Giusti
- SR 16-22 : Question Time - re: Dismissal Regulations
- SR 16-23: Question Time - re: Assumption of extra duties and morale
- SR 16-24: Minor in Jazz Studies
- SR 16-25: Proposal for Bio-Mechanical Engineering Certificate
- SR 16-26: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 16-27: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 16-28: Memorial Resolution - Helen Gibbons
- SR 16-29: Memorial Resolution - Richard E. Hill
- SR 16-30: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 16-31: Senate Membership
- SR 16-32: End-of-the-Year Committee Report
- SR 16-33: University Budget Committee Report and Recommendations
- SR 16-34: Annual Report of FAR Activities
- SR 16-35: Annual Report on Student Athlete Academic Performance 2016-2017
- SR 16-36: Purdue University West Lafayette - Academic Regulations
Recommitted back to EPC, 4/10/17 - SR 16-37: Question Time - re: Carnegie Community Engagement Classification
- SR 16-38: Question Time - re: Funding Collegiate Connection
- SR 16-39: Question Time - re: Incentive Funds
- SR 16-40: Purdue University West Lafayette - Academic Regulations
- SR 16-41: Result of Senate Committees and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 15-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 15-2: Memorial Resolution -Anson D. Shupe
- SR 15-3: Memorial Resolution -Gene D. Phillips
- SR 15-4: Question Time-re: Signature programs discussed at IPFW Convocation
- SR 15-5: Concentration in Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
- SR 15-6: Minors in Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing
- SR 15-7: Memorial Resolution -Wade A. Fredrick
- SR 15-8: Question Time -re: Role of Baccalaureate Framework
- SR 15-9: Question Time -re: Reducing the appointments of Continuing Lecturers
- SR 15-10: Examining USAP process
- SR 15-11: Report on Designated Items
- SR 15-12: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 15-13: Bachelor of Applied Science in Division of Continuing Studies
- SR 15-14: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 15-15: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 15-16: Memorial Resolution -Joshua R. Gerow
- SR 15-17: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 15-18: Professional Sales Certificate in the Division of Continuing Studies
- SR 15-19: Canvas Pilot Evaluation Report
- SR 15-20: New MBA Tracks
- SR 15-21: Question Time -re: Chancellor's relationship with Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership
- SR 15-22: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 15-23: 5 Year BS/MSE Program for Department of Electrical and Computer Eng
- SR 15-24: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report of Staffing and Budget
- SR 15-25: Memorial Resolution -Sanna Harges
- SR 15-26: Memorial Resolution -Gerard Voland
- SR 15-27: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 15-28: Senate Membership
- SR 15-29: End-of-the Year Committee Reports
- SR 15-30: Memorial Resolution -Margaret A. Dirkes
- SR 15-31: Question Time -re: Program health and sustainability
- SR 15-32: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 14-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 14-2: Memorial Resolution- Beverly A. Hume
- SR 14-3: Memorial Resolution- David A. Legg
- SR 14-4: Question Time- re: Ensuring faculty teaching and research at IPFW
- SR 14-5: Report of the IPFW Senate Ad Hoc Strategic Plan Committee
- SR 14-6: Question Time- re: Tenure-track/clinical faculty positions
- SR 14-7: Question Time- re: Food options on campus
- SR 14-8: Question Time- re: Fall revenue shortfall
- SR 14-9: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 14-10: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 14-11: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 14-12: Question Time- re: Overtime Policy for nonexmpt employees
- SR 14-13: Question Time- re: Differential tuition
- SR 14-14: Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Microbiology and Immunology
- SR 14-15: Question Time- re: Athletics
- SR 14-16: Question Time- re: Section cutting for low enrollment
- SR 14-17: Question Time- re: Minimum enrollment policy
- SR 14-18: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 14-19: Memorial Resolution -Maynard J. Mansfield
- SR 14-20: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 14-21: Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology
- SR 14-22: Slight modification of the core curriculum of the Master of Public Management (MPM degree)
- SR 14-23: Concentration in Genetics, Cellular, and Molecular Biology
- SR 14-24: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 14-25: Question Time- re: Changing IPFW's managing partner
- SR 14-26: Question Time- re: Discontinuation of Tennis Program
- SR 14-27: End-of-the Year Committee Reports
- SR 14-28: Senate Membership, 2015-16
- SR 14-29: D-1 Athletic Report (158 pages)
- SR 14-30: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 13-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 13-2: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review- Replacement members
- SR 13-3: Question Time- re: Money for International Travel
- SR 13-4: Question Time- re: Current Total Number of Tenure and Tenure Track Faculty Positions
- SR 13-5: Question Time- re: Changes to the Public Employee Retirement Fund
- SR 13-6: Question Time- re: Responsibilities among members of the Central Administration
- SR 13-7: Senate Election Results on CMRE
- SR 13-8: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review- Replacement members
- SR 13-9: Memorial Resolution - Maxine M. Ormiston Huffman
- SR 13-10: Question Time- re: Allocation of Funds
- SR 13-11: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 13-12: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 13-13: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 13-14: Institutional research on number of credit hours
- SR 13-15: Effective advising and the impact it has on students
- SR 13-16: Approval of 12 tenure-track positions
- SR 13-17: Proposal for the Doctor of Nursing Practice
- SR 13-18: Lilly Endowment
- SR 13-19: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 13-20: Concentration in Computational Physics; Concentration in Engineering Physics
- SR 13-21: Minor in Military Services
- SR 13-22: Minor in Hospitality Management
- SR 13-23: Concentration in Rhetoric/Public Advocacy, Concentration in Interpersonal/Organizational Communication; Concentration in Media and Culture; Concentration in Multimedia Newsgathering and Reporting
- SR 13-24: Concentration in Computational Physics; Concentration in Engineering Physics
- SR 13-25: Question Time
- SR 13-26: Degree Map and Free Course Guarantee Policy
- SR 13-27: Memorial Resolution - Kenneth L. Keller
- SR 13-28: Question Time- re: Evaluate University Resources Policy
- SR 13-29: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 13-30: Concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- SR 13-31: Bachelor of Science in Medical Imaging (293 pages)
- SR 13-32: Memorial Resolution - Gerald L. Houseman
- SR 13-33: Memorial Resolution - Betty L. Funck
- SR 13-34: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 13-35: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 13-36: Senate Membership, 2014-15
- SR 13-37: Bachelor of Science in Education: Concentration in Exceptional Needs
- SR 13-38: Costs and Benefits if IPFW participates in D-1 Athletics
- SR 13-39: Memorial Resolution - Diane Davis
- SR 13-40: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 12-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 12-2: Memorial Resolution - Joan Uebelhoer
- SR 12-3: Question Time - re: filling of vacated tenure-track positions
- SR 12-4: Question Time - re: legislative concerns
- SR 12-5: Proposal for the Bachelor of Science in Physics with a concentration in Optoelectronics
- SR 12-6: Question Time: re: tenure-track faculty position vacancies and university personnel reduction
- SR 12-7: Items under Consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 12-8: Proposal for the Bachelor of Science in Physics, with a Concentration in Biomedical Physics
- SR 12-9: Question Time -- re: Budgets for Sports, Continuing Ed, and IPFW Foundation
- SR 12-10: Question Time -- re: Numbers and percentages of employees eliminated in 2012
- SR 12-11: Further information regarding faculty workloads
- SR 12-12: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 12-13: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 12-14: Question Time– re: retention and graduation rates
- SR 12-15: Question Time– re: Flexibility in Scheduling Courses
Deferred till later date - SR 12-16: Question Time– re: Testing Services on Campus offer Emergency Test-Taking for Non-Online Faculty
Deferred till later date - SR 12-17: Question Time– re: New bridge across Coliseum
- SR 12-18: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 12-19: Proposal for Undergraduate Certificate in Medical Ethics and the Post-Baccalaureate Certification in Medical Ethics
- SR 12-20: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 12-21: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 12-22: Senate Membership, 2013-14
- SR 12-23: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 11-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 11-2: Interpretation of SD 88-25 (for information only)
- SR 11-3: Question Time - re: Waitlist Project
- SR 11-4: Question Time - re: School and Department S&E
- SR 11-5: Proposal for Minor in Medieval Studies
- SR 11-6: Proposal for Minor in Professional and Applied Ethics
- SR 11-7: Proposal for Certificate in Information Systems Application
- SR 11-8: Upward Feedback: Review of Associate Vice Chancellors
- SR 11-9: Question Time: re: Faculty representatives on chancellor search committee
- SR 11-10: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 11-11: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 11-12: Question Time - re: What is the current status of the Transitions to Teaching program?
- SR 11-13: Proposal for Major in Early Childhood Education with Two Concentrations: B-5 and P-3
- SR 11-14: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 11-15: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 11-16: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 11-17: Question Time - regarding Banner census processing
- SR 11-18: Question Time - regarding potential budget shortfall
- SR 11-19: Proposal for Certificate in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender [LGBT]
- SR 11-20: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 11-21: Memorial Resolution - Kenneth Stevenson
- SR 11-22: Slate for the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 11-23: Protecting Your Intellectual Property
- SR 11-24: Calendar Formula Survey Results
- SR 11-25: Senate Membership, 2012-2013
- SR 11-26: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 11-27: Proposals for B.S. in Dental Hygiene and A.S. in Dental Assisting
- SR 11-28: Proposal for Minor in Astronomy
- SR 11-29: Analysis of Staffing and Budget Data (for information only)
- SR 11-30: General Education Outcome Alignment with Baccalaureate Framework
- SR 11-31: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 10-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 10-2: Question Time - regarding directorship of the Office of International Programs
- SR 10-3: Question Time - regarding Western Governors University as a new public university in Indiana
- SR 10-4: Slate for replacement member of Strategic Planning and Review Council
- BSA Team Members - Ft. Wayne (Attachment A)
- Crisis Management Training (Attachment B)
- Health Care Plan for 2011 (Attachment C)
- SR 10-5: Question Time – re: Purdue voluntary early partial retirement program
- SR 10-6: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- Genocide Awareness Project letter to Chancellor Wartell and Vice Chancellor McClellan (Attachment A)
- SR 10-7: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 10-8: Proposal for the Certificate in Bank Management
- SR 10-9: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- Red Balloon - Student Evaluations Seminar Leadership Discussion Group (Attachment A)
- SR 10-10: Memorial Resolution – Julius Smulkstys
- SR 10-11: Question Time – regarding teaching by administrative personnel who hold academic rank
- SR 10-12: Question Time – regarding Information Technology Services
- Administrator Teaching Report - February 2011 (Attachment A)
- SR 10-13: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 10-14: SD 10-06 report of the Faculty Affairs Committee
- SR 10-15: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 10-16: Question Time – re: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee report
- SR 10-17: Senate Membership, 2010-2011
- SR 10-18: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 10-19: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report to the Senate
- SR 10-20: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- Blue Ribbon Health Care Committee: Preview of Findings (Attachment A)
- IPFW Strategic Plan, Second-Year Report (Attachment B)
- SR 09-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 09-2: Memorial Resolution – Dyne L. Pfeffenberger
- SR 09-3: Question Time: regarding increased revenues
- SR 09-4: Release of student information policy
- SR 09-5: Memorial Resolution – Larry Dennis Cannon
- SR 09-6: Question Time: regarding performance evaluations for associate vice chancellors in academic affairs
- SR 09-7: Name change of Nursing Administration concentration from “Nursing Administrator” to “Nurse Executive”
- SR 09-8: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 09-9: Slate for 2010-2011 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 09-10: Question Time: regarding bomb threat procedures
- SR 09-11: Question Time: regarding Child Care Center
- SR 09-12: Audiology and Speech Sciences name change to Communication Sciences and Disorders
- SR 09-13: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 09-14: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 09-15: Request for degree name change for M.S. in Mathematics
- SR 09-16: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 09-17: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 09-18: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 09-19: Question Time - re: Summer II pay schedule
- SR 09-20: Senate Membership, 2010-2011
- SR 09-21: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 09-22: Proposal for the "Certificate in Small Business Management
- SR 09-23: Proposal for the Bachelor of Science with a Major in Information Technology (IT)
- SR 09-24: Helmke Library Funding Concerns and Recommendations
- SR 09-25: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 08-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 08-2: Memorial Resolution – Virginia Robertson Craig
- SR 08-3: Question Time: regarding Physical Plan reorganization
- SR 08-4: Proposal for the Reinstatement of the Master of Arts for Teachers in Mathematics
- SR 08-5: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 08-6: Proposal for Graduate Certificate in Systems Engineering
- SR 08-7: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 08-8: Question Time – regarding administrative teaching load
- SR 08-9: Question Time – regarding faculty increment monies
- SR 08-10: Question Time – regarding promotion and tenure standards
- SR 08-11: Results of the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 08-12: Report from Question Time (SR No. 08-8) - W. McKinney
- SR 08-13: Report from Question Time (SR No. 08-9) - W. McKinney
- SR 08-14: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 08-15: Re: Senate Document SD 08-2
- SR 08-16: Proposal for the Advanced Manufacturing Management Certificate
- SR 08-17: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 08-18: Proposal for Graduate Certificate in Special Education
- SR 08-19: Memorial Resolution – Kenneth Balthaser
- SR 08-20: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 08-21: Revisions to the IPFW policy on release of student information Supersedes SR 96-17
- SR 08-22: Senate Membership, 2009-2010
- SR 08-23: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report to the Senate
- SR 08-24: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 08-25: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 07-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 07-2: Question Time – regarding mental health services
- SR 07-3: First-Year Results of Baccalaureate Framework
- SR 07-4: Question Time – regarding S&E funds provided to academic departments
- SR 07-5: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 07-6: Proposal for a minor in Informatics
- SR 07-7: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 07-8: Question Time – regarding faculty increment monies
- SR 07-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- Attachment A: Athletics Report for 2006-2007
- SR 07-10: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 07-11: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 07-12: Question Time – CUPA data in determining equitable salary levels for faculty
- SR 07-13: Report from Question Time: J. Dahl and S. Hannah
- SR 07-14: Memorial Resolution – Linda Graham
- SR 07-15: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 07-16: Memorial Resolution - Richard Hess
- SR 07-17: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 07-18: Senate Membership, 2008-2009
- SR 07-19: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 06-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 06-2: Question Time – Student government campaigning
- SR 06-3: Question Time – Faculty increment monies
- SR 06-4: Question Time – Campus committees
- SR 06-5: Proposal for Certificate in Civic Education and Public Advocacy – for information only
- SR 06-6: Question Time – regarding VCAA Memo concerning Office of Academic Counseling and Career Services and proposed departmental liaisons
- SR 06-7: Items under consideration in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 06-8: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 06-9: Question Time – regarding faculty increments
- SR 06-10: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 06-11: Miscellaneous information about the athletics budget “for information only”
- SR 06-12: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 06-13: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 06-14: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report to the Senate
- SR 06-15: Proposal for Minor in Human Services
- SR 06-16: Memorial Resolution - Larry Life
- SR 06-17: Slate for the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 06-18: Senate Membership, 2007-2008
- SR 06-19: Senate Attendance Record for 2006-2007
- SR 06-20: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 06-21: Background for Senate Document SD 06-17: Academic Regulations During a Campus Emergency
- SR 05-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 05-2: Proposal for Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- SR 05-3: Memorial Resolution – Werner Manheim
- SR 05-4: Question Time – regarding promotion
- SR 05-5: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- Attachment A: Strategies for Excellence: The IPFW Strategic Plan (Annual Report for Year 4: 2004-2005)
- Attachment B Faculty Pay Frequency Alternatives (Page 1 and Page 2)
- SR 05-6: Memorial Resolution – John Manzer
- SR 05-7: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 05-8: Question Time – regarding Indiana University Handbook relative to Indiana University-mission faculty
- SR 05-9: Results of the election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 05-10: Memorial Resolution – Benjamin Becker
- SR 05-11: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 05-12: Administrative Personnel with Academic Rank
- SR 05-13: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 05-14: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 05-15: Question Time – Academic Administrator Teaching Load
- SR 05-16: Learning Outcomes and types of Evidence for Pedagogical Framework
- SR 05-17: Pedagogical Framework for the IPFW Baccalaureate Degree Implementation Plan
- SR 05-18: Senate Membership, 2006-2007
- SR 05-19: Senate Attendance Record for 2005-2006: September-March
- SR 05-20: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 05-21: Preliminary Report of the Call to Action Committee Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Independence for IPFW
- SR 04-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 04-2: Question Time – regarding merit and equity distribution
- SR 04-3: Proposal for a Minor in Religious Studies
- SR 04-4: Status of SD 03-21, IPFW Diversity Component for All Baccalaureate Degree Programs – for information only
- SR 04-5: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 04-6: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 04-7: Request for change of name in AREA OF CONCENTRATION in Fine Arts BFA Degree
- SR 04-8: Results of the election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 04-9: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 04-10: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 04-11: Certificate in Risk and Emergency Management
- SR 04-12: Question Time – regarding increasing difficulty in scheduling classrooms
- SR 04-13: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 04-14: Updates to Senate Reference No. 00-11 [IPFW Academic Calendar Formula] (addition of “winter inter-session”)
- SR 04-15: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Biennial Report to the Senate
- SR 04-16: School-to-College Name Changes
- SR 04-17: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 04-18: Question Time – regarding underfunding at IPFW in Research and Academic Support
- SR 04-19: Senate Membership, 2005-2006
- SR 04-20: Bachelor of Science in Interior Design
- SR 04-21: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 04-22: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 03-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 03-2: Guidelines for Grade Appeals – for information only
- SR 03-3: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-4: Question time – regarding administrators with academic appointments
- SR 03-5: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 03-6: Student Advising on IPFW Campus
- SR 03-7: Mandatory Screen Saver Policy
- SR 03-8: Report from Question Time: S. Hannah (Teaching Commitments 2002-2004)
- SR 03-9: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-10: Slate for the Election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 03-11: Question time – shortage of full-time quality daycare for preschoolers in the Fort Wayne area
- SR 03-12: IPFW Repeat Policy – for information only
- SR 03-13: Proposal for Modern Foreign Languages Name Change – for information only
- SR 03-14: Results of the election of the Indiana University Faculty Board of Review
- SR 03-15: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-16: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 03-17: Concerns regarding the IPFW mandatory screen saver policy – for information only
- SR 03-18: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-19: Memorial Resolution – Paul Jean Provost
- SR 03-20: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-21: Report of the Presiding Officer
- SR 03-22: Question Time – regarding merit and equity distribution and criteria
- SR 03-23: Question Time – regarding new student housing issues
- SR 03-24: Proposed Business Option for Mathematical Sciences Majors
- SR 03-25: Proposal for Name Change of Department of Manufacturing Technology
- SR 03-26: Updates to Senate Reference No. 00-11 (IPFW Academic Calendar Formula) – for information only
- SR 03-27: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 03-28: Memorial Resolution – Joseph Davis
- SR 03-29: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 03-30: Question Time – regarding associate faculty compensation change
- SR 03-31: Senate Membership, 2004-2005
- SR 03-32: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 03-33: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 02-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 02-2: Memorial Resolution: Franklin A. Bryan, M.D.
- SR 02-3: Memorial Resolution: Gerald G. Szymanski
- SR 02-4: Question time re: 2002-2003 salary increments
- SR 02-5: Proposal for Undergraduate Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language
- SR 02-6: Task Force on General Education Assessment – report for information only
- SR 02-7: Committee report regarding selection of Senate secretary – for information only
- SR 02-8: Committee report regarding Senate secretarial search, job description, and Senate office space – for information only
- SR 02-9: Question time re: Management Agreement
- SR 02-10: Division I “metrics” resolution: request for report from the University Resources Policy Committee (URPC) – for information only
- SR 02-11: IPFW as ROTC partner school – for information only
- SR 02-12: Conversion of A spaces to student parking spaces – for information only
- SR 02-13: Extending parking lots 11 and 15 to accommodate additional student parking – for information only
- SR 02-14: Memorial Resolution: Jack D. Cook
- SR 02-15: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 02-16: Slate for 2003-2004 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 02-17: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 02-18: Memorial Resolution: H. William Davies
- SR 02-19: Proposal for Revised Degree Education Programs – for information only
- SR 02-20: Proposal for Bachelor of Arts with a major in Art Education – for information only
- SR 02-21: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 02-22: Updates to Senate Reference No. 00-11 (IPFW Academic Calendar Formula) – for information only
- SR 02-23: OAA Document Regarding Continuing Lecturers – for information only
- SR 02-24: Comparison of IPFW Library and Other Indiana University Campuses
- SR 02-25: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 02-26: Proposal for Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
- SR 02-27: Concerns regarding promotion and tenure issues – for information only
- SR 02-28: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 02-29: Senate Membership
- SR 02-30: OAA Document Regarding Continuing Lecturers
- SR 02-31: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 02-32: IPFW Budgetary Affairs Report on the Status of Division I Budgetary Matters
- SR 02-33: Proposal for Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Technology – for information only
- SR 02-34: Proposal for Minor in Film and Media Studies – for information only
- SR 02-35: Results of Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 01-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 01-2: Question time re: Chancellor's Award as a salary increment to faculty
- SR 01-3: Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Human Services from the School of Health Sciences
- SR 01-4: Memorial Resolution: Arnold O. Olson
- SR 01-5: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 01-6: Slate for the 2002-2003 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 01-7: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 01-8: Slate for the election of Presiding Officer of the Faculty
- SR 01-9: Question time re twelve-hour teaching load
- SR 01-10: Items under Consideration by senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 01-10s: Letter from Daniel Reagan of the AAUP
- SR 01-11: Question time re new position in the VCAA's office
- SR 01-12: Annual Report on Program Reviews
- SR 01-13: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 01-14: Senate Membership, 2002-03
- SR 01-15: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 01-16: Senate Election Results
- SR 00-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 00-2: Question time re: Division I, Student Housing, Parking Fees, Health Center
- SR 00-3: Question time re: Scholarships, Auxiliary Enterprises, Sexual Orientation
- SR 00-4: Question time re: revenue from intercollegiate athletics; scholarships/fellowships expenditures vs. athletic scholarships; and auxiliary enterprises
- SR 00-5: Items under Consideration by senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 00-6: Memorial Resolution: John Leonard Modic
- SR 00-7: Slate for 2001-2002 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 00-8: Report Regarding Division I – for information only
- SR 00-8a: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Report Requested by the Senate
- SR 00-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 00-10: Items under Consideration by senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 00-11: IPFW Academic Calendar Formula (replaces SR No. 98-18) – for information only (last updated 3/14/2005 – SR 04-14)
Now a Senate Document (SD 11-18) - SR 00-12: Items under Consideration by senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 00-13: General Education Subcommittee report on computer literacy – for information only
- SR 00-14: Memorial Resolution: Michael Clark Downs
- SR 00-15: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 00-16: Proposal for an Environmental Studies Major in the Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs for the School of Public and Environmental Affairs
- SR 00-17: Proposal to Reorganize the Office of Sponsored Research
- SR 00-18: Senate Membership, 2001-2002
- SR 00-19: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 00-20: Senate Election Results
- SR 99-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 99-2: Revised Associate of Science Interior Design Curriculum
- SR 99-3: Revised Curriculum, Department of Computer Science
- SR 99-4: Proposal for a Legal Studies Major in the B.S.P.A.
- SR 99-5: Proposal for a minor in Ballet and a Minor in Dance
- SR 99-6: Memorial Resolution: Robert E. Wise
- SR 99-7: Interim Report from the General Education Subcommittee
- SR 99-8: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 99-9: Slate for 2000-2001 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 99-10: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 99-11: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 99-12: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 99-13: ETCS Proposal for a Certificate in Computer Networking
- SR 99-14: Administrative Teaching Assignments
- SR 99-15: Terms and Conditions of Employment of Lecturers
- SR 99-16: Question time: re 18-20 retirement benefits
- SR 99-17: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 99-18: Gender Equity Study
- SR 99-19: Faculty Compensation in Continuing Studies Credit Classes
- SR 99-20: Question time: re 18-20 retirement benefits
- SR 99-21: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 99-22: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 99-23: Summary of Proposed General Education Program
- SR 99-24: School of Health Sciences proposals
- SR 99-25: Assessment Council Report
- SR 99-26: Senate Membership, 1999-2000
- SR 99-27: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 99-28: Senate Election Results
- SR 98-1: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-2: Proposal for a Criminal Justice Concentration in the Masters of PublicAffairs program - for information only
- SR 98-3: Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- SR 98-4: Proposal to change the title of the Certificate in Quality Controlto Certificate in Quality - for information only
- SR 98-5: Proposal for a minor in Labor Studies - for information only
- SR 98-6: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-7: Purdue Grievance Committee members
- SR 98-8: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 98-9: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-10: Slate for 1999-2000 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 98-11: Use of Technology Fee - for information only
- SR 98-12: Name change proposal from The Department of Psychological Sciences
- SR 98-13: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 98-14: Memorial resolution: George V. Fliotsos
- SR 98-15: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 98-16: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-17: Slate for the election of President Officer of the Faculty
- SR 98-18: Academic Calendar Formula
- SR 98-19: Memorial Resolution: David Gotlob
- SR 98-20: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-21: Memorial Resolution: Kathleen M. Rassuli
- SR 98-22: Women's Studies Certificate Proposal
- SR 98-23: Upward Feedback
- SR 98-24: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 98-25: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 98-26: Memorial Resolution: Steven Hollander
- SR 98-27: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 98-28: Senate Membership, 1999-2000
- SR 98-29: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 98-30: Senate Election Results
- SR 97-1: Guidelines for minutes of Senate committees and subcommittees
- SR 97-2: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 97-3: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 97-4; Grievance Procedures for Academic Personnel (C-19)
- SR 97-5: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 97-6: Slate for 1998-88 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 97-7: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 97-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 97-9: Question Time: concerning move of Organizational Leadership and Supervision
- SR 97-10: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 97-11: Proposal for A.A. Degree Programs in Biology, English, French, German, History, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology, Spanish, and Women's Studies
- SR 97-12: Proposal for a Minor in Criminal Justice - for information only
- SR 97-13: Response to Department Resolution (English Department resolution on racism)
- SR 97-14: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 97-15: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 97-16: Memorial Resolution: Marjorie E. Person
- SR 97-17: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 97-18: Report on Title IX: Athletics Compliance - for information only
- SR 97-19: Questions and answers pertaining to the development of the McKay property - For information only
- SR 97-20: Senate Membership for 1998-1999
- SR 97-21: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 97-22: BAS 1997-98 End of Year Recommendations
- SR 97-23: VCAA Chair Emolument Plan
- SR 97-24: Faculty Grievance Process: Report of the 1997-98 I.U. Faculty Board of Review
- SR 97-25: Administrative Response to the IU Faculty Board of Review Memorandum (of February 26, 1998) Concerning the IU Faculty Grievance Process
- SR 97-26: Senate Election Results
- SR 96-1: Management Agreement Committee, Ad Hoc
- SR 96-2: Management and Academic Mission Agreement - IPFW
- SR 96-3: Cooperation between Ivy Tech State College and IPFW
- SR 96-4: Suggested guidelines for use of LAN bulletin boards, "for information only" (from Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee)
- SR 96-5: Administrative Guidelines for Deans/Chairs to Assess Option 1 Faculty on Creative/Research/Scholarly Activities
- SR 96-6a: Letter from President Beering to Downs, Frederick and Hersberger regarding the IPFW Management Agreement
- SR 96-6b: Letter by Downs to President Beering regarding the IPFW Management Agreement
- SR 96-7: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-8: SIS Shared Users' Group Report
- SR 96-9: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 96-10: Transmittal of report from General Education Subcommittee
- SR 96-11: Memorial Resolution: Pauline Micu Hunsberger
- SR 96-12: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-13: Slate for the 1997-98 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 96-14: Funding for the 1997-1999 biennium (from Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee)
- SR 96-15: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 96-16: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-17: Revisions to the IPFW policy on release of student information (Superseded by SR 08-21 and SR 09-4)
- SR 96-18: Proposal for a Critical Care Nursing Certificate Program (Curriculum Review Subcommittee)
- SR 96-19: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 96-20: Question time: question regarding calculation of official enrollment figures
- SR 96-21: Chair Emolument Subcommittee Recommendations (Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee)
- SR 96-22: Letter by Presiding Officer to legislators, presidents, trustees, etc. regarding funding for IPFW
- SR 96-23: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-24: Proposal for a Minor in Electronics (Curriculum Review Subcommittee)
- SR 96-25: Name Change Proposal for Operations Technology Degree (Curriculum Review Subcommittee)
- SR 96-26: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 96-27: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 96-28: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 96-29: Question time: question regarding Edutech report
- SR 96-30: Report on Review of SD 93-9: Faculty Roles, Workloads, and Rewards
- SR 96-31: Proposal for an Associate of Arts Degree (Curriculum Review Subcommittee)
- SR 96-32: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 96-33: Senate Membership for 1997-98
- SR 96-34: Transmittal of the report of the Distance Education Subcommittee
- SR 96-35: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Recommendations for the 1997-98 Budgetary Year
- SR 96-36: Senate Election Results
- SR 95-1: Certificate in Electronic Communications
- SR 95-2: Associate of Science in Business
- SR 95-3: Results of election of Library Subcommittee members
- SR 95-4: Special Education Minor
- SR 95-5: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 95-6: Proposal for Certificate in Native American Studies
- SR 95-7: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 95-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 95-9: Slate for the 1996-97 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 95-10: Question concerning free period.
- SR 95-11: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 95-12: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 95-13: Question concerning decline in enrollments
- SR 95-14: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 95-15: Master of Arts in Sociological Practice
- SR 95-16: Recommendations on a Freshman Experience Pilot Project, "for information only"
- SR 95-17: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 95-18: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 95-19: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 95-20: Transmittal of dormitory recommendation, "for information only"
- SR 95-21: Proposed Minor in Public Relations
- SR 95-22: Academic standards for financial aid students
- SR 95-23: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 95-24: Senate Membership for 1996-97
- SR 95-25: Committee report for information only – Proposal for establishment of an IPFW information center
- SR 95-26: Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee's Recommendations for 1995-1997 Budgetary Year
- SR 95-27: Senate Election Results
- SR 94-1: Certificate in Peace and Conflict Studies
- SR 94-2: Proposal for Minor in PEA
- SR 94-3: B.S. in Health Services Management
- SR 94-4: Concentration in Health Services Administration
- SR 94-5: Memorial Resolution: Thelburn LeRoy Engle
- SR 94-6: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-7: Memorial Resolution: Roy W. Richards, Jr.
- SR 94-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-9: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 94-10: 1995-1996 Class Scheduling Pattern
- SR 94-11: Option 1-Option 2 Salary Increment Policy
- SR 94-12: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-13: Slate for 1995-96 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 94-14: Question time: (diversity council)
- SR 94-15: Diversity Council election results
- SR 94-16: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 94-17: Question time: (has chancellor referred to IPFW as a Purdue University campus)
- SR 94-18: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-19: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 94-20: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-21: Question time: (report on CM renovation)
- SR 94-22: B.S. in Health Services Management
- SR 94-23: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-24: Implementation of the C- Policy
- SR 94-25: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 94-26: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 94-27: Slate for the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 94-28: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 94-29: Partnership for Statewide Education Home Institutions
- SR 94-30: Senate Membership for 1995-1996
- SR 94-31: BAS Recommendations to the Chancellor
- SR 94-32: Subcommittee report from the Computer Users Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 94-33: Memorial Resolution: Harold Crowder
- SR 94-34: Senate Election Results
- SR 93-1: New Curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Engineering Degree
- SR 93-2: Memorial resolution: Clifford A. Nault, Jr.
- SR 93-3: Results of Election: Search and Screen Committee for Chancellor
- SR 93-4: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-5: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-6: Slate for 1994-95 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 93-7: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 93-8: Results of the Faculty Board of Review
- SR 93-9: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-10: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-11: Question time: Evaluation of Academic Administrators
- SR 93-12: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 93-13: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-14: Slate for the election of the General Education Subcommittee
- SR 93-15: Results of elections: Speaker of IU Faculty; Presiding Officer of Senate; Indiana University Faculty Council; General Education Subcommittee
- SR 93-16: Recommendations for the 1994-1995 Budget
- SR 93-17: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 93-18: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 93-19: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 93-20: Amended Towing Policy
- SR 93-21: Senate Membership for 1994-95
- SR 93-22: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 93-23: Senate Election Results
- SR 93-24: Survey on Writing
- SR 92-1: Question time
- SR 92-2: Certificate in Gerontology
- SR 92-3: "Graduate Aides" and university/Senate policies—a report for information only
- SR 92-4: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-5: Minor in Creative Writing
- SR 92-6: Developmental Education Task Force Vision Statement and Goals - for information only
- SR 92-7: Statewide Transferable Courses - for information only
- SR 92-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-9: Question time: questions regarding replacement of Financial Vice Chancellor; reallocation of space in Neff Hall; withdrawal from the child care consortium
- SR 92-10: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 92-11: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-12: Slate for 1993-94 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 92-13: Letter send to members of the Community Advisory Council regarding Amendments to the Management Agreement and Fiscal Agency
- SR 92-14: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 92-15: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-16: Items under consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 92-17: Address to the Fort Wayne Senate by Larry Griffin, Director of the Library
- SR 92-18: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-19: Question time: question regarding air quality in Liberal Arts building
- SR 92-20: IPFW Campus Calendar Subcommittee Academic Calendar Formula
- SR 92-21: Results of the elections of the Presiding Officer of the Senate and Speaker of the Purdue University Faculty
- SR 92-22: Memorial resolution: John Loessi
- SR 92-23: Committee report "for information only"-- Protection of the rights of IU employees at Fort Wayne
- SR 92-24: Draft amendment to House Bill 1806 (state legislature)
- SR 92-25: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-26: Question time: question regarding the possible non-implementation of the Fort Wayne Senate documents on "tenure stop-out" and "research misconduct."
- SR 92-27: Environmental Geology Option in Geology B.S. Degree and Supervisory Leadership Certificate in Department of Organizational Leadership
- SR 92-28: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 92-29: Recommendations of President Beering's Purdue University TIAA-CREF Retirement Plan Task Force
- SR 92-30: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 92-31: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 92-32: A Senate Question for Larry Griffin
- SR 92-33: Results of the Election of the Purdue University Faculty Grievance Board
- SR 92-34: 1993-1995 Budget Recommendations
- SR 92-35: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 92-36: Senators for 1993-1994
- SR 92-37: Results of the Election of the Indiana University University Faculty Council
- SR 92-38: Excerpt from Management Agreement document regarding Mission Responsibility and authority, Administration, and Faculty
- SR 92-39: Letter from Patrick Bauer to Karl Bandemer of the CHE
- SR 92-40: Senate Election Results
- SR 91-1: Slate for the election of a representative to the Purdue University Intercampus Faculty Council
- SR 91-2: Question time - miscellaneous questions regarding initiatives taken by chancellor without consultation with the faculty
- SR 91-3: Bachelor of Arts with a major in Women's Studies
- SR 91-4: Memorial resolution - David Swinehart
- SR 91-5: Memorial resolution - Noel Dusendschon
- SR 91-6: IPFW Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
- SR 91-7: Lecture Series Subcommittee
- SR 91-8: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-9: Question time - 6 questions on a variety of matters
- SR 91-10: Question time
- SR 91-11: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 91-12: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-13: Proposals for Computer Art Concentration and Degree Title Chances for Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
- SR 91-14: BAS Budget Recommendations for 1991-92 Unallocated Funds and Budget Recommendations for 1992-1993 Fiscal Period
- SR 91-15: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-16: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 91-17: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-18: Approval of minor in geology
- SR 91-19: Results of Elections of IU Speaker, Presiding Officer, and Management Agreement Committee
- SR 91-20: Report on Senate Document
- SR 91-21: Question time: library funding
- SR 91-22: Items under Consideration by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 91-23: Report on Senate Documents
- SR 91-24: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 91-25: Committee report "for information only"--Eligibility of department chairs for service on the campus tenure and promotion committee, and eligibility of deans for serve on the Senate
- SR 91-26: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 91-27: Senators for 1992-93
- SR 91-28: Results of the Election of the Faculty Grievance Board
- SR 91-29: Text of W. Frederick's presentation before the Purdue Board of Trustees on March 20, 1992
- SR 91-30: Senate Election Results
- SR 91-31: Memorial resolution: Maurice Lam
- SR 90-1: Results of the Campus Appeals Board election
- SR 90-2: Question time: one question on counseling services and one question on confidence in SBMS dean
- SR 90-3: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-4: Bachelor of Arts with a major in Music Theatre
- SR 90-5: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 90-6: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-7: Question time: questions on student housing
- SR 90-8: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-9: Slate for the 1991-92 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 90-10: Question time: questions on Statistical Profiles booklet
- SR 90-11: Name Changes: Geosciences (ESS) and Human Services (MHT)
- SR 90-12: Budget Emphasis Areas, 1991-92
- SR 90-13: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 90-14: Memorial resolution: Lloyd Wilson Smith
- SR 90-15: Memorial resolution: Edwin A. Haglund
- SR 90-16: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 90-17: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-18: Question time: regarding P&T determinations
- SR 90-19: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 90-20: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 90-21: Tenure clock stoppage
- SR 90-22: End-of-the-Year Reports
- SR 90-23: Senators for 1991-92
- SR 90-24: Presiding Officer's report on Senate Documents
- SR 90-25: Senate Election Results
- SR 89-1: Question time (new promotion & tenure processes (5-yr. master plan)
- SR 89-2: Question time (1990-1991 academic calendar)
- SR 89-3: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 89-4: Letter from Steven Beering (re: Ad Hoc Committee To Review the Relationships between IPFW and Indiana University and Purdue University
- SR 89-5: Slate for 1990-91 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 89-6: Update on IPFW Admissions Policy
- SR 89-7: Interdisciplinary General Education Initiative
- SR 89-8: Committee Recommendation: Smoking Policies Committee
- SR 89-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 89-10: Report on relations between Continuing Education and the School of Business and Management Sciences
- SR 89-11: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 89-12: Memorial resolution: David P. Onwood
- SR 89-13: Election of the Presiding Officer of the Senate
- SR 89-14: Memorial resolution: Sylvia E. Bowman
- SR 89-15: Documents under Deliberation in Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 89-16: Memorial resolution: James Spencer Churchill
- SR 89-17: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 89-18: Relations between Continuing Education and the School of Business and Management Sciences
- SR 89-19: General Policy Statements Regarding Associate Faculty Stipends [see SD 89-30]
- SR 89-20: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 89-21: Senators for 1990-91
- SR 89-22: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 89-23: Senate Election Results
- SR 88-1: Slate for election of representative of Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs to serve on the Purdue Intercampus Faculty Council
- SR 88-2: Memorial resolution: John P. Ulmer
- SR 88-3: Memorial resolution: Helen C. Lee
- SR 88-4: Results of the election of the representative of the Purdue University Committee on Institutional Affairs to serve on the Purdue University Intercampus Faculty Council
- SR 88-5: Committee report "for information only"-- Circulation of "matching" course requests
- SR 88-6: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-7: NCA Self-Study Progress Report
- SR 88-8: Slate for 1989-90 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 88-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 88-10: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-11: Memorial Resolution: Horace G. Posey, Jr.
- SR 88-12: Pilot Course U.S. Minorities
- SR 88-13: Nomination and Election of Senators: The Transitional Period, and the Prevalence of the Constitution
- SR 88-14: Slate for the Election of the Presiding Officer of the Senate
- SR 88-15: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-16: Slate for the election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-17: Slate for the election of the PU Campus Appeals Board
- SR 88-18: Results of the elections of the Presiding Officer, the Curriculum Review Subcommittee, and the Graduate Subcommittee
- SR 88-19: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 88-20: Senators for 1989-90
- SR 88-21: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 88-22: Results of the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 88-23: Students' Government Resolution 88/89-17
- SR 87-1: Slate for the election of the Ad-hoc Committee To Review IPFW's Relationships to Indiana University and Purdue University
- SR 87-2: Slate for the election of the International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 87-3: Report from the Steering Committee for Implementation of the Smoking Policies dated 17 July 1987 and Minority Report from Jack Dahl dated 17 July 1987
- SR 87-4: Election results: Ad-hoc Committee To Review IPFW's Relationships to Indiana University and Purdue University
- SR 87-5: Election results: International Studies Program Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 87-6: Fort Wayne and the Concept of the Urban University
- SR 87-7: Memorial resolution: Carl W. Steeg
- SR 87-8: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 87-9: Slate for 1988-89 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 87-10: Report of Work in Progress [by the Faculty Affairs Committee]
- SR 87-11: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 87-12: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 87-13: Budget Emphasis Areas (also a document)
- SR 87-14: Instruction at IPFW: A Response to Concerns about Part-time Faculty
- SR 87-15: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 87-16: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 87-17: Slate for the Election of Campus Appeals Board Members
- SR 87-18: 1988 Budgetary Affairs Subcommittee Recommendations, For Information Only
- SR 87-19: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 87-20: Annual Report (from the NCAA Faculty Representative)
- SR 87-21: Senators for 1988-89
- SR 87-22: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 86-1: Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Structure (election)
- SR 86-2: Memorial resolution: Stephen I. Sallay
- SR 86-3: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 86-4:Your organizational recommendations-AOC
- SR 86-5: Department Chairs' Recommendations on Academic Reorganization
- SR 86-6: A minority report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Structure
- SR 86-7: Slate for 1987-88 Faculty Board of Review (IU)
- SR 86-8: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 86-9: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election (IU)
- SR 86-10: Recent program Approval Activity
- SR 86-11: Administrative Understandings Relative to SD 86-15 (Amendments to IPFW Academic Regulations)
- SR 86-12: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 86-13: Academic Officers Committee (Functions and Responsibilities)
- SR 86-14: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 86-15: Rationale Regarding SD 86-17 (Tobacco Smoke)
- SR 86-16: Revisions in Parking--for information only
- SR 86-17: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 86-18: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 86-19: Senators for 1987-88
- SR 86-20: Election of Alternates to the Campus Appeals Board
- SR 86-21: Results of the April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 86-22: Rationale for SD 86-22: Contingency Planning Policy and Procedures
- SR 86-23: Memorial resolution: Daniel P. Murphy
- SR 86-24: Election of Alternates to the Campus Appeals Board
- SR 85-1: Memorial resolution: Billie DeMont, 1941-1985
- SR 85-2: Guidelines for the Operation of the Office of Continuing Education--Report on the Partial Implementation of Senate Reference No. 83-2 and Senate Document SD 83-9
- SR 85-3:Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 85-4: Robert's on Ex-Officio Members
- SR 85-5: Slate for 1986-87 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 85-6: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 85-7: Memorial Resolution: Carl E. Bickley
- SR 85-8: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 85-9: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 85-10: Slate for Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 85-11: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 85-12: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 85-13: Senators for 1986-87
- SR 85-14: Memorial resolution: Frederick A. Schminke
- SR 85-15: Results of the April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 84-1: Memorial Resolution for John W. Johnson, 1924-1984
- SR 84-2: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees And Subcommittees
- SR 84-3: Room Utilization
- SR 84-4: Revision to Academic Regulations--Purdue University
- SR 84-5: Slate for 1985-86 Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 84-6: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 84-7: Results of the Faculty Board of Review Election
- SR 84-8: Purdue University Transcript Modification--for information only
- SR 84-9: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 84-10: Memorial Resolution for Alfred W. Kettler, Sr., 1892-1985
- SR 84-11: Results of the University Faculty Council Election
- SR 84-12: Results of the Purdue University Speaker of the Faculty Election
- SR 84-13: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 84-14: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 84-15: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 84-16: Promotion and Tenure Document (Consideration Postponed Indefinitely)
- SR 84-17: Senators for 1985-1986
- SR 84-18: Results of the Election of Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 83-1: Slate for Election of Accelerated High School Studies Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 83-2: Committee Report on Continuing Education, "for information only"
- SR 83-3: Ad hoc membership on the Continuing Education Advisory Subcommittee
- SR 83-4: Campus parking (for information only)
- SR 83-5: Memorial Resolution for DeWayne A. Stonebarger, 1923-1983
- SR 83-6: Memorial Resolution for William F. Erbelding, 1927-1983
- SR 83-7: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 83-8: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 83-9: Study Groups
- SR 83-10: Report on the Ad Hoc Steering Committee for the Academic Master Plan
- SR 83-11: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 83-12: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 83-13: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 83-14: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 83-15: Newly Elected Committee Members SR 83-15(b) Budget Preparation Schedule
- SR 82-1: Speaking Privileges (Medical Education/Preventive Dentistry)
- SR 82-2: Honors Convocation
- SR 82-3: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 82-4: Directory of Senate Committees
- SR 82-5: Attendance Record of Senators
- SR 82-6: Documents under Deliberation by Senate Committees and Subcommittees
- SR 82-7: Athletic Eligibility Document for Information
- SR 82-8: Subcommittee Report on Continuing Education
- SR 82-9: Committee Report on Equal Employment Opportunity
- SR 82-10: Reappointment Recommendation
- SR 82-11: Slate for April Senate Committee and Subcommittee Elections
- SR 82-12: Calendar of Status of Legislation
- SR 82-13: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports
- SR 82-14: Attendance Record of Senators
- SR 81-1: Clyde Edwin Burt Memorial Resolution
- SR 81-2: Philip Ray Headings Memorial Resolution
- SR 81-3: Election (Purdue Senators) for Campus Appeals Board and Sabbaticals Committee
- SR 81-4: Resolution by A. Finco to Educational Policy Committee (school cancellation because of weather)
- SR 81-5: AROTC Agreement (with Ball State) (SD 81-22)
- SR 81-6: Donna Worthley, ex-officio participant in Joint Educational Policy Committee
- SR 81-7: Slate for Committee Elections (1982-1983)
- SR 81-8: Election of the Faculty Board of Review (1982-1983)
- SR 81-9: Calendar of Status of Legislation (1981-1982)
- SR 81-10: End-of-the-Year Committee Reports (81-10 A through Q) Mission statement - minutes of 2/8/1982.
Promotion and Tenure Documents
- SD 23-6: Approval of Rubric for Sabbatical Applications
Approved January 8, 2024 - SD 22-7: Approval of Revised Sabbatical Policy
Approved November 21, 2022
(Supersedes SD 06-14) - SD 20-41: Tenure-track Faculty with COVID Extension May Use P&T Criteria Under Which They Were Hired
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 19-27: Criteria of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW for 20-21
Approved April 20, 2020 - SD 19-13: Procedures of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved February 10, 2020
Amended and approved April 14, 2024—SD 23-29 - SD 19-10: Special Abbreviated Procedure for First Year of Senior Lecturer Promotion Process
Amended and approved December 9, 2019 - SD 19-9: Guiding Principles for Promotion of Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved January 13, 2020 - SD 18-15: Guiding Principles of Promotion for Clinical Faculty at PFW
Approved April 8, 2019
(Supersedes SD 17-11)
Amended and approved January 9, 2023—SD 22-13 - SD 14-36: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure and Third Year Review
(Supersedes SD 88-13)
Amended and approved April 27, 2015
Amended and approved March 14, 2016—SD 15-23
Amended and approved March 23, 2020—SD 19-22
Amended and approved April 12, 2021—SD 20-41
Amended and approved April 20, 2023—SD 22-24
Amended and approved April 15, 2024—SD 23-28 - SD 14-35: Guiding principles of promotion and tenure at IPFW
(Amended & Approved, 4/27/2015)
(Supersedes SD 88-25 & SD 94-3) - SD 13-1: Examine Current Promotion and Tenure Documents
(Amended & Approved, 9/9/2013) - SD 06-14: Replacement for SD 88-27 (Document on Sabbatical Leaves)
(Amended & Approved, 4/9/2007)
(Amended & Approved, 5/1/2017 - SD 16-40)
(Amended & Approved, 4/8/2019 - SD 18-16)
(Superseded by SD 22-7) - SD 03-11: Proposed amendment to SD 88-25: Advancement to Senior Instructor
(Amended & Approved, 1/12/2004) - SD 01-13: Proposed amendments to SD 88-25: Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
(Approved, 4/8/2002) - SD 94-3: Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
(Approved, 9/12/1994) (Amended, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-8)
(Superseded by SD 14-35) - SD 91-20: Extension of the Probationary Period for Justifiable Cause [Tenure Stop-Out]
(Amended, 4/10/1995) (SD 94-25)
(Amended & Approved, 4/15/2013) (SD 12-21)
(Amended & Approved, 2/10/2014) (SD 13-16) - SD 90-28: Computer Usage with Regard to Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment Criteria
(Approved, 4/8/1991) - SD 88-27: Sabbatical Leaves
(Amended & Approved, 4/24/1989) (Amended, 4/8/1991)
(Superseded by SD 06-14) - SD 88-25: Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
(Amended & Approved, 3/27/1989)
(Amended, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-6; 95-7)
(Amended, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-13)
(Amended, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-11)
(Amended, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-8)
(Superseded by SD 14-35) - A Commentary on SD 88-25 (3/27/1989)
- SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
(Amended, 12/12/1988)
(Amended & Approved, 1/16-1/23/1989)
(Amended, 11/14/1994 - SD 94-10)
(Amended, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-27)
(Amended, 4/13/1998 - SD 97-22)
(Amended, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-19)
(Amended, 3/18/2002 - SD 01-12)
(Amended, 10/21/2002 - SD 02-2)
(Amended, 4/21/2003 - SD 02-18)
(Amended, 9/8/2003 - SD 03-1)
(Amended, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-10)
(Amended, 11/12/2007 - SD 07-2)
(Amended, 4/14/2008 - SD 07-14)
(Amended, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-8)
(Amended, 4/22/2013 - SD 12-24)
(Superseded by SD 14-36)
- SD 24-9: Approval of Doermer School of Business P&T Document
Approved December 9, 2024 - SD 21-25: School of Education Governance Document (Promotion and Tenure)
Approved March 12, 2022
(Supersedes SD 14-26)
Amended April 24, 2023—SD 22-17 - SD 20-27: College of Sciences Promotion and Tenure Documents
Approved April 12, 2021
Amended April 17, 2023—SD 22-29 - SD 20-26: COLA Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 16-41: Revision of Helmke Library P&T Documents
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-27: DSB P&T Document
Approved April 13, 2017
(Supersedes SD 95-4) - SD 16-23: VPA P&T Document
Approved February 13, 2017
(Supersedes SD 10-18) - SD 16-18: COAS Faculty Governance Document
Approved, December 12, 2016 - SD 14-26: CEPP Policy Handbook revision
Approved, 3/16/2015
Supersedes SD 02-17 - SD 13-5: Library Tenure and Promotion Criteria
Approved, 10/21/2013
Supersedes SD 05-12 - SD 10-18: College of Visual and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Approved, 4/11/2011 (supersedes SD 92-25)
Superseded by SD 16-23 - SD 07-8: Promotion and Tenure Procedures for the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
(Approved, 3/17/2008) (Supersedes SD 99-5) - SD 05-12: Criteria for Promotion and Tenure for Librarians
(Approved, 4/10/2006) (Replacement of SD 90-3)
Superseded by SD 13-5 - SD 03-20: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the College of Health and Human Services
(Approved, 4/12/2004) (Supersedes SD 89-5) - SD 02-17: School of Education Promotion and Tenure Policies
(Amended and Approved, 4/14/2003) (Supersedes SD 88-35)
(Amended, 9/13/2004 – SD 04-3)
(Amended, 9/10/2012 - SD 12-2)
Superseded by SD 14-26 - SD 01-1: Promotion and Tenure Procedures document for the Division of Organization Leadership and Supervision
(Approved, 9/10/2001) - SD 99-5: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
(Approved, 12/13/1999) (Replaced SD 89-12) (Superseded by SD 07-8) - SD 95-4: School of Business and Management Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures Document
(Amended & Approved, 10/9/1995)
(Amended 4/8/1996) (SD 95-15)
(Amended, 10/18/2004) (SD 04-2) - SD 92-25: [Amendment to] The School of Fine and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures (SD 89-7)
(Approved, 4/12/1993) (Supersedes SD 89-7) (Amended, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-1) (Amended, 4/13/1998 - SD 97-21)
Superseded by SD 10-18, 4/11/2011 - SD 90-3: Replacement of SD 88-40, "Criteria for Librarian Promotion and Tenure
(Supersedes SD 88-40) (Approved, 10/8/1990) (Amended and Approved, 2/10/2003)
Superseded by SD 05-12 - SD 89-13: Request for approval of Arts and Sciences Faculty Document 89-1, "Amendment to the Governance Document--Addition of policy on procedures for promotion and tenure
(Approved, 1/15/1990) (Amended, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-6)
(Amended, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-12)
(Amended, 4/19/2004 – SD 03-24)
(Amended, 12/12/2011 - SD 11-10) - SD 89-12: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
(Approved, 11/13/1989)
(Superseded by SD 99-5) - SD 89-5: Division of Health Sciences: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
(Supersedes SD 88-41) (Approved, 9/18/1989) (Superseded by SD 03-20)
(Approved, 4/12/2004) - SD 89-4: Procedures for Librarians' Promotion and Tenure
(Approved, 9/18/1989)
(Amended & Approved, 10/8/1990 (SD 90-4) (Amended & Approved, 3/15/2004 (SD 03-18)
Amended, 4/11/2011 (SD 10-15)
Amended, 2/11/2013 (SD 12-11) - SD 89-2: School of Engineering and Technology: Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures
(Supersedes SD 88-37)
(Amended & Approved, 9/18/1989) (Amended, 10/10/1994 - SD 94-9)
(Amended, 4/10/2006 - SD 05-9)
(Amended, 5/3/2021 - SD 20-47) - SD 88-35: School of Education: Promotion and Tenure Document Procedures
(Procedures) (Recommitted to the School of Education, 4/24/1989) (Amended, 9/18/1989 - SD 89-8) (Superseded by SD 02-17)
- SD 23-6: Approval of Rubric for Sabbatical Applications
Approved January 8, 2024 - SD 22-7: Approval of Revised Sabbatical Policy
Approved November 21, 2022
(Supersedes SD 06-14) - SD 20-41: Tenure-track Faculty with COVID Extension May Use P&T Criteria Under Which They Were Hired
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 19-27: Criteria of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW for 20-21
Approved April 20, 2020 - SD 19-13: Procedures of Promotion for Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved February 10, 2020
Amended and approved April 14, 2024—SD 23-29 - SD 19-10: Special Abbreviated Procedure for First Year of Senior Lecturer Promotion Process
Amended and approved December 9, 2019 - SD 19-9: Guiding Principles for Promotion of Lecturers at PFW
Amended and approved January 13, 2020 - SD 18-15: Guiding Principles of Promotion for Clinical Faculty at PFW
Approved April 8, 2019
(Supersedes SD 17-11)
Amended and approved January 9, 2023—SD 22-13 - SD 14-36: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure and Third Year Review
(Supersedes SD 88-13)
Amended and approved April 27, 2015
Amended and approved March 14, 2016—SD 15-23
Amended and approved March 23, 2020—SD 19-22
Amended and approved April 12, 2021—SD 20-41
Amended and approved April 20, 2023—SD 22-24
Amended and approved April 15, 2024—SD 23-28 - SD 14-35: Guiding principles of promotion and tenure at IPFW
(Amended & Approved, 4/27/2015)
(Supersedes SD 88-25 & SD 94-3) - SD 13-1: Examine Current Promotion and Tenure Documents
(Amended & Approved, 9/9/2013) - SD 06-14: Replacement for SD 88-27 (Document on Sabbatical Leaves)
(Amended & Approved, 4/9/2007)
(Amended & Approved, 5/1/2017 - SD 16-40)
(Amended & Approved, 4/8/2019 - SD 18-16)
(Superseded by SD 22-7) - SD 03-11: Proposed amendment to SD 88-25: Advancement to Senior Instructor
(Amended & Approved, 1/12/2004) - SD 01-13: Proposed amendments to SD 88-25: Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
(Approved, 4/8/2002) - SD 94-3: Promotion and Tenure Guidelines
(Approved, 9/12/1994) (Amended, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-8)
(Superseded by SD 14-35) - SD 91-20: Extension of the Probationary Period for Justifiable Cause [Tenure Stop-Out]
(Amended, 4/10/1995) (SD 94-25)
(Amended & Approved, 4/15/2013) (SD 12-21)
(Amended & Approved, 2/10/2014) (SD 13-16) - SD 90-28: Computer Usage with Regard to Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment Criteria
(Approved, 4/8/1991) - SD 88-27: Sabbatical Leaves
(Amended & Approved, 4/24/1989) (Amended, 4/8/1991)
(Superseded by SD 06-14) - SD 88-25: Criteria for Tenure and Promotion
(Amended & Approved, 3/27/1989)
(Amended, 11/13/1995 - SD 95-6; 95-7)
(Amended, 4/8/2002 - SD 01-13)
(Amended, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-11)
(Amended, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-8)
(Superseded by SD 14-35) - A Commentary on SD 88-25 (3/27/1989)
- SD 88-13: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
(Amended, 12/12/1988)
(Amended & Approved, 1/16-1/23/1989)
(Amended, 11/14/1994 - SD 94-10)
(Amended, 4/10/1995 - SD 94-27)
(Amended, 4/13/1998 - SD 97-22)
(Amended, 4/12/1999 - SD 98-19)
(Amended, 3/18/2002 - SD 01-12)
(Amended, 10/21/2002 - SD 02-2)
(Amended, 4/21/2003 - SD 02-18)
(Amended, 9/8/2003 - SD 03-1)
(Amended, 1/12/2004 - SD 03-10)
(Amended, 11/12/2007 - SD 07-2)
(Amended, 4/14/2008 - SD 07-14)
(Amended, 3/15/2010 - SD 09-8)
(Amended, 4/22/2013 - SD 12-24)
(Superseded by SD 14-36)
- SD 24-9: Approval of Doermer School of Business P&T Document
Approved December 9, 2024 - SD 21-25: School of Education Governance Document (Promotion and Tenure)
Approved March 12, 2022
(Supersedes SD 14-26)
Amended April 24, 2023—SD 22-17 - SD 20-27: College of Sciences Promotion and Tenure Documents
Approved April 12, 2021
Amended April 17, 2023—SD 22-29 - SD 20-26: COLA Promotion and Tenure Procedures
Approved April 12, 2021 - SD 16-41: Revision of Helmke Library P&T Documents
Approved May 1, 2017 - SD 16-27: DSB P&T Document
Approved April 13, 2017
(Supersedes SD 95-4) - SD 16-23: VPA P&T Document
Approved February 13, 2017
(Supersedes SD 10-18) - SD 16-18: COAS Faculty Governance Document
Approved, December 12, 2016 - SD 14-26: CEPP Policy Handbook revision
Approved, 3/16/2015
Supersedes SD 02-17 - SD 13-5: Library Tenure and Promotion Criteria
Approved, 10/21/2013
Supersedes SD 05-12 - SD 10-18: College of Visual and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures
Approved, 4/11/2011 (supersedes SD 92-25)
Superseded by SD 16-23 - SD 07-8: Promotion and Tenure Procedures for the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
(Approved, 3/17/2008) (Supersedes SD 99-5) - SD 05-12: Criteria for Promotion and Tenure for Librarians
(Approved, 4/10/2006) (Replacement of SD 90-3)
Superseded by SD 13-5 - SD 03-20: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the College of Health and Human Services
(Approved, 4/12/2004) (Supersedes SD 89-5) - SD 02-17: School of Education Promotion and Tenure Policies
(Amended and Approved, 4/14/2003) (Supersedes SD 88-35)
(Amended, 9/13/2004 – SD 04-3)
(Amended, 9/10/2012 - SD 12-2)
Superseded by SD 14-26 - SD 01-1: Promotion and Tenure Procedures document for the Division of Organization Leadership and Supervision
(Approved, 9/10/2001) - SD 99-5: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
(Approved, 12/13/1999) (Replaced SD 89-12) (Superseded by SD 07-8) - SD 95-4: School of Business and Management Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures Document
(Amended & Approved, 10/9/1995)
(Amended 4/8/1996) (SD 95-15)
(Amended, 10/18/2004) (SD 04-2) - SD 92-25: [Amendment to] The School of Fine and Performing Arts Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures (SD 89-7)
(Approved, 4/12/1993) (Supersedes SD 89-7) (Amended, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-1) (Amended, 4/13/1998 - SD 97-21)
Superseded by SD 10-18, 4/11/2011 - SD 90-3: Replacement of SD 88-40, "Criteria for Librarian Promotion and Tenure
(Supersedes SD 88-40) (Approved, 10/8/1990) (Amended and Approved, 2/10/2003)
Superseded by SD 05-12 - SD 89-13: Request for approval of Arts and Sciences Faculty Document 89-1, "Amendment to the Governance Document--Addition of policy on procedures for promotion and tenure
(Approved, 1/15/1990) (Amended, 9/12/1994 - SD 94-6)
(Amended, 3/16/1998 - SD 97-12)
(Amended, 4/19/2004 – SD 03-24)
(Amended, 12/12/2011 - SD 11-10) - SD 89-12: Promotion and Tenure Procedures of the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs
(Approved, 11/13/1989)
(Superseded by SD 99-5) - SD 89-5: Division of Health Sciences: Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
(Supersedes SD 88-41) (Approved, 9/18/1989) (Superseded by SD 03-20)
(Approved, 4/12/2004) - SD 89-4: Procedures for Librarians' Promotion and Tenure
(Approved, 9/18/1989)
(Amended & Approved, 10/8/1990 (SD 90-4) (Amended & Approved, 3/15/2004 (SD 03-18)
Amended, 4/11/2011 (SD 10-15)
Amended, 2/11/2013 (SD 12-11) - SD 89-2: School of Engineering and Technology: Promotion and Tenure Committee Procedures
(Supersedes SD 88-37)
(Amended & Approved, 9/18/1989) (Amended, 10/10/1994 - SD 94-9)
(Amended, 4/10/2006 - SD 05-9)
(Amended, 5/3/2021 - SD 20-47) - SD 88-35: School of Education: Promotion and Tenure Document Procedures
(Procedures) (Recommitted to the School of Education, 4/24/1989) (Amended, 9/18/1989 - SD 89-8) (Superseded by SD 02-17)